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YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED YOSC Quiz Night Welcome to our visitors from:

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Presentation on theme: "YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED YOSC Quiz Night Welcome to our visitors from:"— Presentation transcript:

1 YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED YOSC Quiz Night Welcome to our visitors from:


3 YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 1 - There are two main types of fog - give their names Advection and Radiation 2 - Which type of projection is used in charts for ocean passage planning ? Gnomic 3 - When viewed from astern, what lights are shown by a towing vessel ? Yellow over White

4 YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 4 - What is a vessel doing, if by day it shows 2 balls - by ball over diamond over ball - by 2 diamonds ? Underwater work

5 YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 5 - When crossing a Traffic Separation Scheme should your heading or your course over the ground be at right angles to the TSS ? Heading

6 YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 6 - At what times would you receive the shipping forecast on Radio 4 long wave to the nearest minute ? 0048, 0520, 1201, 1754 7 - What is the light sequence for a cardinal south mark ? 6 flash + 1 long

7 YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 8 - What is the colour scheme for an emergency buoy? Blue & yellow vertical stripes

8 YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 9 - What is a Moiré effect light ? Directional leading light in one unit 10 - Wind is slowed over land compared to the sea. The Coriolis effect will cause a change in direction, which way ? The wind will veer in the northern hemisphere 11 - In a passage plan what is needed before entering an unfamiliar port ? Pilotage plan

9 YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 12 - What is the most north westerly area in the shipping forecast ? South East Iceland

10 YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 13 - What is the light combination allowing your entry to a port with 2 way traffic ? Green over green over white vertical

11 YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 14 - What type of fire extinguisher should be used on a flammable liquid fire Foam (No. 2 with yellow label)

12 YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 15 - What signal should a sailing vessel give in fog ? Dah dit dit - Long and two short blasts 16 - In GPS use what does HDOP mean ? Horizontal Dilution Of Precision

13 YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 17 - Show the plotting symbols generally use for a fix, an EP and a way point ? Fix - dot in a circle, EP - dot in a triangle, Way point - square with vertical cross over it

14 YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 18 - What Geodetic Datum is usually used with GPS ? WGS 84 19 - How many metres are there in a nautical mile ? 1852 20 - What 2 conditions lead to spring tides ? Full and no (new) moon

15 YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED “It was the same last year when they arranged a rally and a dinner dance””

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