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PARTS OF SPEECH STANDARDS FOR LANGUAGE GRADE THREE Taylor McCaffrey & Alaina Kreft Outcomes for the day: -Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs,

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Presentation on theme: "PARTS OF SPEECH STANDARDS FOR LANGUAGE GRADE THREE Taylor McCaffrey & Alaina Kreft Outcomes for the day: -Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs,"— Presentation transcript:

1 PARTS OF SPEECH STANDARDS FOR LANGUAGE GRADE THREE Taylor McCaffrey & Alaina Kreft Outcomes for the day: -Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. -Name parts of speech and give examples. -Focus on adjectives. -Know the differences between the parts of speech learned. -Demonstrate correct use of parts of speech. -Communicate knowledge of parts of speech.

2 NOUNS  Person, place, thing, or idea.  Common nouns: school, child, crayon  Proper nouns: Towson Elementary School, Sarah, Joe  Can be made plural, add an –s or –es to the end of a word  Name the nouns!  Maria went to art class and used her crayon to draw a picture.  Person, place, thing, or idea.  Common nouns: school, child, crayon  Proper nouns: Towson Elementary School, Sarah, Joe  Can be made plural, add an –s or –es to the end of a word  Name the nouns!  Maria went to art class and used her crayon to draw a picture.

3 VERBS  Action expressed, or state of the subject.  Name the verbs!  Tom hit the ball.  The sky is blue.  Action expressed, or state of the subject.  Name the verbs!  Tom hit the ball.  The sky is blue.

4 Pronouns  Used “in place of” a noun or noun phrase  Examples= I, it, which, who, that, his, herself  When I arrived at their house, the big dog, which was called Rover, was barking loudly because it was lonely.  Used “in place of” a noun or noun phrase  Examples= I, it, which, who, that, his, herself  When I arrived at their house, the big dog, which was called Rover, was barking loudly because it was lonely.

5 ADJECTIVES  Describing word  Which, what kind, how many, how much?? ***Now name some words to describe yourself!  Describing word  Which, what kind, how many, how much?? ***Now name some words to describe yourself!

6 Describe the pictures using adjectives!



9 Describing emotions

10 ADVERBS  Descriptive words that convey a sense of how, when, where, or why.  He quickly jumped over the sandbox.  My toys are under the table.  Where are the adverbs in these sentences?  Descriptive words that convey a sense of how, when, where, or why.  He quickly jumped over the sandbox.  My toys are under the table.  Where are the adverbs in these sentences?


12 For tomorrow:  Review the PowerPoint again from home to reinforce what we learned today in class.  We will go into more details with nouns tomorrow.  HOMEWORK: Using your new knowledge of adjectives, describe your family in five sentences, which we will share tomorrow.  Madlibs are all over the internet and can be purchased at the library (or you can even make your own!) if you would like to practice more

13 Resources   ouns.htm    

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