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Framework for Operations and Implementation Research in Health

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1 Framework for Operations and Implementation Research in Health

2 Purpose of the Framework
The purpose of this document is to serve as a primary reference for people who plan and carry out operations research (OR) in order to improve the implementation and management of disease control and other health programs The overall approach is that of a framework that helps researchers and program managers identify the steps needed to set a research question and then work through the steps of research design, implementation, management and reporting, ultimately leading to the use of the findings to improve health policies and programs in order to attain the desired impact.

3 Framework Methodology
Review of existing guidelines, handbooks, case studies and grant proposals Site visits to countries that have incorporated OR into an overall proposal for disease control Consultative meeting with experienced people from partners and the field

4 Framework Components Concepts and Background Framework Flow Chart Toolkit and References Annexes

5 Added Value The added value of this document is to produce the analysis of practical OR experiences in the field, and based on the analysis of these evidences to create a one-stop shop document which identifies good practices identifies ‘typical’ (i.e. common) weaknesses provides practically usable step-by-step description of the entire OR process from A to Z, and demonstrates what kind of practical applications (e.g. linking OR to improvement of quality and quantity of services) OR might have


7 Terminology of OR-IR The terminology for such research may vary by setting and sponsor, but the intent of OR and this framework is to learn about management, administrative, cultural, social, behavioral, economic and other factors that either exist as bottlenecks to effective implementation or could be tested to drive insights into new, more effective approaches to programming By its very nature, this research is usually specific to the environment in which the program operates, although there are multi-country research projects that address a problem common to several countries in a region.

8 Scope of Operational Research
Any research producing practically usable knowledge (evidence, findings, information, etc) which can improve program implementation (e.g., effectiveness, efficiency, quality, access, scale-up, sustainability) regardless of the type of research (design, methodology, approach) falls within the boundaries of operational research.

9 OR/IR can accomplish the following:
Identify and solve program problems in a timely manner Help policy-makers and program managers make evidence-based program decisions Improve program quality and performance using scientifically valid methods Help program managers and staff understand how their programs work

10 Examples from the Field
Nicaragua: Examining the Effectiveness of Testing and Treatment Programs for Malaria Zimbabwe: Identifying Gaps in HIV Prevention among Orphans and Young People in Hwange District The Gambia: Testing Effectiveness of ACTs to Treat Malaria Mekong Region: Improving Malaria Control Among Vulnerable Populations Cambodia: Treating Tuberculosis in the Private Sector


12 Phases of the Processes
Planning Implementation Follow Through

13 Flow Chart Components: Planning
Organize the research group and advisory committee Determine issues or problems to study and frame research questions around these Develop a research proposal to answer OR/IR questions Obtain ethical clearance Identify funding sources and obtain support for OR/IR Establish a budget and financial management procedures Plan for capacity building and technical support

14 Flow Chart – Implementation
Monitor project implementation and maintain quality Pre-test all research procedures Establish and maintain data management and quality control Explore together with stakeholders interpretations and recommendations arising from the research findings

15 Flow Chart – Follow Through
Develop a dissemination plan Disseminate results and recommendations Document changes in policy and/or guidelines that resulted from the research Monitor changes in the revised program Consider ways of improving the program that can be tested through further research


17 Case Study: Nicaragua Example
Example of Research Question Study on the acceptation and impact of impregnated mosquito nets in P. falciparum transmission areas Those responsible for the IR/OR work are also responsible for implementing control actions and to a large extent, national policies Need for key competencies for data collection preparation, data cleaning and entry and analysis was not fully appreciated during the planning phase PAHO, WHO and others should play a very proactive role to provide support

18 Toolkits – handbooks, guidelines

19 References, Resources, Examples

20 Annexes

21 List of Annexes Annex A Definitions of Operations and Implementation Research Annex B Examples of Organizations that Fund/Support Operations Research Annex C Literature Review Procedures and Relevant Journals Annex D Sample Consent Forms and Independent Review Board Checklists Annex E Linkage between Researchers and Public Health

22 Conclusion OR-IR provides tools to identify new directions in health programming and to conquer implementation bottlenecks OR-IR strengthens our public health efforts Thank you for attending, and please access and use the OR-IR Framework at –

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