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Your basic guide to our Catholic Bible Our Bible By Carley Dawson 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Your basic guide to our Catholic Bible Our Bible By Carley Dawson 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your basic guide to our Catholic Bible Our Bible By Carley Dawson 2009

2 “All things desirable to men are contained in the bible” Abraham Lincoln

3 The bible comes from the GREEK word BIBLION meaning roll or book

4 Languages Original bible languages are Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic

5 Aramaic is the language of Palestine and the language spoken by Jesus. It is present in the Old and New Testament

6 Some important Bible Terms B.C.E- before common era C.E- Common Era B.C- Before Christ A.D- Anno Domini “Year of the Lord”

7 Bits of important info….. The Bible has great problem solving advice Contains very important stories used by three major monotheistic religions: Christians, Jewish and Muslim God choose people to write the scriptures. He inspired their writings

8 Bible Facts

9 Total number of books 66

10 Books in the Old Testament.. 39

11 Books in the New Testament.. 27

12 Approx. number of authors. 40

13 Period the Bible Was written over.. 1500

14 Called the Old Testament 1400- 400 BCE Written on leather of papyrus Had to be hand copied Written in Hebrew or Aramaic Deals with God’s chosen people and their relationship Links to the blood line of Jesus Has laws, history and prophecies Hebrew Scriptures



17 50- 90 CE Deals with the life death and resurrection of Jesus The Messiah or anointed one Tells of the First Churches in Greece, Italy and Asia Minor Often written as letters (Epistles) to Churches New Testament

18 Bible has poems, prophecies, history, songs, biographies & maps GOSPEL: means Good News which is the life, death and resurrection of Jesus

19 There are different translations and interpretations for the Bible *King James * Gutenberg * New American Standard

20 The Bible is broken into two parts: Hebrew Scriptures and New Testament The Hebrew scriptures tells the story of God’s chosen people The New testament deals with the life, death and resurrection of Jesus The Least you need to know….

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