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Published byAriel Anderson Modified over 9 years ago
Chapter 3: Baseband Demodulation/Detection
Idiots, it’s trade-off!! 풍선효과 Bitrate R Bit error PB Bandwidth W Power
Eb/No Bit error PB Bandwidth W Idiots, it’s trade-off!!
White Noise ACS PSD ( Ex ) Thermal noise : 0 ~ 1012 Hz
AWGN ( Additive White Gaussian Noise ) Channel - Infinite Bandwidth : Bandlimited AWGN channel - Pass through a specific channel - If AWGN is correlated with one of a set of orthonormal functions the variance of the correlator output is given by ( Why ? Appendix C )
Three Major Functions of Digital Receiver
Filtering : Reduce unwanted noise and interference - Recover a baseband pulse with the best possible SNR, free of any ISI (Inter-Symbol Interference - Matched filter or Correlator - Equalizing filter for channel – induced ISI Sampling : Get the best signal components Decision : Reduce the probability of error ( Note ) Detection : Decision – making process
Functional Block for Digital Demodulation / Detection Procedure
Vectorial Representation of Signal Waveforms (1)
N-dimensional orthogonal space Dfn : A space characterized by a set of N linearly independent functions , called basis function. Orthogonal and orthonormal functions – , Kronecker delta function – – If , then are called orthonormal functions. Cf)
Vectorial Representation of Signal Waveforms (2)
Any arbitrary function in the space can be expressed as a linear combination of N orthogonal waveforms, such that – M symbols – Compact form – Coefficient form
Vectorial Representation of Signal Waveforms (3)
Observation : – The set of signal waveforms , can be viewed as a set of vectors (Ex.) The task of the receiver is to decide whether has a close “resemblance” to the prototype The analysis of all demodulation of detection schemes involves this concept of distance between a received waveform and a set of possible transmitted waveforms. Refer to Fig. 3.4
Example of Vector Representation
Waveform Energy Eq. (3.13) ~ Eq.(3.17)
Energy of the waveform over a symbol duration Eq. (3.13) ~ Eq.(3.17) If , then Average symbol energy : Average bit energy :
Variance of White Noise
▷ white Gaussian noise process, n(t), with zero mean and two-sided power spectral density, ▷ Noise variance is infinite, filtered AWGN is finite ▷ The output of each correlator, , t=T ▷ mean of
▷ variance of ▷ n(t) is zero-mean process ▷ The autocorrelation function ▷ If n(t) is assumed stationary, then Rn(t,s) is only a function of the time difference,
▷ For a stationary random process, the power spectral density, Gn(f), and the autocorrelation function,Rn( ), form a Fourier transform pair. ▷ Since n(t) is white noise, So, Inverse FT 1
Signal Representation
Transmitted signal : convolution Received signal : Output of receiving filter : Output of sampler at t = T : : Gaussian random variable ( n0 = n(T) ) : Gaussian random variable ( a1 = a1(T) , a2 = a2(T) )
Conditional pdf p ( z/s )
- If s1(t) is transmitted , then - If s2(t) is transmitted , then σo o no Conditional pdf : - : Likelihood function of s1 : Likelihood function of s2 - a1 a2 Fig
Eb / N0 Analog communications : S/N ( or SNR ) figure of merit ( power signal ) Digital communications : Eb/N figure of merit - Eb : bit energy , N0 : one – sided PSD S : signal power Why Eb/N0 is a natural figure of merit ? - Focusing on one symbol , the power ( averaged over all time ) goes to zero . - Hence , power is not a useful way to characterize a digital waveform . - The symbol energy ( power integrated over Ts ) is a more useful parameter for characterizing digital waveforms . - Tb : bit duration[sec] S : signal power[Watt] N : noise power[Watt]
3.2 Detection of Binary Signal in Gaussian noise
Demodulation and Detection The received signal over Gaussian channel
Decision-making criterion
H1 H2 a1 a2 is equal
ln 1 = 0 Minimum error criterion
BER ▷ Error Probability a1 a2
and because of the symmetry of the probability density function BER a1 a2
Complementary error function
Right half of N(0,1) x
Matched Filter ( MF ) ( 1 ) A linear filter designated to provide the maximum SNR at its output for a given transmitted symbol waveform . AWGN Channel , transmitted signal
Matched Filter Linear Filter designed to provide the maximum SNR at its output
s(t) T h(t) T Matched filter일 때, S/N이 최대값이 됨을 증명했다.
Correlator Realization of the MF
At t = T , : Cross – correlation of with ( Observation ) Integration – and – Dump Filter For NRZ Waveform , ( Note ) The correlator output and the matched filter output are the same only at time t = T ( Refer to Fig. 3.7 )
Matched Filter ▷ Correlation Realization of the Matched Filter
MF output When t=T
Equivalence of Matched Filter and Correlator
Probability of Bit Error ( PB ) for Binary Signaling (1)
Cross-correlation coefficient -1<ρ<1 ρ =0 if uncorrelated a1 a2 ( ) Output SNR at time t = T :
Probability of Bit Error ( PB ) for Binary Signaling (2)
for antipodal signaling s2 s1 s2 for orthogonal signaling s1
Comparison of Binary Signaling
At the same bit energy Eb and noise condition No, Compare
Unipolar Signaling (1) Signal – –
Unipolar Signaling (1) Detection Process
Bipolar Signaling (1) Decision t – for binary 1 – for binary 0 A T 2T
Bipolar Signaling (2) Average bit energy : Refer to Fig. 3.14
10-2 10-4 3dB -1 14
35 Signaling Described with Basis Functions (1)
Basis functions orthonormal functions Unipolar Signaling – – –
36 Signaling Described with Basis Functions (2)
Detection process
37 Signaling Described with Basis Functions (3)
Bipolar Signaling – – Detection process
Observations on Binary Signaling
We can see that a 3-dB error performance improvement for bipolar signaling compared with unipolar signaling . Bandpass antipodal signaling ( e.g. , BPSK ) has the same PB performance as baseband antipodal signaling ( e.g. , bipolar pulses ) s1 s2 with MF detection . Bandpass orthogonal signaling ( e.g. , orthogonal FSK ) has the same PB performance as baseband orthogonal signaling ( e.g. , unipolar pulses ) s1 s2
Bandlimited Channel So far , digital communication over on AWGN channel – No bandwidth requirement and/or channel distortion Now , digital communication over a bandlimited baseband channel – Bandwidth constraint and/or channel distortion – Modeled as a linear filter channel with a limited bandwidth – Telephone channels , microwave , satellite etc.
Linear Filter Channel More stringent requirements on the design of modulation signals Preclude the use of rectangular pulses at the modulator output Distort the transmitted signal Cause the intersymbol interference ( ISI ) at the demodulator Frequency responses of channel are distorted , thus non-flat or frequency selective channels . Increase PB Requires channel equalizers to compensate for the distortion caused by the transmitter and the channel .
Our dilemma!! Infinite bandwidth FT f t FT t f Inter-symbol
Infinite duration and non-causal FT t f Inter-symbol interference 양쪽에서 조금씩 타협
Typical Baseband Digital System
System Transfer function : Transmit Channel Receiving Equivalent model with two pulses
3.3 Inter-symbol Interference ( ISI )
ISI : Due to the effects of system filtering , the received pulses can overlap one another. The tail of a pulse can smear into adjacent symbol Interfere with the detection process Degrade the error performance Even in the absence of noise, the effects of filtering and channel-induced distortion lead to ISI.
Ideal Nyquist Filter for Zero ISI (1)
Theoretical Minimum Nyquist BW = – : Symbol rate [ symbols / sec ] Ideal Nyquist pulse : infinite tail find practical one
Ideal Nyquist Filter ( apulse ) for Zero ISI (2)
Observation : (i) Even though has long tails, a tail pass through zero amplitude at t = T when is to be sampled. (ii) If the sample timing is perfect, thee will be no ISI degradation introduced. Nyquist filters are not realizable since they have the infinite filter length. Among the class of Nyquist filters, the most popular ones are the raised cosine and the square root-raised cosine filters.
Pulse shape to Reduce ISI
Nyquist filters provide zero ISI only when the sampling is performed at exactly the correct sampling time. When the tails are large, small timing errors will result in ISI One frequently used transfer function belonging to the Nyquist close ( zero ISI at the sampling points) is called the raised-cosine filter.
Raised – Cosine Filter ( R-C Filter )
Raised – Cosine Filter ( R-C Filter ) (2)
Impulse Response : : Minimum Nyquist Filter : roll-off factor : symbol rate Baseband bandwidth Double-sided bandwidth
double-sideband bandwidth
Baseband and double-sideband bandwidth Local oscillator double-sideband bandwidth Baseband bandwidth
Spectrum of Raised Cosine Pulse
r=0 corresponds to sinc(.) function 1.0 0.5 f (Hz)
Raised Cosine Pulse - Time Domain
Sync fn
Raised Cosine Pulse - Frequency Domain
Implementation of Raised Cosine Pulse
Can be digitally implemented with an FIR filter Analog filters such as Butterworth filters may approximate the tight shape of this spectrum Practical pulses must be truncated in time Truncation leads to sidelobes - even in RC pulses Sometimes a “square-root” raised cosine spectrum is used when identical filters are implemented at transmitter and receiver We will discuss this more for “matched filtering.”
Bandwidth of Raised Cosine Pulses
For PCM system: 2n=L (1 sample = n bits) is a parameter called “roll-off factor” Special cases: r = 0 is just an Sa(.) function r = 1 is the largest possible value r = 0.35 is used in U.S. Digital Cellular (IS-54/136) standard r = 0.22 is used in WCDMA (3G) standard Sampling rate SSB
Raised – Cosine Filter ( R-C Filter ) (3)
(i) When r = 1, the required excess bandwidth is 100% and the tails are quite small. (ii) Bandpass - modulated signals ( chap. 4 ), such as Amplitude-Shift Keying (ASK) and Phase-Shift Keying (PSK), require twice the transmission bandwidth of the equivalent baseband signals. WDSB (iii) The larger the filter roll-off, the shorter will be the pulse tails ( which implies smaller tail amplitudes ).
Raised – Cosine Filter ( R-C Filter ) (4)
large r Small tail’s exhibit less sensitivity to timing error’s and thus make for small degradation due to ISI. (v) The smaller the filter roll-off is, the smaller the excess BW will be. Increase the signaling rate or the number of users that can simultaneously use system. The greater sensitivity to timing errors.
Recall our dilemma!! Infinite bandwidth FT f t r=0 FT t f Inter-symbol
Infinite duration and non-causal r=0 FT t f Inter-symbol interference 양쪽에서 조금씩 타협
Raised Cosine (R-C) Filter ( 2 - ASK , r = 0 )
Roll-off Factor : r = 0 Filter Duration = [-4Ts,4Ts] No. of Oversampling = 8 [8 samples/Ts] Large ISI Output of Matched Filter [1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,1,-1,1,-1]
Raised Cosine Filter ( 2 - ASK , r = 0.5 )
Roll-off Factor : r = 0.5 Filter Duration = [-4Ts,4Ts] No. of Oversampling = 8 Output of Matched Filter [1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,1,-1,1,-1]
Raised Cosine Filter ( 2 - ASK , r = 1 )
Roll-off Factor : r = 1.0 Filter Duration = [-4Ts,4Ts] No. of Oversampling = 8 Small ISI
3.3.2 Two types of Error-performance Degradation
Without ISI – theoretical practical With ISI – More may not help the ISI problem. – Equalization will help.
Example of Bandwidth Requirements (1)
Example (a) Find minimum required bandwidth for 4-ary PAM baseband modulation (R = 2400 bps , r = 1) Find minimum required bandwidth for 4-ary PAM bandpass modulation ( Answer ) (a) M = 4 k = 2 bits symbol rate (b)
Example of Bandwidth Requirements (2)
Ex 3.4) Digital Telephone Circuits ( PCM Waveform ) – 3 kHz analog voice 8 bit ADC fs = 8kHz – Bit rate : R = 8000 8 bits = 64 kHz – For ideal Nyquist Filtering , Note) Binary signaling with a PCM waveform requires at least eight times the BW required for the analog channel . needs speech codec, 10kbps (analog BW : guard-band + 3 kHz = 4 kHz )
3.3.3 Demodulation/Detection of shaped pulse
Conventional : filter-out unwanted spectrum Matched : maximize energy at the sample points T. Optimal under AWGN Sample point Nyquist pulse with ISI * = t t t 2T T Sample point No ISI = * t t t T
3.3.3 Demodulation/Detection of shaped pulse
Nyquist waveform observation The square-root raised cosine filter non zero ISI transmitter output not exact original samples MF(matched filter) output zero ISI at the sample points. [ ] [ ] Channel correlator transmitter output Matched filter output
Eye Pattern Oscilloscope display for the received signal
on the vertical input with the horizontal sweep rate 1/Ts The optimum sampling time corresponds to the maximum eye opening , yielding the greatest protection against noise . If there were no filtering in the system , then the system response would yield ideal rectangular DA : Measure of distortion caused by ISI JT : Measure of the timing jitter MN : Measure of noise margin ST : Sensitivity-to timing error pulse shapes . ( no filtering BW corresponding to the transmission of the data pulse is infinite ) As the eye closes , ISI is increasing ; as the eye opens , ISI is decreasing .
Practical Eye Pattern for ASK (or PAM)
Type of Eye Pattern
Eye Pattern ( 4 – ASK ) with Roll-off Factor
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