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MS Project Luc Appelmans
Agenda Introduction What is involved in Project management
User Interface Creating a new project Tracking a project Sharing Resources Consolidation of projects Final Recap Exercise 4/22/2017
Agenda Introduction What is involved in Project management
User Interface Creating a new project Tracking a project Sharing Resources Consolidation of projects Final Recap Exercise 4/22/2017
Project management factors
Set of one-off activities Deliverable Timescale Resources Budget Business Objectives Cost/benefit analysis Phased Approach Progress Reporting Project management People management Clear and agreed Scope Management of expectations Risk management Experience Project planning and administration 4/22/2017
Project Triangle Time Cost Scope Milestones Tracking Resources
Assignments Tracking Deliverable Phases Tasks Tracking 4/22/2017
Tasks: SMART Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timed 4/22/2017
Agenda Introduction What is involved in Project management
User Interface Creating a new project Tracking a project Sharing Resources Consolidation of projects Final Recap Exercise 4/22/2017
MS Project User Interface
Let’s check out the MS Project User Interface Open MS Project Make sure the toolbars are well placed Activate the View Bar Open the file: 01 Short Film Project 15a.mpp Tips: Magic button: “Go To Selected Task” Button with no name (Right Click) Zoom with Ctrl + Mouse wheel 4/22/2017
Agenda Introduction What is involved in Project management
User Interface Creating a new project Tracking a project Sharing Resources Consolidation of projects Final Recap Exercise 4/22/2017
The exercise An office needs to be completely modified and refreshed
Therefore: The office needs to move to another place The construction works need to be executed When terminated the office is moved back The example is kept simple on purpose 4/22/2017
Exercise 1 Create a new project Please code following tasks: Tips:
Decision taking Packing Transport Empty Offices Demolition interior partitions Installation new interior partitions Ceiling Renovated Offices Ordering of wall paper/paint/carpet New lighting New sockets Ordering of furniture Painting Placing wall paper Carpeting Refreshed Offices Unpacking Offices ready to use Tips: Use the Insert and Delete keys Use the Right Click 4/22/2017
Exercise 2 Define January 1, 2009 as the start date of the project
Project / Project Information... Jan 1 and Jan 2 are non-working days Tools / Change Working Time... The company is not working the Friday afternoon 4/22/2017
Exercise 2 (2) Code the task durations: Decision taking Packing 1,5d
Transport 0,5d Empty Offices Demolition interior partitions 2d Installation new interior partitions 3d Ceiling Renovated Offices Ordering of wall paper/paint/carpet New lighting New sockets Ordering of furniture Painting Placing wall paper 1d Carpeting Refreshed Offices Unpacking Offices ready to use 4/22/2017
Exercise 2 (3) Please regroup the tasks in following summary tasks:
The decision taking is not part of a summary task Moving out Construction works Improvement works Moving in 4/22/2017
Types of links FS FF SS SF S P Default: finish to start S P
Finish to finish S P SS Start to start S P SF Start to finish Overlap / lag are possible 4/22/2017
How creating links 4 Possibilities to create links:
1st method: Click on the ID of the primary task Ctrl + Click on the ID of the secondary task Click on the “link tasks” icon 2nd method: Enter the ID of the primary task in the “Predecessor” column of the secondary task 3rd method: Enter the primary task via the Task Detail form of the secondary task (Predecessors Tab) 4th method: Drag the primary task over the secondary task Other Tip: You can change the type of link when double clicking on the link line 4/22/2017
Exercise 3 The links between the tasks are:
The moving out can only start after the decision taking The demolition of interior partitions starts when the offices are empty The installation of new interior partitions can only occur when the old partitions are demolished The ceiling can only be done when the new interior partitions are placed The order of wall paper/paint/carpet is launched at the same time as the ceiling is starting The new lighting must wait that the ceiling is terminated The new sockets cannot be placed before the new lighting was completed The painting and the ordering of furniture must wait until the new sockets were placed The wall paper is placed after the painting was done The carpet works can start when the wall paper was placed The moving in can only be done when the offices are refreshed All other logical links 4/22/2017
Exercise 4 Perform the following:
The decision taking takes 2 hours BUT it remains a milestone! Insert a recurrent task within this summary task. The meetings will be daily and will last for 15 minutes during the construction works. The new sockets can be installed 0,5 days earlier. The carpeting must finish no later than the 4th of February. 4/22/2017
Resources Once a plan was made you still need to identify who will perform these tasks These are the Resources, one can have different types of resources: People Machines Consumables (not really a resource but added for cost calculations) Resources might not be available at all times Resources have a cost 4/22/2017
Exercise 5 Go to the Resources Sheet Add following resources:
Director, Department Responsible, A (part-time 50%) secretary, We have 4 employees in the department, A team of 3 movers with a truck and an elevator 2 plasterers 2 electricians. 3 carpet installers who will place the carpets. 2 painters who will use the ordered paint. They work ¾ of the time. Paint used by the painters. Make sure the initials are unique 4/22/2017
Exercise 6 Complete following information regarding the resources:
Each mover is paid 100€ per hour, the truck costs 120€ when used, the elevator 100€ when used; everything is paid at arrival The plasterers are paid 80€/h prorated based on the work performed The electricians are paid 85€/h prorated based on the work performed The carpet installers are paid 75€/h once the work was terminated The painters are paid 70€/h at the end of their work. They will use the ordered paint which costs 40€ per unit (e.g. 5L pot). Assign each resource to a group: Internal, External, Equipment, Material Check out the calendars!! 4/22/2017
Formula DURATION x UNITS = WORK Examples :
One week (duration) = 40 hours A person at 100 % (units) = 100 % The total work (work) = 40 hours A week (duration) = 40 hours Two persons at 100 % (units) = 200 % The total work (work) = 80 hours 4/22/2017
Effort Driven scheduling
MS Project seem to react differently when Adding for the first time resources or modifying assigned resources!! 1st time ADDING Resources: The system calculates the Work Modifying assigned Resources: The work is kept and the duration is adapted By default the “Effort Driven” flag is activated! 4/22/2017
How to Assign Resources
4 Possibilities to assign resources: 1st method (not appropriate for multiple resources): Click on a task Click on the Assign resource button Enter the assignment percentage in opened window 2nd method (most appropriate): Menu: Window – Split Select required resources and enter units Click on OK 3rd method (for assigning same resources to multiple tasks): Double Click on Task to obtain Task Information view Select Resources Tab Select Resources and Units then click on OK 4th method (useful for copying same assignments): Use Resource Names column 4/22/2017
Exercise 7 The resources are assigned as follows:
The decision needs to be taken by the director and the department responsible. All department people will spent 1/4th of their time with packing their files and other personal things, except the secretary who will work 50% of his / her available time to this task. The director is not doing any packing. All the rest will be packed and transported by the movers The meetings will be attended by the department responsible and the plasterers, the work is performed by the plasterers. The Improvement works will be done by the correspondent specialists; the orders will be placed by the secretary. The painters will use 15 units/pots of paint. The moving in happens the same way as the moving out. 4/22/2017
Changing the Gantt chart
Fast changing the look of the Gantt chart can be done via the Gantt Chart Wizard You can adapt each object on the Gantt chart. Right Click on the screen and select Bar Styles 4/22/2017
Exercise 8 Change the Gantt chart to make sure it only shows the resources initials Add the project summary task (Tools/Options/View tab) View the « Gantt Chart Wizard » (Format) Execute a print preview Look at the options for improving the print layout, use the print preview 4/22/2017
Exercise 9 Let’s look at the Resource usage
Activate the view: Resource Usage Do a Split (Windows) Visualize the Gantt in the 2nd half of the screen Click Hide Subtasks after selecting the resource name column Position on the Plasterers and click on « Go to selected tasks » Add the “Overallocation” info on the screen at the right Do what? Increase the number of plasterers Diminish the Work but keep the same duration Keep the work and increase the duration Let’s increase the units of plasterers to 220% Double click on Plasterers in the Resource Usage J2 4/22/2017
Exercise 9 (2) Let’s look at the Resource usage
Position on the Electricians and click on « Go to selected tasks » Do what? Suppose that increasing the number of electricians is not possible Diminish the Work but keep the same duration Keep the work and increase the duration Click on the task “New sockets” and click on Assignment information (or double click) Change the units from 200% to 100% for this task The duration of the task increases, but the option exists to decrease the work. (click on the icon ) Please reduce the work! J2 4/22/2017
Exercise 9 (3) J2 Open project Move08
We will ask MS Project to eliminate the capacity problems Check the end of the project date and time (before the leveling calculation) Now re-check the end of the project (date & time). It is a good adjustment, which is not always the case! J2 4/22/2017
Presenting the plan When the plan is completed it needs to be presented and hopefully approved Some possibilities are: Easy copy/paste of the Gantt chart Analysis toolbar 4/22/2017
Agenda Introduction What is involved in Project management
User Interface Creating a new project Tracking a project Sharing Resources Consolidation of projects Final Recap Exercise 4/22/2017
Exercise 10 We need to keep the APPROVED PLAN:
The Baseline = The Reference (approved) Plan!! Creation of the baseline: You can use Move09b as starting point Tools / Tracking / Save Baseline The views: Tracking Gantt More Views / Task Sheet + View / Table / Variance 4/22/2017
Exercise 11 There are several ways to track the project:
Tools / Tracking / Update Project; Date = 8 January 2009 This updates the project up till that date. It supposes that the work was performed as planned. Very approximate approach. Gantt Chart + View / Table / Work Move the column “%W.Comp.” after Work; code: 100% for Demolition interior partitions 20% for “Installation of new interior partitions” Now pull the completion line to include the Tuesday (see Tracking Toolbar) 100% for daily meetings 3 , 4 and 5 The completion is entered at the task level. The completed work is automatically calculated for all resources. 4/22/2017
Exercise 12 There are several ways to track the project:
Enter the work performed Move the column “Actual” after the column “Work” Enter 48h as “Actual” for the task “New interior partitions” Enter 56h as “Actual” for the task “Ceiling” (see what is happening to Work!!) Use Tracking Toolbar to indicate the tasks Daily Meetings 6 through 10 are completed The actuals are still entered at the task level!! Check the Tracking Gantt How do we need to obtain 100% for the summary task “Construction Works”? 4/22/2017
Exercise 13 There are several ways to track the project:
Enter the actuals per resource and task per day View / Task Usage and select table Work Format / Detail / Work and Actual Work Enter 128h as “Actual” for the task “Improvement works” (in the main screen) Make sure you have the Actual Work field in the sub screen (right) Enter 12h for the Movers for “Transport” on 03/02 Enter 3h for the Movers for “Transport” on 04/02 Enter 4h for the Truck for “Transport” on 03/02 Enter 4h for the Elevator for “Transport” on 03/02 Be careful as the way you enter the time spent it will impact following tasks Here we enter very detailed task actuals 4/22/2017
Exercise 14 Analyze the project: Select Tracking Gantt
Project / Project Information / Statistics or Select Tracking Gantt Activate the filter: Project / Filtered For:../ More Filters Select Slipping Tasks View / Task Sheet Select the table “Variance” via the button left above (Select All button) Select the table “Cost” via the button left above (Select All button) and filter on Cost Overbudget 4/22/2017
Agenda Introduction What is involved in Project management
User Interface Creating a new project Tracking a project Sharing Resources Consolidation of projects Final Recap Exercise 4/22/2017
Sharing resources Shared Resources Project 1 Project 2 Project 3
A project (called here Shared Resources) only contains the resources with their calendars and availabilities The other projects are linked to the Resources project to plan the resources 4/22/2017
Exercise 15 Open following projects: Create a new Resources project
Wingtip Toys Commercial 20a Parnell Aerospace Promo 20b Create a new Resources project Share the resources in the projects Wingtip and Parnell: Tools / Resource Sharing / Share Resources Select “Use resources” and choose “Resources” Analyze the resources in the project “Resources” Close all projects then: Open the project “Resources” Create a new project and execute Assign Resources Create a task Re-execute Assign Resources 4/22/2017
Agenda Introduction What is involved in Project management
User Interface Creating a new project Tracking a project Sharing Resources Consolidation of projects Final Recap Exercise 4/22/2017
Exercise 16: Consolidated project
Open following projects: Wingtip Toys Commercial 20a (without opening “Resources”) Parnell Aerospace Promo 20b (without opening “Resources”) Execute Windows / New Window and select the two projects The consolidated project has been created. You can save it. Analyze the resources in the project “Resources” It is possible to create links between tasks of the different projects: In the consolidated project, But also in the individual projects, example: In the project Wingtip Toys click on task 5, Fine cut edit Click on “Task Information” and select the tab “Predecessors” In the ID column (under the 4) enter: “Parnell Aerospace Promo 20b\8” 4/22/2017
Agenda Introduction What is involved in Project management
User Interface Creating a new project Tracking a project Sharing Resources Consolidation of projects Final Recap Exercise 4/22/2017
What did we see? Creation of a plan with: Creation of resources with:
Tasks and sub-tasks The different links between tasks Creation of resources with: The number of units and the related costs The assignment of resources to tasks The tracking of the project: A rough tracking Or a very detailed tracking Analysing the data, the schedule, the costs, the capacity Printing of the plans The sharing of resources and consolidated projects 4/22/2017
Recap Exercise Ski planning!!
Planning of a ski vacation long time in advance Difficulties are: No project start date Adaptations to the calendar Special ways to use links See separate exercise sheet with details. 4/22/2017
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