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Citizen Me! ALL the LAYERS to YOUR CITIZENSHIP Part Two.

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Presentation on theme: "Citizen Me! ALL the LAYERS to YOUR CITIZENSHIP Part Two."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citizen Me! ALL the LAYERS to YOUR CITIZENSHIP Part Two

2 Right s Sometimes rights… …are the flip side of responsibilities. Responsibilities

3 So if the handbook says you can’t do something… …it is silently giving you the right to do something else! No wallets with chains! You have the right to bring a regular wallet.

4 So school handbooks are usually the opposite of the U.S. Constitution because they list responsibilities instead of rights. Try out some examples of how responsibilities can silently tell you what your rights are!

5 “Do not throw food in the lunch room” is silently saying you have the right to: Eat in the lunch room!

6 Attend athletic activities! “Students must be seated during athletic activities” is silently saying you have the right to:

7 Wear appropriate T-shirts! “No T-shirts with inappropriate slogans” is silently saying you have the right to:

8 RIGHTS Record it here! Attend sports, eat in lunchroom Right to free education; Equal rights for men and women Right to use sidewalks and parks School Handbook SCHOOL CITY SCHOOL STATE HOME NATION Freedom of speech, right to vote, right to a jury trial What rights do you have at your school?

9 The adults in charge at home give you rights that only apply at home. For example, you probably have the right to eat the food they buy, and you might have the right to watch TV and play video games. Adults in Charge HOME

10 Record it here! TV, video games, eat food Right to free education; Equal rights for men and women Right to use sidewalks and parks Attend sports, eat in lunchroom RIGHTS Adults in Charge HOME SCHOOL CITY STATE HOME NATION Freedom of speech, right to vote, right to a jury trial Remember: These are all just examples!

11 RIGHTS Check Your Work: TV, video games, eat food Right to free education; Equal rights for men and women Right to use sidewalks and parks Attend sports, eat in lunchroom STATE CITY HOME SCHOOL NATION Freedom of speech, right to vote, right to a jury trial


13 A. Things adults have to do. C. Duties to other people, the government, or to society. B. Unpleasant activities nobody wants to do. D. Chores you do after school. Responsibilities are…

14 HOME For example, you might have to sweep the floor, get groceries… or even wash the dog! The adults in charge at home give you duties you are only responsible for at home.

15 Record it here! Sweep floor, wash dishes & dog RESPONSIBILITIES HOME SCHOOL CITY STATE HOME NATION What responsibilities do you have at home?

16 SCHOOL Well! I don’t have any trouble figuring out what my responsibilities at school are! They’re all listed right in the school handbook!

17 SCHOOL At school, you are responsible for following the rules. You already learned that school rules usually tell you what NOT to do.

18 Sweep floor, wash dishes & dog Behave in class No gum, hats, weapons RESPONSIBILITIES Record it here! SCHOOL SCHOOL CITY STATE HOME NATION What responsibilities do you have at your school?

19 City charters often contain rules, kind of like a school handbook. CITY Laws that apply only within a city are called ordinances.

20 If a city ordinance tells you not to do something... …then you know you have a responsibility not to do that thing. CITY NO person may have a dog that barks at night

21 Even if the ordinance just says what the punishment is… …you can still figure out you have a responsibility not to do that thing. CITY There is a $50 fine for flying a kite in the park.

22 Record it here! RESPONSIBILITIES Sweep floor, wash dishes & dog Behave in class No gum, hats, weapons No barking dogs, No kites in park CITY SCHOOL CITY STATE HOME NATION What responsibilities do you have in your town?

23 Paying TAXES is one of the biggest responsibilities you’ll find in a state constitution … For example, your state might have taxes on property you own, on income you earn, and even on the stuff you buy at the store! State Constitution STATE

24 Behave in class No gum, hats, weapons No barking dogs, No kites in park Property tax, income tax, sales tax Sweep floor, wash dishes & dog Record it here! RESPONSIBILITIES STATE CITY SCHOOL STATE HOME NATION What do you think your state uses your taxes for?

25 NATION The Constitution does not have a list of responsibilities, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any. United States Constitution The Constitution creates a government that can’t work if people don’t participate!

26 NATION Could you have a jury trial if everyone refused to do jury duty? United States Constitution Jury duty is a responsibility we have to others and to the government.

27 NATION What would happen if NOBODY showed up to vote?? United States Constitution Voting is a responsibility we have to our society and the government.

28 ? NATION What good is voting if you have no idea what you’re voting for? United States Constitution Staying informed is a responsibility we have to society.

29 NATION Sometimes rights and responsibilities clash! United States Constitution What would happen if you yelled “Fire!” in a crowded theater? Responsibility for public safety comes before the right to free speech!

30 RESPONSIBILITIES Record it here! Sweep floor, wash dishes & dog Jury duty; voting; staying informed; don’t put people at risk Behave in class No gum, hats, weapons No barking dogs, No kites in park Property tax, income tax, sales tax NATION United States Constitution CITY STATE SCHOOL HOME NATION Can you think of any other responsibilities you have to your country?

31 Jury duty; Voting; Staying informed; don’t put people at risk Behave in class No gum, hats, weapons No barking dogs, No kites in park Property tax, income tax, sales tax Sweep floor, wash dishes & dog Check Your Work: STATE CITY HOME SCHOOL NATION RESPONSIBILITIES

32 NICE JOB! Now, following your teacher’s instructions, build your Citizenship Pyramid ! ALL DONE!

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