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LPC(O) Executive Board Policy Breakout March 22-24, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "LPC(O) Executive Board Policy Breakout March 22-24, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 LPC(O) Executive Board Policy Breakout March 22-24, 2013

2 Agenda  Summary of Year 1 in Policy Outreach & Engagement Level of Policy Engagement Questionnaire  Moving Forward LPC(O) Policy Report Best Practices Policy Connections

3 Summary of Year 1 in Policy  Outreach & Engagement Policy That Works – Policy 101 (Maryanne Kampouris) Presentation delivered at Summer/Fall Regional meetings Methodology – inclusive/democratic/rational

4 Summary of Year 1 in Policy  Outreach & Engagement Goal: Each EDA in Ontario to hold at least 1 policy event Progress: 44% of EDAs have held a policy activity 20% of EDAs have started scheduling policy activities over the Spring/Summer months. Numbers continue to grow on a weekly basis

5 Summary of Year 1 in Policy  Level of Policy Engagement Questionnaire Final version approved by LPC(O) Policy Committee Nov. 27 th 2012. Distribution/collection occurred Dec.-Feb. 79% response rate (84 EDAs) Special thanks

6 Summary of Year 1 in Policy  Level of Policy Engagement Questionnaire Section 1: Names and Titles Section 2: Multiple Choice & Factors Affecting Section 3: Policy That Works Section 4: Additional Comments

7 Questionnaire: Level of Policy Engagement in your EDA EDA name …………………………………………………… Policy VP …………………………………………………….. President ………………………………………………………. Please underscore answers to the following that best describe your policy activities: Q1: Our EDA submitted policy proposals to the last Regional Policy Convention or since: yes  no  Q2: Our EDA has hosted a policy-based community event: in the last year  l to 2 yrs ago  older  not sure  Q3: Our Policy Committee meets: >5 times a year  3 to 5 times  twice  once  not yet  Q4: Our Policy Committee invites our Liberal members to: most mtgs  at least yearly  not yet  Q5: Our Liberal members are informed on our policy work: >twice a year  yearly  not yet  Q6: Our Board actively discusses policy: at every meeting  at least qtrly  twice/yrly  yrly  seldom  Q7: LPC policy surveys; I always input  I encourage others  I mostly input  sometimes  not yet  Q8: I participated in online policy discussions: In the last 2 mths  3 to 6 mths  over 6 mths ago  not yet  Q9: Factors affecting the above (please elaborate and insert more lines, if necessary): a.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. b.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. c.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. d.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. e.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Q10: Have you seen the “Policy That Works” presentation? Yes  no  Other comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

8 Moving Forward  Policy Report (treatment of questionnaire data) In progress Analysis of Numerical & Narrative data

9 Moving Forward  Policy Report (treatment of questionnaire data) Numerical data:  Totalled and tabulated by region  Analyzing common strengths and weaknesses  Development of tables, graphs, charts that best reflect the data.

10 Moving Forward  Policy Report (treatment of questionnaire data) Narrative data:  Subject to a content analysis  Identifying common factors affecting policy engagement and what kind of best practices will address them  Documenting successful policy activity

11 Moving Forward  Best Practices Pre-existing  EDA Policy Committee Structure  EDA Policy Committee Charter

12 Moving Forward  Best Practices New  Organizing a Town Hall Event  Coffee Shop Social  Google Hangout

13 Moving Forward  Coffee Shop Social Ideal for EDAs experiencing the following a)Limited volunteers b)Limited funding c)Limited funds d)Limited organizing experience e)Learning how to grow a policy committee f)Learning how to engage members/supporters Complete instructions & materials aids

14 Moving Forward  Organizing a Town Hall Ideal for the following EDAs a)Ready to organize larger events b)Interested in procuring a guest speaker(s) c)Interested in promoting a specific policy issue d)Working in cooperation with other EDAs e)Learning how to promote larger events Getting started; scheduling; budgeting a venue; promoting the event; preparations; post event

15 Moving Forward  Google Hangout Ideal for EDAs experiencing the following a)EDA geography is too large for face-to-face meetings b)Strengthening cooperation between multiple EDAs c)Long distance phone calls Features  Free-to-use online tool that is ideal for EDAs trying to increase their lines of communication without incurring expensive costs.  Requires internet access and a Gmail account  Easy to follow instructions

16 Moving Forward  Best Practices In Development  Organizing a Local Petition  Organizing a Policy Survey  Organizing a Non-partisan Town Hall Event

17 Moving Forward  Best Practices Does your EDA have an effective policy practice it would like to share with other EDAs? o o Assistance is available

18 Moving Forward  Policy Process i.Riding Outreach & Engagement ii.Resolutions passed and supported by EDA – presented to regional meetings. iii.Resolutions passed and supported at Regional Meeting – sent to PTA iv.Resolutions to be discussed, debated and voted on at a policy meeting of the PTA; passed, supported and prioritized at said meeting.  This could be part of an executive board or stand alone v.Resolutions passed and supported at PTA Policy Meeting – sent to LPC for consideration at LPC Biennial

19 Thank-YouMerci

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