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Rolf Zetterberg Swedish Maritime Safety Inspectorate Nordic Institute of Navigation e-Navigation Conference Oslo 2007-10-16/17 Status of LRIT.

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Presentation on theme: "Rolf Zetterberg Swedish Maritime Safety Inspectorate Nordic Institute of Navigation e-Navigation Conference Oslo 2007-10-16/17 Status of LRIT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rolf Zetterberg Swedish Maritime Safety Inspectorate Nordic Institute of Navigation e-Navigation Conference Oslo 2007-10-16/17 Status of LRIT

2 Background IMO Diplomatic Conferensce, Dec 2002, adopted: - Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS - ISPS Code Ship and Port Facility Security Code - A resolution on the development of a system for Long Range Identification and Tracking – LRIT

3 Background IMO Maritime Safety Committe, May 2006, adopted: - Regulation V/19-1 on LRIT - Performance Standards and Functional Requirements for the Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships - Arrangements for the Timely Establishment of the Long-Range Identification and Tracking System.

4 Background MSC also established an: Ad hoc Working Group on engineering aspects of LRIT (Chaired by Canada)

5 The LRIT system – ships involved Ships in international voyages - Passenger ships - Cargo ships over 300 t - Mobile plattforms Ships with AIS and only sailing in A1 areas does not need to transmit LRIT-data.

6 The LRIT system – information to transmit Identity Position Date and time

7 The LRIT system – update interval Default value 6 h Update interval remotely selectable Minimum interval 15 min May be switched off by the master under certain conditions

8 The LRIT system – communication technique The technical means are not specified In practice – satellite communication and in most cases probably existing GMDSS equipment. (old equipment may not allways meet the requirements)

9 The LRIT system – main components CSP – Communication Service Provider ASP – Application Service Provider DC – Data Center National Regional Co-operative International IDE – International Data Exchange LRIT Data Distribution Plan LRIT Co-ordinator

10 The LRIT Data Center Each Contracting Goverment should chose a data Center to which all the ships flying its flag should send their LRIT information. The data Center should be connected to the International Data Exchange The CG should request LRIT data via its chosen Data Center

11 Access to LRIT information A Flag state has allways the right to access the information for ships in its own register A Port state has the right to access when a ship has declared its intention to go to a port in that state - but not if the ship is in the the territorial waters of another state A Coastal state has the right to access for ships within 1000 Nm from its coast - but not if the ship is in the the territorial waters of another state

12 Access to LRIT information The access rigths belongs to the state - ”Contracting Government to IMO” and for its Competent Authorities. Other use is not allowed. SAR organisations can have access whenever needed


14 The LRIT system – financing Basic principle: ”The user pay” The requester of information should bear the cost incl any overhead cost (Cost/message depending on the total demand) SAR services have access for free Shipowner pay for onboard equipment IMO and CG:s will have to pay for the organisation and control of system

15 The LRIT system – financing CG:s adhering to the Intenational Data Center and not requesting any LRIT data shall not have to pay anything CG: adhering to a national, regional or co-operative Data Center are cosidered as requesting all mandatory reports from own ships and bear the cost for these. (irrespective of if any LRIT data is requested or not)

16 LRIT in EU – Council decision October 2:nd -07 EMSA to establish a European (EU) LRIT Data Center for MS plus Norway and Iceland Exchange of data between MS Integration into SafeSeaNet Propose to IMO that AIS (SRIT) replace LRIT for ships within AIS coverage

17 LRIT in EU – Council decision October 2:nd -07 The costs arising from the minimum SOLAS requirements concerning LRIT, the four daily reports sent by ships flying the flag of a Member State, should be covered by the Community budget Costs for additional reports should be futher discussed but the basic principle of ”user pay” is the base.

18 18 Further, future possibilities in SSN MS1 AIS Region Baltic Region North Sea Region Mediterranean Other Region SRIT MS2 AISMS3 AISMSx AIS SSN EIS NCA1NCA2 National Level EU Level RegionalLevel NCA2MS4 AISMS5 AIS..... S&LRIT LRIT Other sensors LRIT Data Centre BS LCA Satellite Imagery

19 IMO MSC decisions – last week LRIT may be used for safety och marine environment protection purposes as well No CG or organisation offered to establish the International Data Center. Only national, co-operative or regional Data Centers. US offer to establish the International Data Exchnage was accepted

20 MSC decisions – last week The time schedule was discussed in length, but was not changed. An Ad Hoc group established to monitor the development and mandated to make minor changes of the specifications as required. Consequence of decisions: Since no IDC is established all CG:s will have to pay for the mandatory 4 meesages/ship and day

21 Thank You for your attention! Rolf Zetterberg

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