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Back to the FutureThe Increasing Importance of the States in Setting the Research Agenda Lecture in the Series Defining Values of Research and Technology:

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Presentation on theme: "Back to the FutureThe Increasing Importance of the States in Setting the Research Agenda Lecture in the Series Defining Values of Research and Technology:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to the FutureThe Increasing Importance of the States in Setting the Research Agenda Lecture in the Series Defining Values of Research and Technology: The University's Changing Role Center for Advanced Study University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL April 11, 2001

2 Land Grant Institutions Founding Principles The Universities Were Founded to: –Educate a Broad Workforce and Citizenry –Perform Research to Create More Productive Economy –Provide Services to the Economic Creators Clear Coupling to Economy: –Agriculture –Manufacturing –Embedded in a Liberal Arts Education Morrill Act –Federal Support for State Functions

3 The Land Grant Values are Reflected in the University of Illinois Seal

4 The Critical Role of Federal Funding in Creating the Information Economy Source: Brooks-Sutherland Report (1995)

5 The Critical Role of Federal Funding in Creating the Information Economy Source: Brooks-Sutherland Report (1995)

6 PITAC Findings and Recommendations Federal Funding Has: –Seeded High-Risk Research –Yielded Many Billion-Dollar Industries –Trained Most of Our Leading IT Researchers –Created Ideas Which Freely Flow From Universities and National Labs to Existing and New Companies The United States Must Not Only Continue, but Also Substantially Increase, Long-term Fundamental Information Technology Research Programs in Universities

7 Large Federal Programs Can Make Major Changes in Infrastructure NSF Supercomputer Centers Program –Access to Supercomputers –Large Dataset Archive –NSFnet –Scientific Visualization and Virtual Reality –The Web Browser and Server Software Partnerships in Advanced Computational Infrastructure (PACI) –Access Grid –Superclusters –User Portals –Optical and International Networks –Distributed Terascale Facility

8 Characteristics of PACI Federal Government is Primary Fund Source –Defines the Program, Holds the Competition –Evaluates the Progress State Supports Fed Initiative Thru Cost Sharing –Major Source for Staff Salary –Extra Funds for New Buildings Industrial Partners Leverage Federal Funding: –Proprietary Projects Which Led to New Capabilities –Funds for New Initiatives –Focus on Large Companies Using Information Tech. Community Outreach Created New Organizations –CCnet

9 Private Donors Can Link Public Universities, Industry, and Federal Funds UIUC Beckman Institute –$30M Private Donor –Recurring State Operational Funds –New Building and Facilities –Enhances Federal Funding Opportunities –Active Tech Transfer –Strong Overlap with NCSA/Alliance Biological Intelligence Human-Computer Intelligent Interaction Molecular and Electronic Nanostructures

10 Governor Davis Created New Institutes for Science, Innovation, and Tech Transfer UCSB UCLA The California NanoSystems Institute UCSF UCB The California Institute for Bioengineering, Biotechnology, and Quantitative Biomedical Research UCI UCSD The California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (Proposed-UCB, UCD, UCSC, UCM) UCSC

11 California Institutes Characteristics State Provides Core Funding –Defined the Overall Structure –Allowed UC Campuses to Choose Research Topics –Holds the Competition –Funds for New Buildings and Equipment –Major Source for Staff Salary (proposed) Requirement for 2:1 Cost Sharing –State Seeks Leverage –Increase Competitiveness for Federal Grants –Tight Coupling with Industry

12 UC San Diego and UC Irvine California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology New Funding Model (4 Years) –State $100M –Industry $140M –Private $30 M –Campus $30M –Federal $100-200M (anticipated) –Total $400-500M Institute Directors –Larry Smarr (UCSD), Institute Director –Ron Graham (UCSD), Institute Chief Scientist –Ramesh Rao, UCSD Campus Director –Peter Rentzepis, UCI Campus Director

13 Wireless Access--Anywhere, Anytime Broadband to the Home and Small Businesses Vast Increase in Internet End Points –Embedded Processors –Sensors and Actuators –Information Appliances Highly Parallel Light Waves Through Fiber Emergence of a Distributed Planetary Computer –Storage of Data Everywhere –Scalable Computing Power Beyond Todays Internet

14 Complex Problems Require a New Research and Education Framework 220 UCSD & UCI Faculty Working in Multidisciplinary Teams With Students, Industry, and the Community System Integrated Approach Focus on Intersections

15 The Southern High Tech Coast Is Well Organized for Partnering From Bandwidth Bay to Wireless Valley –70,000 Fiber Strand-Miles Under Downtown SD –Nations Center for Wireless Companies San Diego Telecom Council – –200 Member Companies –SIGs on Optical, Wireless, Satellite, etc. UCSD CONNECT – –UCSD Program in Technology and Entrepreneurship Many Others –BIOCOM –Mayors Science and Technology Commission –UCI Chief Executive Roundtable –…

16 A Broad Partnership Response from the Private Sector Akamai Boeing Broadcom AMCC CAIMIS Compaq Conexant Copper Mountain Emulex Enterprise Partners VC Entropia Ericsson Global Photon IBM IdeaEdge Ventures Intersil Irvine Sensors Leap Wireless Litton Industries MedExpert Merck Microsoft Mission Ventures NCR Newport Corporation Orincon Panoram Technologies Printronix QUALCOMM Quantum R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical RI SAIC SciFrame Seagate Storage Silicon Wave Sony STMicroelectronics Sun Microsystems TeraBurst Networks Texas Instruments UCSD Healthcare The Unwired Fund WebEx Computers Communications Software Sensors Biomedical Startups Venture Firms Large Partners >$10M Over 4 Years

17 Elements of the Cal -(IT) 2 Industrial Partnerships Endowed Chairs for Professors Start-Up Support for Young Faculty Graduate Student Fellowships Research and Academic Professionals Sponsored Research Programs Equipment Donations for Cal-(IT) 2 and Campus Named Laboratories in new Institute Buildings Pro Bono Services and Software

18 The Institute is Built on Existing UCSD/UCI Faculty Strengths Broadband Wireless LOW-POWERED CIRCUITRY ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION COMMUNICATION THEORY COMMUNICATION NETWORKS MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS RF Mixed A/D ASIC Materials Smart Antennas Adaptive Arrays Modulation Channel Coding Multiple Access Compression Architecture Media Access Scheduling End-to-End QoS Hand-Off Changing Environment Protocols Multi-Resolution Center for Wireless Communications Source: UCSD CWC

19 MicroSensors Will Radically Alter the Human-Computer Interface Valveless Microfluidics Mechanical Stress and Acceleration Sensors Micro Optical Assemblies (Lenses and Mirrors) MEMS structures fabricated and tested at the UCI Integrated Nanosystems Research Facility 0.1 mm

20 The Perfect Storm: Convergence of Engineering with BioMed, Physics, & IT 5 nanometers Human Rhinovirus IBM Quantum Corral Iron Atoms on Copper 400x Magnification New Clean Facilities VCSELaser 500x Magnification 2 mm Nanogen MicroArray

21 The UCSD Cal-(IT) 2 Building Preliminary Design New Media Arts Spaces –Research Lab –Visualization Labs –Audiovisual Editing Facilities –Gallery Space –Helping Design Auditorium Occupancy 2004 220,000 Gross SF

22 Cal-(IT) 2 Will Seek to Foster Links Between Art, Technology, & Science UCSD

23 ½ Mile Commodity Internet, Internet2 High-speed WAN (OC48+) Link UCSD and UCI Campus Wireless The UCSD Living Grid Laboratory Fiber, Wireless, Compute, Data, Software SIO SDSC CS Chem Med Eng. / Cal-(IT) 2 Hosp High-speed optical core 8 Gigabit now 80 Gigabit in 18 months 1 Terabit in 36 Months Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC

24 Institute Relies on PACI Infrastructure and Developments 802.11b Wireless Interactive Access to: State of Computer Job Status Application Codes

25 The High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network NSF Funded PI, Hans-Werner Braun, SDSC Co-PI, Frank Vernon, SIO 45mbps Duplex Backbone

26 Wireless Antennas Anchor Network High Speed Backbone Source: Hans-Werner Braun, SDSC

27 The Wireless Internet Adds Bio-Chemical-Physical Sensors to the Grid From Experiments to Wireless Infrastructure Scripps Institution of Oceanography San Diego Supercomputer Center Cal-(IT) 2 Building on Pioneering Work of Hans-Werner Braun & Frank Vernon Source: John Orcutt, SIO

28 The Wireless Internet Will Improve the Safety of Californias 25,000 Bridges New Bay Bridge Tower with Lateral Shear Links Cal-(IT) 2 Will Develop and Install Wireless Sensor Arrays Linked to Crisis Management Control Rooms Source: UCSD Structural Engineering Dept.

29 High Resolution Data Analysis Facility Linked by Optical Networks to PACI TeraGrid Planned for Fall 2001 at SIO Support from SDSC and SDSU Panoram Technologies, SGI, Sun, TeraBurst Networks, Cox Communications, Global Photon Institute Industrial Partners

30 The Institute Will Expand Our Capabilities Using NCSA/Alliance Developments Cluster in a Box Computational Grid Software in a Box Access Grid Software In a Box Display Wall in a Box Source: Dan Reed, NCSA Alliance

31 Can Use of These Technologies Help Us Avoid the Downsides of Prolonged Growth? Add Wireless Sensor Array Build GIS Data Focus on: –Pollution –Water Cycle –Earthquakes –Bridges –Traffic –Policy Work with the Community to Adapt to Growth Huntington Beach Mission Bay San Diego Bay UCSD UCI High Tech Coast

32 Wireless Pad Web Interface The Institute Facilitates Faculty Teams to Compete for Large Federal Grants Deep Web Surface Web Proposal-Form a National Scale Testbed for Federating Multi-scale Brain Databases Using NIH High Field NMR Centers Source: Mark Ellisman, UCSD Duke UCLA Cal Tech Stanford U. Of MN Harvard NCRR Imaging and Computing Resources UCSD Cal-(IT) 2 SDSC

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