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Parish Ministry Fair Presented by Pat Swoope and Charlie Grobusky of St. Anne Parish Rock Hill, SC.

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Presentation on theme: "Parish Ministry Fair Presented by Pat Swoope and Charlie Grobusky of St. Anne Parish Rock Hill, SC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parish Ministry Fair Presented by Pat Swoope and Charlie Grobusky of St. Anne Parish Rock Hill, SC

2 Ministry Fair –Overview Introduction Ministry Fair and Parish Strategic Plan Purpose of Ministry Fair Mechanics of Ministry Fair Follow-up

3 Introduction Welcome to how to run a successful Ministry Fair What are your expectations? Where are you in planning a Ministry Fair? What is the role of a Ministry Fair in your Parish?

4 Parish Strategic Plan St. Anne’s Stewardship Strategic Plan Measure our success as a Stewardship Committee Develop a Ministry Fair Plan as part of overall Stewardship Strategy

5 Purpose of a Ministry Fair To encourage broader volunteer support Raise the level of generosity of parishioners To foster a parish environment of community and challenging parishioners to discern talents they can share with God Help ministries recruit new members and to highlight their mission Develop a greater sense of how they can improve their ministry

6 Mechanics of a Ministry Fair Forming a Ministry Fair Committee Select a Chairperson and determine what sub committees are needed Set Date, time and location Set a theme-make it a fun event Set a timeline to prep and promote event Get Pastoral Support and Input Be clear what is expected from each ministry that participates

7 Sub Committees Food/Refreshments Entertainment Decorations/Theme Games/Activities Set-up/Clean-up Ministry Involvement/Materials needed Stewardship Testimonies Communications

8 Follow-up Time, Talent and Treasure Appeal Pledge weekend collection of Time, Talent and Treasure Surveys Follow-up with those who signed up to volunteer with a Thank You letter Evaluate results Make a list of what worked and what didn’t work for future use.

9 Review/Questions Review expectations mentioned at the beginning of the session Brainstorm Participant ideas/comments Handouts/Sample Communications Questions

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