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Silent letters.

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1 Silent letters

2 What are silent letters?
Silent letters are letters that you can't hear when you say the word,but that are there when you write the word. There are no rules, you just have to learn them. Silent letters can prove a problem to students. It’s important to know what words have silent letters.

3 Silent p pneumonia pseudonym psychiatrist psalm corps coup cupboard
raspberry receipt

4 Silent b debt doubt crumb dumb numb thumb limb plumber tomb lamb climb
bomb comb

5 When is mb pronounced? mb (at end) -s, -ed, -ing, -er silent bombs
bombed bombing bomber m-b separate syllables pronounced bom-bard com-bine crum-ble Dum-bo

6 Silent k knee kneel knelt know knew known knowledge knife knight knot
knit knob knock knickers knuckle knack

7 Silent g gnome gnarl campaign reign foreigner diaphragm sign design

8 When is gn pronounced? gn (at end) -s, -ed, -ing, -er silent signs
signed signing signer g-n separate syllables pronounced sig-nal sig-nature re-sig-na-tion

9 Silent t Christmas soften often fasten listen mortgage mustn't castle
whistle witch watch butcher scratch match catch kitchen chestnut Christmas soften often fasten listen mortgage mustn't

10 Silent t (2) many words of French origin ballet buffet chalet
crochet gourmet valet depot debut 3 consonant sounds at the end of a word = middle 't' is silent acts ducts students

11 Silent d Wednesday handkerchief handsome ma'am = madam edge hedge
badge wedge

12 Silent CH yacht

13 Silent h ghetto ghost heir honor honest what when where why which
while whether white rhythm rhyme Thomas Theresa Oprah Hannah

14 Silent L calf half salve balm calm palm psalm chalk talk walk
could should would colonel folk yolk Lincoln almond salmon

15 Silent m mnemonic

16 Silent n autumn hymn damn solemn column

17 m-n separate syllables pronounced
When is mn pronounced? mn no endings silent autumn hymn solemn damn m-n separate syllables pronounced dam-na-tion au-tum-nal hym-nal so-lem-ni-ty

18 Silent th asthma 3 consonant sounds at the end of a word, middle 'th' is silent clothes months depths lengths

19 Silent w answer sword toward two /wh/ : whole who whom whose
/wr/ : write wrote written writing wrong wrap wrestle wrist wren wreck

20 Silent u guest guess guitar guard building guilty rogue vogue biscuit

21 Silent s aisle island debris Arkansas Illinois

22 GH Words Written "gh" has no sound of its own. It's never pronounced as it's written, ie. /gh/ /g/ : Afghanistan aghast Ghana gherkin ghost ghoul ghetto spaghetti /ɒf/ : cough trough /ɑf/ : laugh draught (draft) /ʌf/ : rough tough enough slough off

23 gh /ʌp/ : hiccough = hiccup
/ɔ/ + silent gh : daughter slaughter fraught ought to haughty naughty past tense verbs : caught taught bought brought fought sought thought

24 gh /aɪt/ + silent gh :bright light night sigh sight high height
/eɪ/ + silent gh : neighbor sleigh weigh weight straight /əʊ/ + silent gh : (al)though dough doughnut (donut) borough (boro) thorough

25 gh /u:/ + silent gh : through /aʊ +silent gh : bough plough (plow)

26 Vowel Reduction unstressed vowel + r = vowel not pronounced
Pr/br aspirin temperature opera laboratory deliberate (adjective only) separate (adjective only)

27 Vowel reduction fr/vr comfortable different every beverage favorable

28 Vowel reduction tr documentary elementary interested interesting

29 Vowel reduction honorable miserable

30 Homophones: same pronunciation different spelling different meaning
air heir ere aisle isle I'll altar alter ant aunt ate eight

31 B balm bomb bare bear base, bass (instrument) beach beech beat beet
beau bow been bin beer bier berry, bury berth birth bedding betting billed build bite byte blew, blue boar bore board bored born borne boro borough burro burrow bough bow boll bowl brake break bread bred bridal bridle buy by bye

32 C cache cash capital capitol cast, caste cell sell cent sent scent
cereal serial cheap cheep check cheque Czech coup coo chews choose choral coral cite sight site close clothes coarse course colonel kernel complement compliment core corps

33 D dam damn dear deer dew do due doe dough done dun ducks ducts

34 E earn urn

35 F fair fare fill Phil find fined for (unstressed) fir fur flea flee
flew flu flue flour flower for fore four forth fourth freeze frees frieze

36 G groan grown

37 H hair hare ... heard herd ... hear here ... heed he'd ... hi high
him hymn higher hire hole whole hoarse horse hour our

38 I it's its

39 J Jim, gym

40 K knight night knit nit knot not know no

41 L lead n. led v lessen lesson liar lyre

42 M meat meet mete mean mien moan mown mode mowed morning mourning

43 N need knead new knew gnu night knight Nome gnome none nun not knot

44 O oar or ore one won

45 P pain pane pear pair pare peace piece peak peek pique per purr
peer pier poor pore principal principle pudding putting

46 R rain reign rap wrap read, reed read, red right rite wright road rode
rose rows rote wrote

47 S sea see seas sees seize c's scene seen sell cell shone shown
shoe shoo sight site cite slay sleigh stair stare stationary stationery steal steel straight strait some, sum son, sun

48 T taught taut their there they're threw through thru throne throne
tie Thai thyme time to too two

49 U u ewe you yew

50 V vale veil vial vile

51 W wail whale wale wait weight war wore ware wear where warn worn
way weigh whey what are you, what do you weal wheel wine whine wrote rote

52 Y you yew ewe u your you're


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