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AASHE Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA O ctober 14, 2012.

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1 AASHE Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA O ctober 14, 2012

2 TODAY’S AGENDA  KCTCS Overview  KCTCS Sustainability Initiative  KCTCS Beyond the Numbers: Diversity Action Plan  Action Planning Process  Lessons Learned/Next Steps

3 KCTCS PROFILE Fall 2011  Created in 1997  16 colleges; 68 campuses  KY’s largest provider of postsecondary education  600 Academic Programs  108,302 credit-seeking students  92 percent of students receive financial aid, totaling $242 million  ~10,000 Full & Part Time Employees

4 KCTCS ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Board of Regents 16 College Presidents/CEOs System President

5 KCTCS MISSION The mission of KCTCS is to improve the employability and quality of life of Kentucky citizens as the primary provider of:  College and Workforce Readiness.  Transfer Education.  Workforce Education and Training.

6 KCTCS VALUES  Responsiveness to students, employers, and communities  Access with innovative and flexible delivery  Trust, respect, and open communication  Continuous improvement  Inclusion, multiculturalism, and engagement

7 2010-16 KCTCS STRATEGIC GOALS  Advance Excellence and Innovation in Teaching, Learning and Service.  Cultivate Diversity, Multiculturalism and Inclusion.  Increase Student Access, Transfer and Success.  Enhance the Economic and Workforce Development of the Commonwealth.  Expand the Recognition and Value of KCTCS.

8 KCTCS GREEN+ SUSTAINABILITY AIM Demonstrate responsible stewardship and facilitate cultural change to: Enhance the well-being of people and KCTCS in a socially equitable manner Focus on being Green Plus by balancing the social, environmental, and economic criteria of the sustainability triple bottom line Obtain sustainable communities inside, across, and outside of KCTCS

9 KCTCS GREEN+ SUSTAINABILITY OBJECTIVES Facilitate cultural change to balance the social, environmental, and economic criteria of the sustainability triple bottom line across KCTCS Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of KCTCS Protect Kentucky’s natural resources and environment Embrace and practice social justice across KCTCS

10 KCTCS CHANGE MODEL  Active, visible executive sponsorship.  Frequent and open communications.  Utilization of a structured change management approach.

11 “Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights.” ~Pauline R. Kezer

12 KCTCS DIVERSITY PHILOSOPHY  Creating a culture of inclusion & engagement  Utilize organizational development approach  Appreciative inquiry/Facilitation  Capacity Building  Collaboration  Data-driven  Infuse diversity throughout all functions of the organization


14 KCTCS BOARD RESOLUTION  To cultivate diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusion.  Endorsed KCTCS Beyond the Numbers.  September 16, 2011.

15 BEYOND THE NUMBERS: 2010-2016 KCTCS Diversity Action Plan Framework VISION: KCTCS envisions itself as an inclusive community of learners empowered to express their individual cultures and identities. MISSION STATEMENT: KCTCS strives to unite internal and external stakeholders around the prefaced vision, to drive systemic transformations that lead to working and learning environments that provide our community of learners the skills and experiences necessary for effective participation in an increasingly diverse, global society.

16 DIVERSITY DEFINED:  Means differences or variety.  Describes an inclusive community of people.  Seeks to insure the creation of a safe, supportive and nurturing environment that honors and respects those differences. BEYOND THE NUMBERS: 2010-2016 KCTCS Diversity Action Plan Framework

17 BEYOND THE NUMBERS: 2010-16 Priority Areas  Student Access and Success  Education, Service and Scholarship  Campus Climate  Institutional Leadership & Transformation

18 KCTCS BEYOND THE NUMBERS Plan Components  Systemwide Action Plan  College and System Office Plans  Performance Metrics  Student Access and Success  Workforce Diversity

19 BEYOND THE NUMBERS: Performance Metrics  Student Enrollment  First to Second Year Student Retention  Credentials Earned  Employment of Executives, Administrators & Managers  Employment of Faculty  Employment of Other Professionals  Campus Climate

20 KCTCS DIVERSITY ACTION/RESEARCH PLANNING  Developed and implemented a “plan to plan” ▪ An inclusive engagement process ▪ Utilizes Appreciative Inquiry techniques ▪ Constructed and delivered capacity building ▪ Conducted data review ▪ Created planning framework STRONG EXECUTIVE SPONSORSHIP

21 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT  Board of Regents  President’s Leadership Team  System Office Staff  College Diversity Directors  Community Leaders  College Staff/Faculty  Students

22 APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY Appreciate:, v., 1. Valuing; the act of recognizing the best in people or the world around us; affirming past and present strengths, successes, and potentials… Cooperider & Whitney

23 APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY Eight Principles  Constructionist: Words create worlds  Simultaneity:Inquiry creates change  Poetic:We can choose what we study  Anticipatory: Image inspires action  Positive: Positive questions lead to positive change  Wholeness: Wholeness brings out the best  Enactment: Acting “as if” is self-fulfilling  Free Choice: Free choice liberates power

24 APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY (AI) Five Steps  Definition: Create focus  Discover: Inquire into excellence  Dream: Share stories  Design: Develop shared vision  Delivery: Innovate ways to create

25 AI - DEFINE Diversity as TRANSFORMATION *** Bottom line: Student success

26 AI - DISCOVER Think about the people, programs and processes in place for cultural diversity. Describe what has worked or is working well. What needs to remain “cutting edge” to advance diversity?

27 AI - DREAM In terms of cultural diversity, what would you like to see five years from now? What is happening on campus? What are your highest aspirations? PROVOCATIVE PROPOSITIONS

28 AI - DESIGN  Quantitative Data Review  Planning Framework  Capacity Building  Campus Level Action Planning

29 AI – DESIGN Data Review  Student enrollment  Student retention  Student transfer  Student success (graduation, credentials earned)  Employee/Workforce Diversity  KCTCS Marketing Study - 2005

30 AI - DESIGN Beyond the Numbers: Planning Framework PRIORITY AREAS/OBJECTIVES: PRIORITY AREASRELATED OBJECTIVES Student Access and Success Enroll a Diverse Student Body Retain a Diverse Student Body that Succeeds Education, Service and Scholarship Incorporate Inclusive Teaching Strategies Infuse Diversity Across the Learning Continuum Campus Climate Foster an Open Campus Climate that is Welcoming to All Institutional Leadership and Transformation Demonstrate Leadership to Support Inclusion, Engagement & Equity Recruit, Retain & Promote Diverse Faculty, Staff & Administrators Build Capacity of Our People to Lead Diversity Transformations Institute Diversity Planning & Assessment

31 AI – DESIGN Capacity Building  Diversity Administrators  Leadership Development  Administrative Processes  Appreciative Inquiry Basics  Staff and Faculty Development  Cultural Competence

32 AI – DESIGN Planning Accountability  Shared by 16 colleges and 6 System Office functional areas  Submitted plans to the System Office  Acceptable plans identified:  Framework Priority Areas and Objectives  Specific Action Steps  Budget Needs/Plans  Responsible Person/Contact PLUS Collaborators/Partners  Expected Outcome  Timeline (initiation/deadline)  Accepted plans added to the system level plan and published.

33 AI - DELIVERY  Each college developed, submitted and implemented strategies that :  Reflect vocal, active executive commitment  Produce measurable outcomes  Promote a long term perspective  Encourage collaboration  Facilitate cross-functionality

34 NATIONAL RECOGNITION KCTCS received Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) Kennedy Equity Award. “Intentional strategic planning by system, with college alignment.” --October 2011

35 LESSONS LEARNED  Built relationships  Focused on what worked  Positioned diversity as exciting & engaging  Shared vision of cultural diversity  Promoted cross-functionality/collaboration

36 OPPORTUNITIES FOCUS ON IMPLEMENTATION  Strategic communications  Assessment and reporting

37 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS  Company of Experts  David Cooperider  CoreClarity, Inc.  Taylor Cox, Jr. and Ruby L. Beale  Christopher Anne Easley  Prosci  Daryl G. Smith


39 THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING! NATALIE GIBSON, M.P.A. System Director of Cultural Diversity (859)256-3551 BILLIE HARDIN, M.P.A. System Director of Sustainability (859)256-3272

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