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General Pathology – Seminar 2 Necrosis Atrophy - causes Jaroslava Dušková Inst. Pathol.,1st Med. Faculty, Charles Univ. Prague

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1 General Pathology – Seminar 2 Necrosis Atrophy - causes Jaroslava Dušková Inst. Pathol.,1st Med. Faculty, Charles Univ. Prague

2 Death irreversible damage of the morphological & functional integrity of organism cells

3 Cell Death v apoptosis v necrosis

4 Apoptosis  induced (from outside) or  genetically programmed cell death (cell execution / suicide) v logical and functional contrary to mitosis v a system for the removal of unnecessary, aged, or damaged cells

5 Triggered by a wide range of stimuli. Cell surface receptors like Fas or tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1). Interplay of proapoptotic ( Bax, Bad, Bid, Bik, and Bim) and antiapoptotic (Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL) proteins Apoptosis -1

6 Apoptosis Morphology – chromatin condensation – cell shrinkage – budding and forming of apoptotic bodies (emission of pseudopodia) –karyorrhexis (not pathognomonic for apoptosis)

7 Apoptosis Meaning v physiological process necessary for right organ formatting and life course v pathological process leading to organism damage - e.g. atrophy

8 Apoptosis Ontogenesis intestinal mucose, genit. tract, immune system - T lymphocytes Regeneration of tissues and organs intestinal mucose, blood Physiological involution neonatal adrenal cortex, thymus, breast after lactation period Atrophy preassure, hyperplasia regression, slight ischemia

9 Necrosis cell death caused from external insult

10 Necrosis Biochemistry –no expression of genes de novo –energy dependent membrane systems damaged hypoxia, toxins – changes in concentrations of ions – increased water volume (oncosis) – autolysis

11 Necrosis Morphology – pyknosis, karyorhexis, karyolysis – denaturation of proteins - eosinophilia – cell swelling – cell budding (cytoplasmic protrusions)

12 Necrosis Meaning pathological process leading to a temporary organism damage or death

13 Necrosis Classification according to the tissue macroscopy: – simple – liquefaction – coagulation + special types: caseation, Zenker´s of waxy appearance

14 Necrosis - further development: – no death of organism – gangrene sicca (dry g.) humida (wet g.) emphysematosa (gas g.) – demarcation, sequestration regeneration repair

15 Necrosis - Causes: u chemical –chlorinated hydrocarbons, heavy metal compounds, ethyl- alcohol, aphlatoxins,... u physical –mechanical trauma, UV light, ionizing radiation, heat, cold, …. u biologic –bacteria, viruses, fungi...

16 Atrophy diminution of organ or tissue after full development has been attained ( versus hypoplasia, aplasia) v simple (x hypertrophy) v numerical (x hyperplasia)

17 Atrophy - causes: v vascular v pressure v inactivity v inanition v neurogenic v ionizing radiation v involution v senile v postinflammatory v endocrine v unknown cause

18 Atrophy - meaning: v may be reversible v loss of specialised structures & hypofunction v clinically silent or unimportant (involution) v clinically apparent v metaplasia, increase of the supportive tissues - pseudohypertrophy

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