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BIBLE – ONE BOOK All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

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Presentation on theme: "BIBLE – ONE BOOK All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."— Presentation transcript:


2 BIBLE – ONE BOOK All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16

3 BIBLE – ONE BOOK Written by 40 men over 1500 plus years. One theme. One true Author. Old written for our learning. Romans 15:4 New written for our obedience. Old is the New concealed. 1 Peter 1:10-11 New is the Old revealed. Ephesians 3:5

4 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Beginning  Genesis 1:1, 26  Over 6000 years ago

5 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Sin  Genesis 3:1 – 5

6 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Promises *  Genesis 3:15  Job 1:6-8  Revelation 12:5-10

7 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Murder  Genesis 4:1 – 15

8 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Great Wickedness  Genesis 6:1 – 5

9 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Flood  Genesis 7 – 8  At least 1650 plus years have passed

10 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Rainbow Covenant  Genesis 9:8 – 17  2 Peter 3:5-6

11 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Languages  Genesis 11:1 – 9

12 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Promises to Abram *  Genesis 12:1 – 3  Land  Great Nation  Families of the Earth Blessed *  About 1950 - 1775 B.C.  Abram & Sarai “help” God

13 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Circumcision Covenant  Genesis 17:24 – 27  Abram and Sarai’s names changed  God then reaffirms His promise of a son through Sarah (90 years old)  Circumcision seals promise

14 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Sarah and Isaac  Genesis 21:1 – 3  Isaac circumcised at 8 days old

15 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Offering of Isaac  Genesis 22:1–18  Hebrews 11:17-19

16 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Promises to Isaac *  Genesis 26:1–5  Seed – As the stars of heaven  Land  All the Nations of the Earth Blessed

17 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Jacob gets Esau’s blessing  Genesis 27:1–30

18 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Promises to Jacob (Israel) *  Genesis 28:13-14  Land  Seed – like the dust of the earth  Families of the Earth Blessed

19 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Jacob has 12 sons and 1 daughter  Genesis 35:16 – 29

20 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Joseph sold and ends up in Egypt  Genesis 37 – 40  Sin of jealousy

21 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Joseph is made second to Pharaoh  Genesis 41  After being imprisoned and forgotten by the chief butler  With God’s help to interpret Pharaoh’s dream

22 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Joseph’s brothers go to Egypt for food  Genesis 42 – 45  Joseph realizes that God had sent him ahead

23 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Israel and his family move to Egypt  Genesis 46–48

24 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Jacob (Israel) blesses his sons  Genesis 49:1 – 27

25 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Special promise given to Judah  Genesis 49:9 – 12  Lawgiver  Shiloh  To Him the obedience of the people  On a donkey’s colt  Garments washed in the blood of grapes

26 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  The Israelites increase greatly in number in Egypt  Exodus 1  Exodus 12:37  600,000 men plus women & children

27 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  The new Pharaoh enslaves them  Exodus 1

28 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Moses is born, becomes Pharaoh’s son, then flees Egypt  Exodus 2 – 3  Hebrews 11:23  About 1565 to 1525 B.C.

29 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  He is called by God to lead them out of Egypt  Exodus 4  About 1445 B.C.

30 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  The 10 Plagues  Exodus 5 – 11  Romans 9:17  Pharaoh raised up for that very purpose

31 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Passover celebrated  Exodus 12  1 Corinthians 5:7  Unleavened bread  No leaven allowed  Lamb killed & blood put on the doorpost  Christ – our Passover

32 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Israel’s release  Exodus 13 – 14  1 Corinthians 10:1 - 4  Rock that followed was Christ  Israel saved by water  Pharaoh & army killed by water

33 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Law given through Moses  Exodus 20 – Leviticus  Galatians 3:17  430 years after promise to Abram

34 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  They get to Canaan, send in spies, but then refuse to take the land  Numbers 13 – 14  Lack of faith - Sin

35 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Moses tells about a coming Prophet everyone should hear *  Deuteronomy 18:15 – 19  Hebrews 1:1-3  From among the Jews  Speaking for God  Nonbelievers will answer to God

36 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  They wander in the wilderness for forty years  Numbers 14:20 – Deuteronomy 33  One year for every day they spent spying out the land  All 20 and older will die except Joshua and Caleb

37 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Moses dies before entering  Deuteronomy 34  Because of sin  He is allowed to look over into Canaan

38 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Joshua leads them in and takes most of Canaan  Joshua 1-24  They do not take all the land because of agreements and other issues with the people of Canaan

39 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Judges rule by God’s orders  Judges 1 - 21  Next 300 years  Some good  Some evil

40 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Saul is appointed king, then David is appointed king  1 & 2 Samuel  The people wanted a king  About 1043 - 971 B.C.

41 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Promises made to David *  2 Samuel 7:12 – 16  Acts 2:29-30  His throne forever  Out of his seed a kingdom established

42 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Solomon is appointed king & builds a temple for God  1 Kings 6

43 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Rehoboam is appointed king  1 Kings 12  About 931 B.C.  He makes bad decisions  Jeroboam gets all the northern tribes to follow him - Samaria  Judah & Benjamin form the southern kingdom - Judah

44 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  The northern tribes are taken into Assyrian captivity  2 Kings 17:6  About 722 B.C.  Assyria fails to capture Judah through God’s intervention

45 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  The southern tribes (Judah) are taken into Babylonian captivity  2 Kings 25  Started about 605 B.C., completed in about 586 B.C.

46 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  The Persians release them  Books of Ezra & Nehemiah  Starting about 539 B.C. and completed about 444 B.C.  All Israel is released  Most do not return

47 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Prophets speak to Israel & other nations  From about 835 to 432 B.C.  Warnings from God  Future promises from God

48 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  They tell about the coming Messiah, the Christ *  Isaiah 5 - the Branch  Isaiah 9 - a Child, a Son is given, called- Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace  Isaiah 53 – His death for our sins (740 BC)

49 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Christ is conceived through Mary, a virgin, by the Holy Spirit *  Matthew 1  Luke 1-2

50 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  He is the Word, God in the flesh *  John 1:1, 14

51 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  He survives the onslaught of Herod  Matthew 2:16 - 18

52 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  He is about His Father’s business at the age of twelve  Luke 2:41 – 52  The teachers are astonished at Him

53 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  At about the age of 30, He selects 12 disciples and starts His earthly ministry  Luke 3:23

54 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  He lives a perfect life, keeping the law completely, without sin  Hebrews 4:14 - 16

55 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  After teaching for about 3 to 3 ½ years, the Jews through jealousy and envy take Him before the Romans where He is beaten, spat upon, mocked and then crucified  Matthew 26 & 27

56 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  God loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son for our sins  John 3:16

57 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  This plan was in the mind of God before time began. He taught us about a new commandment. A commandment, although given from the beginning, now had the perfect example of love to go with it  Titus 1:2  John 13:34, 35  1 John 1:8 – 11

58 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Christ left us with a new testament, a new law  Hebrews 8:7 – 13  Hebrews 9:16 - 17

59 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Love demands we obey His commandments if we love Him.  John 14:15  Love will cause us to obey. Love will prompt us to “Love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls and minds and will prompt us to love our neighbor as ourselves.”  Matthew 22:37 - 39

60 BIBLE – ONE BOOK  Knowing how much God and Christ love us, will you show your love now and obey Him?


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