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A Curriculum for Excellence Nursery Information Evening February 2010 L Lamb.

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Presentation on theme: "A Curriculum for Excellence Nursery Information Evening February 2010 L Lamb."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Curriculum for Excellence Nursery Information Evening February 2010 L Lamb

2 3- 5 Curriculum 5 – 14 Curriculum 3 - 18 Curriculum for Excellence

3 The curriculum at a glance

4 LevelStage Early The pre-school years and P1, or later for some. First To the end of P4, but earlier or later for some. Second To the end of P7, but earlier or later for some. Third and Fourth S1 to S3, but earlier for some. The fourth level broadly equates to Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework level 4. The fourth level experiences and outcomes are intended to provide possibilities for choice and young people's programmes will not include all of the fourth level outcomes. Senior phase S4 to S6, and college or other means of study. 3 – 18 Levels and Stages

5 Health and wellbeing Languages Mathematics Expressive arts Religious and moral education Sciences Social studies Technologies Areas of the Curriculum

6 Building on Previous LearningAction for specific children  All children who attended regularly last term have settled well and are usually aware of nursery routine and rules.  Some children are aware that new children are starting and may need some peer support to settle in the nursery environment.  Some children aware of Scottish ‘New Year’ celebrations and traditions.  Children have been using matching games for letter/sound recognition.  Support new children in separating from parent and to gradually increase length of time attending per session as appropriate.  Support returning children who may feel unsettled after the holidays or who may need reminding of some of the nursery routine and rules. Key Activities and Staff Involvement  Group snack to remind/establish routine and ‘familiarisation’ with group/keyworker.  PM -Together/group time to encourage returners to share their knowledge of the nursery environment; new starts to share knowledge about themselves. – peer support.  Encourage children to talk about their holidays, Christmas, relatives etc. – illustrate - keyworkers to scribe  Reminder to children by staff responsible for each area of rules regarding sharing, taking toys out, tidying etc Re establish tidy up routine.  Reintroduce tooth brushing after snack. PM and new starts to be introduced to this activity.  Library to recommence Thursday 7 th Jan. Main Learning and Teaching Expectations – 3-5 Curriculum Links to Pupil Profile ESPD – 1,2,3,5,6 E&A – 1 C&L – 7,11,13,15 K&U –ESPD 1,4,14,16,17 EA – 1 CLLT – 10 CLW – 1,4 CLR – 1,3 CfE H&W- 2,5,7,31 L&E – 4,11,9,12 EA-2,3 T – 4,10 RME - 7 **Evaluation/ Development Points – see over

7 The curriculum at a glance LTScotland

8 Learners at the centre Move from what we teach to how we learn Experiences and outcomes to support the development of the PURPOSE of the curriculum 3 – 18 Which is:- THE FOUR CAPACITIES To enable every child to become Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible Citizens Effective Contributors Main Principles

9 Recognising Wider Achievement What are ‘achievements’? Progress in new or challenging things Sustained or improved performance Overcoming perceived difficulties or personal barriers Reaching a personal target or goal ‘ Skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work’ Achievement should be as valued as qualificationsAchievement should be as valued as qualifications

10 LTScotland

11 Nursery Approach More basic Stars Star of the week – certificate YOU Shared info, shared learning

12 Their future in their handsTheir future in their hands Child of today is the adult of tomorrowChild of today is the adult of tomorrow Our future is in their handsOur future is in their hands Citizens of 21 centuryCitizens of 21 century Partnership to achieve hisPartnership to achieve his Conclusion

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