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Comments by children indicate that the following are key strengths at the school……. Superb grounds / facilities / playtimes – The playtrail, play areas,

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Presentation on theme: "Comments by children indicate that the following are key strengths at the school……. Superb grounds / facilities / playtimes – The playtrail, play areas,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Comments by children indicate that the following are key strengths at the school……. Superb grounds / facilities / playtimes – The playtrail, play areas, it’s great that we can bring in own toys, we love our solar powered train, our pond and pond dipping, our classrooms are clean and tidy – we have good equipment. I like it that we have 3 breaktimes. We love our toy shed with toy shed monitors and toys we can play with. The field is massive! Quiet garden. Lots of shady places to stay cool. Our bug hotel. We love our new minibus. Fantastic staff – Lovely teachers, teachers are good at this school because they are caring. Teachers are good because they are strict when they need to be. Teachers explain things well and help you if you get stuck. The teaching is amazing. We learn a lot at our school. Learning – School trips are great; interesting people visit, assemblies, maths, new tablets are great to use, I like the new way we learn spellings. I like our interactive whiteboards, they help us to learn. This school is good because we learn a lot. Lessons are fun. We’re interested in learning.

3 Continued……… Behaviour is good – People share, people are kind. Our school is friendly, our friends are kind to us. We help others. Everyone cares for others. School Dinners - Free dinners, Lovely lunch every day Sports Day – We had a lovely Sports Day. We like entering competitions. Safety – The school is a safe place in which to learn. Extra Curricular / Clubs - choir; our after school club and breakfast club are brilliant. We love playing with football in afterschool club, productions, ‘We have amazing teachers’ ‘I like this school and I love learning’ ‘I absolutely love this school and I would love to stay here and never leave!’

4 Children came up with lots of ideas but based on the majority of responses, children would like to see the following things to improve our school further……. Outdoor Learning – We need more balls outside, more play leaders to organise games, a swimming pool, extend the playtrail, new football goals, a tree house, astro turf, more toys in the toyshed and repaint it, a higher metal fence on the lower playground so that balls don’t go over, use the pond more, a scooter park, a skate park, a basketball area, pets in school. Minibus – We need another minibus Cloakrooms – make more space in the cloakrooms for changing and get some lockers Toilets – better boys and girls toilets Sport – We need to get better at sport when doing competitions – train people up. Have more clubs e.g. rugby club.

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