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To help you to … > probe ideas that drive our work; > know what is worth defending; > see what needs reform; > find more options for action; > order priorities.

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Presentation on theme: "To help you to … > probe ideas that drive our work; > know what is worth defending; > see what needs reform; > find more options for action; > order priorities."— Presentation transcript:

1 to help you to … > probe ideas that drive our work; > know what is worth defending; > see what needs reform; > find more options for action; > order priorities for your work. DVT 6 Culture updated 05/03/08 careers education and guidance OUT OF THE BOX these ideas in: Careers Education and Guidance Out of the Box at - in ‘the underpinning’ this PowerPoint at: in ‘the magazine’ (in touch) _________ handouts: print in fine colour/ copy in grey-scale

2 what box? …and diagnosis…and well-being…and culture …and learning …and experience …and other people …and curriculum impact employability policy knowing expertise inner life guidance = re-forming = re-establishing …and localcentral

3 requirements & incentives competitiveness & change selection & skills opportunities & access being flexible achieving employability fulfilling functions making choices acceptance & rejection fulfilment & quality-of-life earning & owing consequences for self & others being flexible & coping with stress achieving employability & work-life balance fulfilling functions & realising identity making choices & finding meaning career-development what goes on facts, factors & trends career-management people’s experience dilemmas, problems & conflicts careers-work how we help IAG, curriculum, & informal learning careers workers with three brains both expertise and experience

4 >and local networks ‘gossiping’ all of this into people’s inner lives. appreciating the experience base >more ways to find and exchange information and impressions; >self-propelled ways of making up your own mind about what needs to be done; >in a matrix of enticement and distrust about cultures, commerce and professions; people are dealing with: both policy and and culture >with work-life balancing for fun, family, fairness and (environmental) future.

5 … are like this… … satisfied with how things are … comfortable with big picture … assured & fluent … trust in expertise … a matter of upbringing … abstract possibilities … fulfilment at work … need for more respect … impatient with complexity … tentative and unsure … distrustful of élites … concrete experience … a matter of ‘choice’ … well-being in life about people who… …seek …feel …reflect …talk …believe …associate …reason knowing our clients both impact and diagnosis

6 proximal planning income: … overstretched … …manageable……affluent… beliefs: … pessimistic … …doubtful……optimistic… values: …individual……plural……shared… expectations: …closed……wondering……open… life-style: …constrained……media-driven……liberated… learn-style: …distrustful……compliant……enquiring… work-style: …survival……fulfilment……contribution… economics, cultures and attitudes: both central and ‘local’

7 both inner life and other people being relevant education for citizenship spiritual well-being personal, social, health and economic education personal well- being economic well-being civil well-being religious education well-being across the curriculum physical well-being environmental well-being

8 for what? friend where-in-my-life do I need this learning: job-seekermother where? with whom? street mates home daughter interview official looking-goodletting-goholding-on both employability and well-being earning credibility

9 >enabling process - learning how to learn; >ensuring progression - moving forward from basic to useful learning; >working across boundaries - linking learning to both expertise and experience. >getting transfer-of-learning - finding multiple links for using the learning in their lives; developing processes necessary conditions for effective careers work: both guidance and curriculum

10 engaging the learning verbs both knowing and learning sense focus sift finding out checking out understand sorting out working out act gaining sustainable fulfilment getting enough to go on fixing on what needs probing putting into useful order linking effects to causes

11 we help with expertise linking opportunity to identity; we help with open listening and broadening experiences. P = processes: learning skills for learners to grasp extending our thinking less a listed analysis, more an interactive story I P C C = coverage: facts, factors and trends, for learners to know we help with active-learning and enabling methods; I = influences: emotional-and-social pressures for learners to deal with

12 pushing the boundaries expertise experience policy culture impact diagnosis centrallocal Inner lifeother people employabilitywell being guidancecurriculum positions and priorities knowinglearning

13 slow-burn innovation effective - fulfilling, sustainable and useful. the creative LUPE LU P x E = L U P E proximal - up-close to the point-of-use; understanding - linking effects to causes; lateral - looking outside the box; not Einstein’s ‘E’?

14 any hope here? probing ideas that drive our work: knowing what is worth defending: seeing what needs reform: finding more options for action: ordering priorities for your work: get more: this ppt on culture on learning from experience on CPI on life-role relevance in curriculum - LiRRiC on repositioning careers work in the curriculum - 2008 for… if ‘yes’ - glad it’s been useful if ‘no’ - you could tell Bill why at yes/no yes/no yes/no yes/no yes/no

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