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Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Port Capacity Versus Port Safety by R. Groenveld.

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Presentation on theme: "Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Port Capacity Versus Port Safety by R. Groenveld."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Port Capacity Versus Port Safety by R. Groenveld

2 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Methodology

3 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Safety and Capacity Studies Manoeuvring simulation study - dimensions wet area and - the accompanying ship traffic rules Traffic flow simulation study - estimation wet infrastructure capacity - number of berths Ship Risk model -determines the number of encounters - and with historical data the number of casualties

4 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Gulf of Venezuela Tablazo Bay project location Figure 1 Project Location San Bernardo Zapara Puerto America, Venezuela

5 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Site Puerto America

6 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 1 3 4 2 5

7 Figure 10. Track plot of tanker arrival in deep water port Berthing Manoeuvre in the deep water port RESULTS: -Safe interval times -Blockage times of TB -Berthing and deberthing times - Manoeuvring Simulation Model VESSEL: Cape size crude tanker

8 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Model Harboursim Input: Random arrivals of the different ship types, traffic rules, dwell times, sailing times etc. Simulation: Ship traffic through the port Output: Entrance time and departure time from the terminal, waiting times of the vessels, satisfying: 1. The traffic rules 2. Availability of a berth 3. Tidal conditions 4. Etc

9 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Traffic volume 2015, 54 ft channel

10 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Configuration Traffic Flow Simulation Model

11 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Major Components Shiprisk ComponentTask MainInitialises the model ShipDescribes the process of the ship GeneratorGenerates the individual vessels according to output from the traffic flow simulation model. VTSControls the distances between the vessels EncountersA data component, provides the data of each potential encounter

12 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 radius 0,5 nautical mile ENCOUNTER DEFINITION

13 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Number accidents per 10 6 encounters ( registered in the Straight of Dover)

14 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Model Shiprisk

15 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 1 3 4 2 5 System Puerto America Situation Puerto America

16 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Encounter densities, Puerto America

17 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Waiting times versus traffic rules

18 Seminar Buenos Aires, 2004 Some conclusions and recommendations  The model 'SHIPRISK' provides a quick insight of the nautical risks  More prototype information should come available with respect to encounter frequencies  More data on vessel behaviour depending on infrastructural conditions, environmental conditions, and traffic loads should be collected for a statistical description of vessels tracks

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