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27/06/14 Primary 1 Curriculum Workshop:Language. 27/06/14 Primary 1 Language Reading Writing Talking Listening.

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Presentation on theme: "27/06/14 Primary 1 Curriculum Workshop:Language. 27/06/14 Primary 1 Language Reading Writing Talking Listening."— Presentation transcript:

1 27/06/14 Primary 1 Curriculum Workshop:Language

2 27/06/14 Primary 1 Language Reading Writing Talking Listening

3 27/06/14 INTERDICIPLINARY CONTEXTS TERM 1 Road Safety TERM 2 The Seasons TERM 3 Ourselves TERM 4 People Who Help Us In School

4 27/06/14 Early Language Skills

5 27/06/14 What helps Reading? Awareness of rhyme Being able to first identify & then recognise letters Others at home modelling reading

6 27/06/14 Concepts of Print Back, front, picture, page, cover Recognition of letters upper and lower case Rhyme, alliteration Letter, space, word, sentence, punctuation Left -> right, top -> bottom Knowing what they read, the difference between text and pictures

7 27/06/14 Our Approach to Reading Not just one method but a range of strategies Look and Say Phonics Reading for Meaning Why? All children are different and have different learning styles

8 27/06/14 Phonics Blending cat atc Onset and rime Synthetic phonics

9 27/06/14 Reading Homework Now Match words and letters Build words using letters Build a sentence using words Copy letters, words and sentences Look for words/letters in the environment Reading Homework Later Learn new words, revisit old ones Paired Reading Ask both literal and inferential questions Ask child to sequence story, predict, retell Link what they have read to what they already know Apply what they know about sounds and words to writing

10 27/06/14 What is Paired Reading? Promotes reading skills, self confidence and enjoyment of books Sharing a book – 4 stages 1. Parent reads 2. Parent and child read together - adult taking the lead 3. Parent and child read together - child encouraged to take the lead 4. Child reads

11 27/06/14 QUESTION WORD?ANSWER WhoA person, a name WhenA time of day, day of the week, date etc WhereA place Which The reader usually has to choose from a selection What Depends on how the question is worded, but usually a thing HowAn explanation How manyA number How..big, far, tall etc Also involve an explanation WhyA reason (very often using because)

12 27/06/14 Reading doesn’t have to look like this.

13 27/06/14 All Reading is Valuable Alone Reading to an adult/other child Being read to Newspapers/ comics Research/ instructions

14 27/06/14 Listening Skills Good eye contact, sitting still, nodding, responding Hear small differences (p & b) Recite rhymes and poems from memory Listen for information, instructions and directions Retell simple stories, instructions, correctly sequenced Take a turn

15 27/06/14 Ask for help Ask/answer questions Give simple definitions Express thoughts and feelings Be able to use new words and phrases to express, ideas, thoughts and feelings Speak clearly and audibly Be aware of their audience Convey information, instructions and directions Talking Skills

16 27/06/14 Pre Writing Child needs to develop muscle tone and control in fingers and hands Construction toys like, Duplo, Lego, Mecanno Play Dough, plasticine Jigsaws Threading beads, tying laces, zips, buttons Cutting, gluing, sticking, painting, scribbling, colouring in, tracing, dot to dot

17 27/06/14 Writing Pencil hold Letter formation Experiment with writing Write own name Understand we use writing to communicate Copy a letter, word, sentence Compose a sentence Think and talk about writing before starting WEBSITES: english alphabetenglish alphabet sky writing sebran

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