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1 MOBY DICK Mobility and Differentiated Services in a Future IP Network (Keyaction IV.5.2 Terrestrial Wireless Systems and Networks) Hans Joachim Einsiedler.

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Presentation on theme: "1 MOBY DICK Mobility and Differentiated Services in a Future IP Network (Keyaction IV.5.2 Terrestrial Wireless Systems and Networks) Hans Joachim Einsiedler."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MOBY DICK Mobility and Differentiated Services in a Future IP Network (Keyaction IV.5.2 Terrestrial Wireless Systems and Networks) Hans Joachim Einsiedler T-Nova Deutsche Telekom Innovationsgesellschaft mbH, Berkom Goslarer Ufer 35, D-10589 Berlin, Germany Telephone: +49-30-3497 3518 Fax: +49-30-3497 3519

2 2 MOBY DICK Project Consortium qTelecom Companies: –T-Nova, Berkom (Germany), Co-ordination –Portugal Telecom (Portugal) qManufactures: –Centre de Recherche de Motorola (France) –NEC (United Kingdom/Germany) –Alcatel SEL (Germany) qResearch institute/University –Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Switzerland) –GMD Fokus (Germany) –University Madrid (Spain) –University Stuttgart (Germany) (RUS + IND) –University Cracow (Poland)

3 3 MOBY DICK Objectives of Moby Dick qDevelopment, implementation and test of end-to-end communication components based on the IP next generation (IPv6) qSupport of –seamless vertical and horizontal hand-over mechanisms for and between different networks (e.g. UMTS, WirelessLAN and Ethernet). –QoS mechanisms based on the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) respectively Differentiated Services during times of QoS end-to-end connectivity without interrupts. –AAA mechanisms based on the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) for different kind of access networks. –billing and charging mechanisms for IP QoS connections. qLocal and international trials with ERASMUS exchange students (Students between Madrid/Spain and Stuttgart/Germany).

4 4 MOBY DICK Detailed Workpackage Information (WP1) qWorkpackage 1: Project Framework (Requirements, Applications and System Integration) –Definition and selection of end-user applications. –Definition and selection of: –QoS requirements in access networks and backbone - e.g. Differentiated Services (Layer3) or Multi Protocol Label Switching (Layer2). –Mobility requirements for vertical and horizontal hand-over mechanisms. –AAA and charging architecture for access networks and backbone. –Integration of the workpackages WP2, WP3 and WP4.

5 5 MOBY DICK Detailed Workpackage Information (WP2, WP3 and WP4) qImplementation workpackages: –Workpackage 2: Quality of Service  Design, implementation and local testing. –Workpackage 3: Mobility  Design, implementation and local testing. –Workpackage 4: Authentication, Authorisation, Accounting and Charging  Design, implementation and local testing.  Implementation will be based on an Open Source Platform.

6 6 MOBY DICK Detailed Workpackage Information (WP5 - WP6) qWorkpackage 5: Integration, Validation, Evaluation and Trials –Co-ordination of the tests –WP5.1: first and local implementation tests. –WP5.2: second test with all components in one location. –Co-ordination of the final long distance trial with ERASMUS-exchange students (WP5.3). qWorkpackage 6: Project Management and External Relations –Co-ordination of the project. –Establishing and maintenance of connections and co-operation with other IST project, EURESCOM project and standardisation bodies.

7 7 MOBY DICK Workpackage Structure and Project Time Period

8 8 MOBY DICK Network Structure qAdaptation of network resources. qVertical and horizontal hand-over. qQoS guarantee. qAAA and Charging.

9 9 MOBY DICK Trial Scenario Madrid/Spain or Stuttgart UMTS Ethernet Wireless LAN ERASMUS- exchange student AAA, Policy and Charging Server Home- server Backbone Interface between access network and backbone

10 10 MOBY DICK remote network European IP backbone National/ company/ university research IP network fixed or radio access network mobile terminal Servers / Brokers Detailed Trial Scenario UMTS WirelessLAN Ethernet hand-over

11 11 MOBY DICK Quality of Service W-CDMA 802.11 Ethernet Domain C Domain D Domain A Backbone Backbone: Strategies - Differentiated Services, MPLS, re-routing. Access Part: Quality of Service - Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), Differentiated Services, Integrated Services, Inter-layer signalling, Header compression, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). QoS end - to - end - WP 3 Mobility

12 12 MOBY DICK Mobility W-CDMA 802.11 Ethernet Domain B C D A Backbone Backbone: - Access Part: Mobility Management, IPv6 Interface for Radio Network Controller (RNC), Inter-layer signalling, Resource management.

13 13 MOBY DICK Backbone: - Access Part: AAA Local agent (AAAL), AAA Home agent (AAAH) Charging concept, Authorisation for QoS parameters, Authentication for resource allocation, Charging of resources. Authorisation-Authentication- Accounting-Charging AAAH W-CDMA 802.11 Ethernet Domain C Domain D Domain A Backbone DB AAAL Database (DB) AAAL DB Charging; AAA; WP2 - QoS Resource management WP3 - Mobility

14 14 MOBY DICK qProject’s contract preparation phase is not finished yet (middle of November). qPlanned start early next year (January 2001 or February 2001). qParticipation in standardisation bodies as soon as possible. qParticipation in IST clusters from the beginning. qClose co-operation with other IST projects and Research and Development projects - world-wide. Future/First Steps - Conclusion

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