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Research and Resources W RITING C ENVER S EMINARY. EDU.

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Presentation on theme: "Research and Resources W RITING C ENVER S EMINARY. EDU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research and Resources W RITING C ENTER @D ENVER S EMINARY. EDU

2  Sources you will be asked to use: Bible commentaries, Bible dictionaries, Bible encyclopedias, academic journal articles, single-author and multi-author/multi- essay works, Bible versions/translations.  READ THE SYLLABUS and Paper/Essay Instructions carefully.  For each written assignment determine what the professor is looking for and what resources are suggested and/or required as part of your research and sources. You have chosen your paper topic. Now what?

3 Paper/Essay Requirements  Follow the professor’s guidelines and requirements in the same order and the same format presented, with all of the research and resource categories required.  Example: If within your paper you are to discuss a Bible passage’s historical background, literary context, and ministry application, then cover all 3 that order.  Example: If within your paper you are to discuss a Bible passage’s historical background, literary context, and ministry application, then cover all 3 that order.  Example: If your resources must include at least 2 commentaries, 2 (current) journal articles, and 1 Bible encyclopedia, then include at least all of these sources.

4 Research Tips  Become aware of what your professors have written (articles, essays in multi-author works, commentaries) and of their areas of specialization and expertise. Quote them!  Give the research project that time it takes. There is a reason your professor gives timelines for research (e.g. over 6 weeks), in order for you to let your thoughts and opinions develop.

5 Research Tips  Appreciate the nuances of Scripture, and the different interpretations of a word or phrase, even within a single verse.  Be willing to adjust your opinions based on your research.  You can hold on to your viewpoint as long as you find examples of other reputable scholars to back you up.

6  Keep your research focused only on your paper topic, your Scripture verse/passage, and your thesis statement(s).  There are thousands of articles and many filtering options to narrow your focus. There is no excuse for using too broad or overly ‘generic’ essays or articles that go ‘off topic’.  There are thousands of articles and many filtering options to narrow your focus. There is no excuse for using too broad or overly ‘generic’ essays or articles that go ‘off topic’.  Don’t use sources that you have found that are of interest to you but do not cover the Bible passage or theological issue you are addressing in your paper. If they don’t relate, don’t try to force a relationship. Research Tips

7  Current Scholarship: Look for current articles (written in the last 1-5 years, or fairly recent in last 5 to 20 years)  Past Scholarship: Consider older articles (possibly research past articles referenced within your current articles)  Stay Scholarly:  Use journals that are reputable sources of research in their field.  Avoid ‘magazines’ for lay audiences Research Tips

8  Study Bible: Start with a study bible (e.g. NIV Study Bible) for general comments/notes and direction (but don’t plan on citing it in your paper)  Bible Study websites: NOTE: In most cases, Bible websites (e.g.,, do not contain citable scholarship for graduate research. Use mainly/only to copy/paste verses.  Websites – Blogs NOTE: Do not assume these sources are legitimate sources for a research paper. In most cases, they will not be appropriate. Research Tips

9  Smart use of your Smartphone or iPhone: If you find an useful page in a book in the library stacks or in a commentary in the library References section, take a screenshot of the page and email it to yourself. DON’T FORGET to take a photo of the copyright page and other bibliographic info you will need for citations.  Library Photocopiers and Email: Use the photocopiers to email copies directly to yourself, rather than making paper hardcopies. Again...DON’T FORGET to take a photo of the copyright page and other bibliographic info you will need for citations. Research Tips

10  Collect Bibliographic Info as you go: Keep a separate document of all your bibliographic information for quick reference while researching and writing. This could include copy/pastes of permalinks from EBSCO searches, or screen-shots of seminary library search results screens, or smartphone pics.  Once you know...Footnote as you go: As soon as you know you will be using a resource, create a sample footnote and Bibliography entry for use in your paper. Get the citations and formatting done before the night before! Research Citation

11 DENVER JOURNAL: Bibliographies

12 Use the asterisk as your guide!

13 Commentaries  Hard-bound volumes in the Seminary’s library Reference section (although some are available in the stacks)  A Commentary series usually has a General Editor of all the commentaries/volumes within the series.  Most series have a separate scholar/author for the commentary on each book of the Bible.  Commentaries are organized by chapters and verses within each book of the Bible.  Commentaries provide a translation (by verse or by passage), then comments on meaning or significance (e.g. theological, literary), setting (historical), application.

14 Commentaries  Read the series Introductions to determine the general interpretive stance of the series. This could be a theological stance (e.g. denomination), a cultural perspective or worldview, or a ministry focus (e.g. missions).  Use commentaries of differing emphases and of different viewpoints. For ex.: the NIV Application Commentary series is evangelical and focused on applying Scripture to modern day life. Compare the Anchor Bible Series: not evangelical and very diverse theologically.

15 OT/NT Commentaries Some descriptions provided by Dr. Hess on commentary series:  NIV Application Commentary: evangelical and focused on applying Scripture to modern day life.  Anchor Bible Series: not evangelical and very diverse theologically.  World Bible Commentary: middle-of-the-road of evangelical and non-evangelical (e.g. Fuller Seminary school of thought), comments on form and structure of text (what is the text doing here?)

16 OT/NT Commentaries Some descriptions provided by Dr. Hess on commentary series:  New International Commentary (NICOT, NICNT): First American/ evangelical commentary, Isaiah one of the first, Deuteronomy one of the best.  New Century: British authors, not evangelical necessarily, New English and NRSV used for translations.  Expositor’s Bible Commentaries (Zondervan): Evangelical, straightforward, but not expansive (Genesis- Numbers in one volume).  New American Bible Commentaries: Southern Baptist, conservative.

17 OT Commentaries  Old Testament Library: Not evangelical, but exegetical (verse-by-verse) and theological, literary analysis. Several volumes on Exodus, Exodus by Childs is best one on Exodus and groundbreaking at the time. Reflection and interpretation, then history of interpretation beyond OT (how used in the NT, how used in synagogues, how understood by reformation (e.g. Calvinists) and post-reformation).  Tyndale Old Testament: First evangelical series ever produced, all authors from Great Britain (Joshua written by Dr. Hess while living in GB for 11 years)  Jewish Publication Society: Includes a new translation for Jews (reformed Jewish), Torah only, includes entire Hebrew text, reads from back to front as Hebrew Bible, commentary appears around the text.

18 Classic PAC


20 Click on either of these links to continue into the Classic PAC.

21 Select the category first, then the search option and then fill in your search term Keyword Search

22 Select the category and enter the search term into the text box. Browse Search

23 Put your search term into the text box and then select, from the drop-down box to the right, the category. You can also use the Boolean operators to select AND, OR, NOT. Advanced Search

24 Click on any of these links to conduct a browse search Label Display Here you can view current information about each item

25 Enter a word or phrase in here and then click ‘Go’ to search LS2 PAC. LS2 PAC

26 Titles and Details Use the Facets to further Refine your search. Titles refer to items in the Library. EBSCO contains Records from online databases. Newly acquired books in the library. Click on the title to go into the details view.

27 Logging On After clicking on the Log On button you will be prompted with this display. This option requires your library barcode and PIN. (Phone number without area code or hyphen ) This option requires a username and password that was created using the ‘Create an EZ Log On’ button

28 LS2 PAC Advanced Search Tutorial:

29 Click on this tab to continue into the list of Databases Databases Tab


31 EBSCO  Academic Search Premier  ATLAReligion with ATLASerials  New Testament Abstracts  Old Testament Abstracts  Philosopher’s Index  PsycARTICLES and PsycINFO  Christian Periodical Index Remote User ID: s3440758 Password: hosts

32 EBSCO: Choose Databases

33 EBSCO Search Screen

34 EBSCO Search

35 EBSCO Search cont.

36 - Permalink or Bookmark your customized search - “Cite” to copy/paste bibliographic info but use format as a guideline only

37 EBSCOhost Advanced Search Tutorial:

38 EBSCOhostMobile EBSCOhost Mobile can be accessed from your Smartphone at: Remote User ID: s3440758 Password: hosts What is the direct URL to use for my EBSCOhost Mobile profile? thtype=ip,uid&profile=densem77 EBSCOhost Mobile

39 39 BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY SOCIETY Online Archive: Scholarly resources: ecumenical, evangelical, Jewish, atheist Publishers of the Biblical Archaeology Review: or Denver Seminary subscription: Username: Arch4Den Password: 4DenSem



42 Prepared by Jacki Soister February 20, 2013 Updated by Jana Matthews August 27, 2014 © Denver Seminary, Littleton, CO, 2013 J ANA M ATTHEWS W RITING C ENTER @D ENVER S EMINARY. EDU J ANA M ATTHEWS W RITING C ENTER @D ENVER S EMINARY. EDU Research and Resources

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