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Published byMarilynn Daniel Modified over 9 years ago
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET EUDET: Status and Perspectives Ingrid-Maria Gregor, DESY The EUDET initiative EUDET activities Joint Research Activities Networking Summary and Outlook
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET EUDET INFN Ferrara INFN Milan INFN Pavia INFN Rome NIKHEF Amsterdam AGH Cracow INPPAS Cracow CSIC Santander Lund University CERN Geneva Geneva University Bristol University UCL London Charles University Prague IPASCR Prague HIP Helsinki LPC Clermont-Ferrand LPSC Grenoble LPHNE Paris Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau LAL Orsay IReS Strasbourg CEA Saclay DESY Bonn University Freiburg University Hamburg University Mannheim University MPI Munich Rostock University Tel Aviv University + 22 associated institutes EUDET Partner Institutes EUDET is an “Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3)” within the EU funded “6 th framework programme” Support improvement of infrastructure for detector R&D with larger prototypes - but not the R&D itself EUDET is not a collaboration Other institutes can contribute and exploit the infrastructure Infrastructure can be re-located
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET 2006 2007 2008 2009 Magnet & Pixel Telescope 18% Management4% Calorimeter 33% 33% Networking 9% TA 2% Tracking 33% 21.5 million EUR total (7.0 million EU contribution) Manpower ≈ 57 FTE total ≈ 17 FTE funded by EU most of the resources for the development of the infrastrutures Duration of 4 years Ramp-up first half 2006 Full swing activities for 2.5 years Last year: phase-out and exploitation of infrastrutures EUDET Budget
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Some ILC Detector Design Criteria Impact parameter resolution Momentum resolution Jet energy resolution Calorimeter granularity Pixel size Material budget, central Material budget, forward Need factor three better than SLD Need factor 10 better than LEP Needs to be better than ZEUS Need factor ~200 better than LHC Need factor ~20 smaller than LHC Need factor ~10 less than LHC Need factor ~1000 less than LHC Requirements for ILC Compare to best performance to date Adapted from M. Demarteau 337 ns x2820 0.2 s 0.95 ms Bunch Train Bunch Spacing
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET JRA1 JRA2 JRA3 I3 projects based on three pilars (mandatory): EUDET Structure
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Test beam Infrastructure JRA1 Provide test beam telescope with: Very high precision: <3 μm precision even at lower energies High readout speed (frame rate >1kHz) Easy to use: well defined/described interface Large range of conditions: cooling, positioning, magnetic field Suitable to different test beam environments: construction & initial tests at DESY (E e- up to 6 GeV) exploitation at CERN, FNAL etc. possible
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET JRA1 Schedule Phase1: “Demonstrator” Phase2: Final telescope First test facility will be available quickly for the groups developing pixels Use established pixel technology with analogue readout and no data reduction Use pixel sensor with fully digital readout, integrated Correlated Double Sampling (CDS), and data sparsification The beam telescope ready at the end of 2008 2006200720082009 now Demonstrator Integration Starts Demonstrator Available Final Telescope Available Magnet @ DESY Magnet available CERN test beam + Large bore magnet
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET (Analogue) Telescope Sensors with (analogue) output ReadOut Boards to carry the sensors Mechanics to position the sensors precisely AUX board Ingredients needed for such a telescope Trigger Logic Unit e-e-e-e- DUT EUDRB
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Board Status 20 sets of boards AUX board as interface to VME board Proximity board housing the sensor (two types) AUX board Proximity board IPHC Strasbourg/DESY AUX board
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Reference Plane Sensors Demonstrator: MimoTel use MimoTel prototype AMS 0.35 OPTO process with 14 and 20μm epitaxial layer 4 sub-arrays (64 × 256 pixel) 30 × 30 μm 2 pitch: active area: 7.7 × 7.7 mm 2 readout : 1.6 ms (4 analog output nodes at 10 MHz) pixel designed to stand >1 MRad at room temperature engineering run was in summer 06 end of October, reception of engineering run Layout of the reticle of the engineering run AMS-035 OPTO 07/2006 on 14 µm (standard) and 20 µm epi substrate From November to end of 2006, two tests in parallel probe station setup preparation for wafer with 14 µm EPI laboratory test for circuits with 20 µm EPI IPHC Strasbourg
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET MimoTel End of 2006 to Jan. 2007, dicing 14 µm EPI wafer Laboratory test for circuits with 14 µm EPI AMS did not respect one of our specifications: high-resistivity poly Biasing DACs out of range No effect on Mimosa18 (High Resolution Tracker) Small modification on the PCB board: MimoTel can be set "near" nominal conditions The dark current on rad-tol diodes (MimoTel) factor of 5 to 10 higher than expected The dark current on non rad-tol diodes (Mimosa18) factor of 5 to 10 lower than expected IPHC Strasbourg General remarks:
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET MimoTel Results MimoTel (20um EPI layer) Response to Fe55 source at 18 o C Noise of 15 electrons in the range of what was expected K line good visible IPHC/DESY Hitmap columns rows
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Readout: EUDET Data Reduction Board Functionality of motherboard on-line calculation of pixel pedestal and noise, cluster finding, ADC remote configuration of the FPGA on-board diagnostics 4 independent signal processing and digitizing stages Implementation One analogue card -> signal processing One digital card -> USB INFN Ferrara EUDRB Operational modes Zero Suppression readout to minimize readout dead time while normal data taking Full Frame readout mode for debugging or off-line pedestal and noise measurements Boards tested and available for first test in beam June 2007 ReadOut EUDRB
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET DAQ Integration Concept How to integrate the DUT hardware with the JRA1 beam telescope? different groups with different detector technologies and different, pre-existing DAQ systems nobody has a large pool of effort to rewrite existing code Use completely different hardware and DAQ for the DUT synchronize only with Trigger, Busy and Reset signals readout software, DAQ and data storage is provided by the DUT user events combined off-line Trigger Logic Unit (TLU) receives trigger and passes it on to telescope and DUT vetoes further triggers (BUSY) records timestamp hardware available file telescope DUT DAQ tel. ctrl intfc DAQ DUT ctrl intfc PC PC file Trigger Logic Unit
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Telescope DAQ HardwareHardwareHardware Writer task telescope‘producer’DUT‘producer’other‘producer’ Monitoring task 1 Monitoring task 2 DAQ buffers Monitoring buffers buffers file DAQ Software is divided into many parallel tasks: several Producer tasks read the hardware one FileWriter task bundles events, writes to file and sends subsets for monitoring There can be several Online - Monitoring tasks one Buffer Monitor task allows to see what is going on a FileReader can re-inject data into the monitoring Status Can have several producers (Dummy, Mimosa, DEPFET, TLU) all running together. Data from all of them combined by FileWriter and written to binary file. This can then be converted to a Root file for easier analysis. First version will be available for test beam in June 2007
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Telescope Mechanics Box 1: fixed position, optical bench for three reference planes Wall to DUT can be removed Box 2: movable in z-direction, optical bench for three reference planes Wall to DUT can be removed Box 3: Gap between 2 and 3, closed by thermal cover DUT positioned on XY-table XY-table: external with “long” mechanical structure to locate the DUT between the reference planes boxes can be placed into magnetic field, not the XY-table (cost reasons) Want to keep a lot of flexibility for different users Box 1 Box 3 (DUT) e-e-e-e- Box 2 xyz x y PI DESY
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Senor Boxes Mechanics design almost completed 3 planes on one main structure Minimal distance between planes: 7mm Maximum level arm:200 mm Material: aluminum DESY
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Telescope Outlook The first version of the EUDET pixel telescope (“demonstrator”) will be available for users later this year Full telescope with digital readout and high resolution available at the end of 2008 You can apply for travel money through the Transnational Access and use the EUDET test beam infrastructure You can apply for test beam time at DESY
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET JRA2: Tracking; TPC 2007: FC construction integrate the efforts of European institutions working on tracking detectors for the ILC improvement of existing infrastructures for tracking detectors, the developments of common prototypes development of novel techniques for SI based tracking detectors Three tasks Large TPC prototype field cage, end plate interface, readout Si TPC readout Timepix chip, diagnostics plane Si tracking Mechanics, cooling, electronics
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Large TPC Prototype a large field cage and prototype readout electronics developed to optimally use the magnet test facility (JRA1) field cage structure which combines light weight with excellent high voltage behaviour and mechanical stiffness readout electronics : a programmable preamplifier – shaper ASIC a digitization system based on a modified ALTRO chip (ALICE) 2007: FC construction field shaping strips developed field shaping system should guarantee field homogeneity of better than 1% throughout the active volume of the chamber
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Timepix in a 3-GEM detector at DESY testbeam 5GeV e - track with -electron(s) in TOT mode in TOF mode in TOF mode Si TPC Readout use a CMOS pixel detector combined with some kind of gas gain grid Upgrade Medipix2 chip to get 3D information: timestamp enables TOT info Timepix has been produced with a good yield and is working -> first testbeam Timepix covered with 4m of amourphous Silicon with a standard Micromegas in He/C4H10 (80/20)
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Silicon Tracking Silicon Tracking support for large sensor R&D enable groups to contribute to the development of long and thin Si- detector components providing common tools needed to test and simulate these sensors under real life conditions highly multiplexed, deep submicron front- end electronics with low power consumption and the possibility for power cycling DSM (130 nm) prototype of the alignment system to work out alignment challenges, the distortions handling calibrations for the overall tracking system
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET JRA3: Infrastructure for Calorimeters improving the existing calorimeter prototype stack development of novel stack instrumentation novel readout systems to be provided at the infrastructure ECAL, HCAL, VFCAL Electronics, DAQ
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET ECAL The ECAL “EUDET module 0” barrel module prototype 0.4t tungsten, 1.8m long 0.4t tungsten, 1.8m long ~1/6 instrumented (12k ch.) One tower for e test beam Embedded electronics 1.5mm gap (PCB + wafer + ASICs Power pulsing Test full scale mechanics, cooling, communication
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET HCAL, VFCAL HCAL Realistic structure Integrated electronics Readout architecture like ECAL Calibration system, test stand VFCAL Sensor test stands Irradiation test beam infrastructure Already used Readout electronics Laser alignment system µm level precision
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Calorimeter Electronics VFCALElectronics Integration is key Digital part next to sensitive analogue FE Power pulsing, stability HaRDROC 64 ch digital HCAL chip Under test SKIROC 36ch ECAL chip At foundry (0.35 AMS) SPIROC 36ch analogue (SiPM) HCAL chip Under design More versions in the pipeline
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET (Calorimeter) DAQ e.g. off-detector receiver: off-the-shelf Scalable DAQ system Commercial hardware where possible Prototype for full detector and useable in test beam
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET EUDET Networking Activity EUDET Annual workshop, MPI Munic, Oct 18-20, 2006 Information exchange Annual workshops (open to everyone) Computing and analysis Grid based computer cluster Common software for test beams and ILC simulations Not EUDET specific; embedded in ILC software & simulation effort, already used Shower simulation Support from Geant4 team Deep sub-micron rad-hard electronics Access through CERN contracts
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Transnational Access Imposed by EU to foster trans-European access to research infrastructure Take advantage of it: apply for travel money! For travel to DESY test beam For travel to use any of the infrastructure created within the EUDET initiative Magnet, beam telescope Field cage, SiTPC, Si tracker Calorimeter structure, readout, test stands Open to any European group EUDET or not
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Conclusion EUDET is an “Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3)” within the EU funded “6 th framework programme” an example of the high recognition of the ILC by the European Union Support improvement of infrastructure for detector R&D with larger prototypes - but not the R&D itself Different Joint Research Activities (JRA) The initiative provides resources which help to proceed towards the next phase of ILC detector R&D Start in 2006: first milestones met, first deliverables delivered EUDET will have a big impact on the Detector R&D for ILC!
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET Backup Slides
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET EUDET EUDET is an “Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3)” within the EU funded “6 th framework programme” an example of the high recognition of the ILC by the European Union Support improvement of infrastructure for detector R&D with larger prototypes - but not the R&D itself Example: TPC field cage for R&D on end plates, calorimeter structure for R&D on novel sensors,… EUDET is not a collaboration Other institutes (EU, non-EU) can contribute and exploit the infrastructure Infrastructure can be re-located EUDET brings some fresh money – but not enough Additional resources required to exploit infrastructure No free lunch: administrative work and timelines
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET JRA1 Test Beam Infrastructure T. Haas DESYJRA2TrackingDetectors J. Timmermans NIKHEFJRA3Calorimeter F. Sefkow DESY Ch. de la Taille LAL Orsay NA2 Detector R&D Network K. Desch Bonn I3Coordinator J. Mnich DESY SteeringCommittee ExternalScientificAdvisoryBoard EU Members from all 3 regions Task leaders have been assigned for the various work packages Annual EUDET meetings and workshops EUDET Management
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET EUDET and R&D collaborations EUDET may be seen as a sort of large virtual “institute” in the overall worldwide ILC detector R&D “collaboration” Provides resources, takes responsibilities Make optimal use and avoid duplication on international scale On sub-detector level, the EUDET activities (JRA’s) are closely coordinated with the R&D collaborations EUDET is a contract between partner institutes and EC with well defined milestones and deliverables Needs some own management structure, meetings Somewhat reduced flexibility Most challenging impact: need to synchronize the timelines
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, EUDET EUDET Activities Detector R&D Network: Information exchange and intensified collaboration Common simulation and analysis framework Validation of simulation Deep submicron radiation- tolerant electronics Test Beam Infrastructure Large bore magnet Pixel beam telescope Tracking Detectors Large TPC prototype Silicon TPC readout Silicon tracking Calorimeter ECAL HCAL Very Forward Calorimeter FE Electronics and Data Acquisition System
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