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Gr 1 2-3 2? 2-3 3 Can use symbolic notation – not assess learn.. Use concrete material 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 counted by ones Zero? numeral, digit,

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Presentation on theme: "Gr 1 2-3 2? 2-3 3 Can use symbolic notation – not assess learn.. Use concrete material 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 counted by ones Zero? numeral, digit,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gr 1 2-3 2? 2-3 3 Can use symbolic notation – not assess learn.. Use concrete material 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 counted by ones Zero? numeral, digit, number? - print words gr1 print number gr2; digit or number not the same (2 digit numbers) – gr 2  Kindergarten: Show me the number (can You make 5) Recognize the number (Which number is 5? (numeral and quantrty) Print the number (print the numeral – Name or symbol for quantity) Learning - Gr3 – relate multiplication of 1 digit numbers … to Real life situations using a variety of tools an strategies … use arrays, write repeated addition strategies multiplication As a combining of Equal groups Size of group (2) number of groups (6) 2 x 6 = 12 (6x2=12) 6 groups of 2

2 Math Task 1 (What Does 12 look like?) 1 Show 4 different solutions (range gr 1 to 6 ) to the problem. 2.Identify the learning goal. Identify the curriculum expectations evident in each solution. 3.Which solution will you have the student share first, second, third, and fourth? Why? 4.Describe the mathematical relationships between the solutions. 8-1/2” 11” + 11” Solution 1Solution 2Solution 3Solution 4 Gr1 Gr2 Gr3 Gr4 expectation(s) expectation(s) Describe mathematical relationships between solutions Strategy title AFTER - Consolidation Math Annotations -Elaborate -Make explicit -Formalize -Make connections

3 Math Task 1 (What Does 12 Look Like? Success Criteria Range of solutions – grades 1 to 6 (only 4 grades necessary) Clear, precise, and detailed mathematics in solutions (expression, equation, labelled diagram, model of representation Grade specific curriculum expectations (code, full details) Labels underneath each strategy, that summarize the mathematical strategy/approach used in the solution to solve the problem Mathematical annotations on solutions to make explicit key mathematical ideas, mathematical terms explained in relation to the solution details – using a different colour Description of the mathematical relationships between the solutions (e.g., between solution 1 and 2, solution 2 and 3, solution 3 and 4, solution 1 and 4, solution 2 and 4) How are the solutions similar? How are they different?

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