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1 Webinar 5 May 2014, 15h UTC Capacity for Regional Development and Economic Integration in Africa in collaboration with.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Webinar 5 May 2014, 15h UTC Capacity for Regional Development and Economic Integration in Africa in collaboration with."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Webinar 5 May 2014, 15h UTC Capacity for Regional Development and Economic Integration in Africa in collaboration with

2 2 Tips for participating in the webinar Participants You should be able to see and hear the moderator and the presenters. Please type questions into the “chat” box; the moderator will collect them and pose them to the presenters. The entire event including text chat will be recorded and archived. Presenters Please mute your audio device when you are not speaking – but remember to turn it on again when you are! Technical difficulties Unfortunately we will not have the capacity to provide technical support during the event. A recording will be placed on the LenCD website after the event and you will be able to leave questions and comments there. The presenters will respond to questions left within one week of the event.

3 3 Agenda 1.Welcome and Introduction 2.Overview and Framing of Topic : Capacity for Regional Development and Economic Integration in Africa 3.Presentation 1 : Regional value chains and productivity enhancements: the cases of rice and cacao in West Africa - Professor William Moseley 4.Presentation 2 : Regional security by observation: assessing regional responses to the Boko Haram crisis - Dr. Olawale Ismail 5.Questions and Answers 6.Participants Survey

4 4 LenCD - Learning Network on Capacity Development Established in 2004, LenCD is an informal and open Learning Network on Capacity Development. LenCD aims to promote and facilitate sharing of lessons and learning on capacity development and promote changes for better CD practice at the global, regional and local levels. Steering Group members: ACBF, EuropeAid (Co-Chairs), IBON & Reality of Aid, Rwanda NCBS, NEPAD, FAO/OEKC, UNDP, WBI, GIZ, BTC, Kenya Centre for Economic Governance, and OECD/DAC (observer). The network has been closely involved in the aid effectiveness debate (Bonn>) Paris, (Cairo>) Accra, (Kigali>) Busan, Mexico.

5 5 Initiative: Capacity Development for Results at sector level (CD4Results) Knowledge exchange across communities of practice on the contribution of capacity development to improved sector performance.. Webinar Series: “Get organized – Get traction – Get results” Sustainable results at sector level are a function of "How" they are approached, including: On one hand, the importance of continued learning from applying concepts and methodology ("get organized"); and on the other, the essential role of process facilitation, of leadership and change agents to effectively integrate within mainstream development processes ("get traction"). Weaknesses in one or the other can seriously undermine the credibility and effectiveness of sector development. Both are inseparable and any approach to boost performance needs to combine them in order to achieve sustainable results ("get results").

6 6 Disclaimer Individual webinars are organized and hosted by LenCD partners. LenCD does not endorse any specific views expressed by presenters but facilitates that knowledge get around. Knowledge items from these webinars are featured with other lessons in the LenCD resource pages at

7 7 Agenda 1.Welcome and Introduction 2.Overview and Framing of Topic : Capacity for Regional Development and Economic Integration in Africa 3.Presentation 1 : Regional value chains and productivity enhancements: the cases of rice and cacao in West Africa - Professor William Moseley: 4.Presentation 2 : Regional security by observation: assessing regional responses to the Boko Haram crisis - Dr. Olawale Ismail 5.Questions and Answers 6.Participants Survey

8 8 African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) ACBF has a leading role in capacity development in Africa. The Foundation provides support to strengthen the core public sector and its interface with the private sector and civil society, and to regional initiatives in the areas of training, policy analysis, applied policy research, trade policy development and negotiations as well as policy advocacy. It support for the emergence of institutional frameworks for country ownership and coordination of capacity-building activities and the emergence of knowledge-based economies in Africa. This webinar is being organized under the auspices of ACBF’s Knowledge and Learning Department and AfCoP (an initiative jointly managed by ACBF and the AfDB) African Capacity Building Foundation’s (ACBF)

9 9 African Community of Practice (AfCoP) Communauté Africaine de Pratiques The AfCoP’s goal is to build African MfDR capacity through sharing experiences and development solutions for results, networking and building strong learning relationships with MfDR practitioners in Africa and around the world. The AfCoP online platform plays a key role in organizing knowledge sharing activities. AfCoP’s KM component is managed by the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF). African Community of Practice (AfCoP)

10 10 Webinar Overview and Framing Regional Development encompasses the deliberate attempt by states to create formal mechanisms for dealing with transnational issues. There is strong support for regional development and economic integration in Africa as a strategy for advancing its socio-economic endeavors, but previous attempts have yielded minimal economic benefits. For Africa to realize regional development and economic integration, it has to address past failures (e.g. multiplicity/overlapping membership, reliance on donor funds and lack of commitment among others). This ACBF webinar focuses on the capacity development dynamics impacting this continental agenda. The webinar will: Interrogate the capacity development issues, challenges, opportunities and possibilities for regional development and economic integration in Africa. Examine issues, challenges, opportunities and possibilities facing inter-country (macro) and cross-border (micro) regional development and economic integration. Extract lessons from practice of what is working and what is not in Africa.

11 11 Agenda 1.Welcome and Introduction 2.Overview and Framing of Topic : Capacity for Regional Development and Economic Integration in Africa 3.Presentation 1 : Regional value chains and productivity enhancements: the cases of rice and cacao in West Africa - Professor William Moseley 4.Presentation 2 : Regional security by observation: assessing regional responses to the Boko Haram crisis - Dr. Olawale Ismail 5.Questions and Answers 6.Participants Survey

12 12 Presentation 1: Regional value chains and productivity enhancements Regional value chains and productivity enhancements: the cases of rice and cacao in West Africa Professor William Moseley, Chair of Geography, Director of African Studies, Macalester College, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA Value chains have become a central focus of economic development activities in recent years. While initiatives to facilitate value chain development have occurred largely within the borders of nation states, there is increasing interest in creating value chains that span African boundaries. The presentation explores what kind of policies and capacity building initiatives would be most effective for allowing Africa to better capitalize on cross-border value chain opportunities for economic development and improved livelihoods. The presentation highlights two case studies: the first examining a West African regional rice market; and the second exploring shared cacao processing and chocolate production between Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire.

13 13 Agenda 1.Welcome and Introduction 2.Overview and Framing of Topic : Capacity for Regional Development and Economic Integration in Africa 3.Presentation 1 : Regional value chains and productivity enhancements: the cases of rice and cacao in West Africa - Professor William Moseley: 4.Presentation 2 : Regional security by observation: assessing regional responses to the Boko Haram crisis - Dr. Olawale Ismail 5.Questions and Answers 6.Participants Survey

14 14 Presentation 2: Regional security by observation Regional security by observation: assessing regional responses to the Boko Haram crisis Dr. Olawale Ismail, Head of Research at International Alert and Research Associate/Fellow at the Conflict, Security and Development Group (CSDG), King’s College London. Regional security and conflict management mechanisms dot Africa’s security landscape in ways that suggest they are ‘ritualized’ as ‘canons’ of peace and security. The Boko Haram insurgency in the Chad Basin as an emerging regional security challenge raises critical questions for orthodox regional security institutions in Africa: First is to what extent can the vectors of regional security in Africa – Regional Economic Communities (RECs) – provide or deliver regional security as envisaged in extant policy declarations? Secondly, what are the specific conceptual and policy lessons to be learned in terms of capacity(ies) missing or needed; what works well and less well? Thirdly, what are the impacts of the responses on orthodox regional security systems and mechanisms – are they compatible and interoperable, or represent rival visions of regional security arrangement?

15 15 Agenda 1.Welcome and Introduction 2.Overview and Framing of Topic : Capacity for Regional Development and Economic Integration in Africa 3.Presentation 1 : Regional value chains and productivity enhancements: the cases of rice and cacao in West Africa - Professor William Moseley: 4.Presentation 2 : Regional security by observation: assessing regional responses to the Boko Haram crisis - Dr. Olawale Ismail 5.Questions and Answers 6.Participants Survey

16 16 Agenda 1.Welcome and Introduction 2.Overview and Framing of Topic : Capacity for Regional Development and Economic Integration in Africa 3.Presentation 1 : Regional value chains and productivity enhancements: the cases of rice and cacao in West Africa - Professor William Moseley: 4.Presentation 2 : Regional security by observation: assessing regional responses to the Boko Haram crisis - Dr. Olawale Ismail 5.Questions and Answers 6.Participants Survey

17 17 Participants Survey We would greatly appreciate a few minutes of your time to find out what you thought of today’s webinar and how we can make future webinars better. Please leave comments at:

18 18 Closing Thank you for your participation ! Our next webinar: 21 May 2014 Media’s Role in Strengthening Accountability Media is not always part of the conversation when it comes to the overall development picture. This webinar highlight successful cases where media development projects had lasting impact on government accountability. What are examples of areas where media has helped countries strengthen accountability and effectiveness of development programs?

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