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Joint Studies A New Way to Earn a Diploma Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005 Melita Kovačević.

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1 Joint Studies A New Way to Earn a Diploma Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005 Melita Kovačević

2 Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005 JOINT CURRICULA AND JOINT DEGREES In order to further strengthen the important European dimensions of higher education and graduate employability, Ministers called upon the higher education sector to increase the development of modules, courses and curricula at all levels with ”European” content, orientation or organisation. This concerns particularly modules, courses and degree curricula offered in partnership by institutions from different countries and leading to a recognized joint degree. (Prague Communiqué, 2001)

3 Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005 JOINT CURRICULA vs. JOINT DEGREES In order to further strengthen the important European dimensions of higher education and graduate employability, Ministers called upon the higher education sector to increase the development of modules, courses and curricula at all levels with ”European” content, orientation or organisation. This concerns particularly modules, courses and degree curricula offered in partnership by institutions from different countries and leading to a recognized joint degree. (Prague Communiqué, 2001)

4 Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005 JOINT DEGREES – definition after study programmes that correspond to all or at least some of the following:  the programs are developed and/or approved by several institutions  students from each institution study part of the program at other participating institution  the students’ stay at the participating institutions are comparable length  periods of study and passed exams are recognised fully and automatically  professors of each participating institution also teach at the other institutions and work on curriculum jointly  after completing the program, the student either obtains the national degree or a degree awarded jointly

5 Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005 cooperation in QA recognition of degrees and qualification transparency and convergence of EHE systems staff and student mobility international employability enhanced attractiveness joint curricula / joint degrees  manifold

6 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb  To learn about “European dimension” in action  Reflect on stand-alone degrees  To help improve inter-university cooperation since Joint programmes require:  transparency and agreement on degree structures  student and professor mobility  joint curriculum development  proper use of ECTS  language policy EUA’s Interest in Joint Programmes: Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005

7 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb Conclusions:  agreed that joint degrees are important instruments for implementing the objectives of the Bologna Process, promoting mobility of students and teachers, employability, quality, the European dimension and the attractiveness of the EHEA  quality assurance is necessary to guarantee international acceptance  mutual trust and co-operation between national QA systems would be essential to avoid problems with recognition of joint degrees The Stockholm Seminar (May, 2002) Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005

8 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb The Stockholm Seminar Common denominators for European joint degrees were proposed, among them the following:  two or more participating institutions in two or more countries  a joint study programme confirmed in a written agreement between the institutions  the requirement of student and staff mobility  linguistic diversity  a European dimension Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005

9 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb Analysis supported the Stockholm conclusions:  Efforts to establish joint degrees are relevant to most objectives of the Bologna Process  Effect of a joint programme may be greater than the sum of its parts when each partner covers the part where it is the most competent  Joint degrees exist in most fields of study  Joint degrees are more common on the second degree level than on the lower level Stockholm Seminar Follow – up : Andrejs Rauhvargers: EUA Survey on Master Degrees and Joint Degrees in Europe (September 2002) Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005

10 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb Stockholm Seminar Follow – up : Andrejs Rauhvargers: EUA Survey on Master Degrees and Joint Degrees in Europe (September 2002) Obstacles  National legislation do not hinder joint programmes, but that legislation in many countries makes it difficult or impossible to award a joint degree  Recognition of joint degrees often is more complicated than recognition of national degrees Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005

11 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb (October 2002) The Steering Committee for Higher Education and Research of the Council of Europe adopted a set of recommendations. Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee encouraged to consider adopting a subsidiary text to the Convention on the Recognition of Joint Degrees, and governments Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005  governments asked to review national legislation to remove obstacles

12 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb (June 2004) Recommendation on the Recognition of Joint Degrees (subsidiary to the Lisbon Recognition Convention) governments should: - review their legislation to remove legal obstacles - introduce legal provisions to facilitate recognition Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005

13 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005 Joint Degrees and Fields of Study

14 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005 Joint Degrees and Fields of Study

15 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005 Joint Degrees and Fields of Study some examples (country / programme):  France 200  Germany 1140 (300 “real” joint degrees)  Poland 10 – 20  Spain 6% of all programmes

16 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb Joint Degree Study – New Possibilities and Chalenges A.Teaching methods B.Teaching areas C.The degree D.Job placement Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005

17 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb A. Teaching Methods Frontal learning combined with:Distance learning setting up a web site videoconferences short study courses lectures of the foreign teachers intensive laboratory stages participation in seminars, workshops and conferences co-tutoring of final thesis Tutoring and co-tutoring of foreign teachers (definition of individual curricula ) Language: English (lessons and thesis) Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005

18 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb Newly developed areas such as: biotechnology new materials earth sciences … Multidisciplinary approach: In 70% of the projects B. Teaching Areas Joint degrees share  teaching staff  equipment Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005

19 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb Joint degree: mutually recognised by the universities (partners in the project) signed by the rectors of the participating universities legislation problems  temporary solution: multiple degrees Final discussion on the thesis: mixed commission with representatives of all the partner universities (in cases, external experts also) Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005 C. The Degree

20 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb contacts between universities and industrial word letters of recommendation with list of publications of the students and of patents organization of short stages in industries agreements for professional training contracts agreements between partner universities for common monitoring of placement of graduates organization of workshops for the dissemination of results of the project and the promotion of the job placement contacts with partner universities for possible post-doc grants curricula of the graduates in the web site of the partner universities Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005 D. Job Placement

21 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb Problems and obstacles diversity on: Legal systems - lack of legislation for the joint degrees - different legislation on doctoral studies Administrative procedures - complexity of bureaucracy in order to make the international agreements mutually compatible Learning structures - difficulties in harmonizing curricula and modules Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005

22 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb Legal Situation and Financial Incentives still many of national legislations do not allow joint degrees possibility of awarding traditional “Double Degrees” Austrian University Act, 2002 – legislation combined with financial incentives grants for student mobility – not sufficient Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005

23 Mei:CogSci: Middle European international master programme in Cognitive Science Tempus meeting, March 16 - 17, 2005, Zagreb comparative evaluation of methodologies inclusion of young researchers in high level international scientific frameworks doctoral studies relevant to the labour market of several European countries creation and adoption of an organization module, from the institutional, logistic and educational point of view, apable to overcome the differences of the individual European countries Third Croatian Seminar on BP Dubrovnik, Juny 30 to July 2, 2005 Positive aspects European Joint Degrees: a hallmark of excellence of the EHEA

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