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ACCOUNTING 352 Intermediate Accounting III Instructor vProfessor Heidemarie Lundblad vOffice: BB 3203

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Presentation on theme: "ACCOUNTING 352 Intermediate Accounting III Instructor vProfessor Heidemarie Lundblad vOffice: BB 3203"— Presentation transcript:

1 ACCOUNTING 352 Intermediate Accounting III Instructor vProfessor Heidemarie Lundblad vOffice: BB 3203 Email: Web Page: Office Phone: 818-677-2437 –Office Hours: T 18:00 to 18:45; after class as needed in BB 1133; and by appointment. –Email/Moodle “office hours”: M: 8-9 pm (or next morning early!).

2  ACCOUNTING 352 Intermediate Accounting III  OBJECTIVE: Reinforce skills introduced in 350, 351, 351com  Research accounting issues.  Think critically about accounting alternatives  Apply insight gained to practical problems  Master conceptual and technical aspects of GAAP.  Practice problem solving skills.  Structured  Unstructured  Practice communication skills.

3  Methods of Instruction  Active Learning  Preparedness is key  E.g., Double entry journals  Moodle quizzes  Approaches in class  Students present homework  Brief lecture followed by teams working related problem  Discussion of news topics, quizzes, etc.  Note that I will call on students using a random number system!  Warning: This class is very time intensive!! Expect to spend about 12 hours out of class preparing each week.

4  Materials  Spiceland, Sepe, Nelson Intermediate Accounting, 7 th edition.  Financial Accounting Research System (FARS) (FARS)  Web page: v Text and materials

5 Grading v Three Exams 400 v Moodle quizzes 50 v 2 cases 80 v Participation: includes Moodle 70 v Total points 600

6 The Web PageThe Web Page: v Gateway to all course related materials v Extensive content: –Course outline, class schedule, assignments –Examples, solutions, readings v Current information v Links to related and required sites v Moodle

7 Moodle –Quizzes –Calendar –News –Discussion

8 Double Entry Journals v Purpose: –Help you focus on important topics –Provide opportunity to write Prepare for lecture

9 double entry journal bonds v Content Questions Homework assignments v Format v Usage Usage

10 Moodle Discussion v Post questions related to the accounting topic v Answer questions asked by someone related to accounting topics v Interact with class mates

11 Important Department Policy Reminder You must earn a grade of “C” or higher in each upper division business and accounting course to graduate with a BS in Accountancy. If you earn less than a “C”, you will be permitted to repeat the course only once and only if/when a seat becomes available. There is no guarantee that a student will be able to repeat a class in the semester desired. State and local fire codes prevent classes from exceeding room capacity. Students must have an assigned seat with desk space (i.e., students will not be permitted to sit on the floor or in an empty chair in order to repeat a course.)

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