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PA 8.1 Contemplate the implications of Canadian citizenship on the life of Canadians Trace the changes in how citizenship has occurred for Canadians over.

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1 PA 8.1 Contemplate the implications of Canadian citizenship on the life of Canadians
Trace the changes in how citizenship has occurred for Canadians over time, including current categories of citizenship.

2 Elections Act, 1900 The Dominion Elections Act sets the rules for who can vote in federal elections. It makes the qualifications for federal elections the same as for provincial ones. That means minorities who can't vote in provincial elections are also excluded from federal elections. In other words, over half of Canadians, including visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, and women have no democratic rights.

3 “Blue bird” nurses in WWI obtain the vote in the 1917 federal election
Women and the Vote, 1912–1921 1912 Manitoba Political Equality League founded in Winnipeg. Montreal Suffrage Association formed. 1914 Flora Macdonald Denison, suffragette journalist and president of the Canadian Suffrage Association, publishes War and Women. 1915 Edmonton, February. Nellie McClung, heading one of the largest delegations to the Alberta legislature ever assembled, presents a petition demanding the vote for women. Winnipeg, December. Suffragists present a 45,000-name petition to Premier Tobias C. Norris. 1916 January. Manitoba women are the first in Canada to win the right to vote in provincial elections. March. Saskatchewan women get the vote. April. The suffrage movement triumphs in Alberta. 1917 February. Ontario women get the vote but still cannot sit in the legislature. April. British Columbia women get the vote. Serving members of the armed forces (including women) get the federal franchise through Military Voters Act. Female relatives of soldiers at the front get the vote through War-time Elections Act. 1918 May 24. Royal assent given to bill giving women the right to vote in federal elections. Eligibility: age 21 or older, not alien-born and meet property requirements in provinces where they exist. 1919 Electoral law amended – women can now stand for federal office. 1920 Federal electoral law amended; changes include universal female (and male) suffrage regardless of provincial law. 1921 First federal election at which women vote under universal franchise.

4 Canadian women obtain the right to sit in the House of Commons, 1919
In the 1921 election Agnes Macphail became the first woman elected to the Canadian House of Commons. Four other women – Harriet Dick, Rose Mary Henderson, Elizabeth Bethune Kiely and Harriet Dunlop Prenter – also stood as candidates in the same election, although they were not successful. macphail

5 The contribution of the Famous Five
Nellie McClung | Historica Canada The Famous 5 Foundation

6 Federal Elections Act, 1920 In 1920, Robert Borden's Conservative government introduced the Dominion Elections Act. Among other reforms, the new act restored the franchise to several groups that had lost it during World War I. Women had by this time received the federal vote, so the new act more or less completed the process of extending universal suffrage in Canada, though some groups remained disqualified because of their ethnic background.

7 Saskatchewan Bill of Rights, 1947
Saskatchewan has a special place in the development of Canadian human rights. For instance, Saskatchewan, under the leadership of Premier Tommy Douglas, introduced the first hospital insurance in Canada. Moreover, in 1947, it introduced the Saskatchewan Bill of Rights Act, 1947, S.S. 1947, c.35 - Canada's first general law prohibiting discrimination. When judges faced discrimination in the past, they often threw up their hands and said, "It's not illegal, so there's nothing I can do about it." Not anymore, at least in Saskatchewan. For the first time in this country's history, a law... affirms the fundamental freedoms that Canadians now take for granted prohibits discrimination on account of race, creed, religion, colour or ethnic or national origin prohibits discrimination with respect to accommodation, employment, occupation, and education prohibits publications that are likely to deprive someone of his or her legal rights on account of race, creed, religion, colour or ethnic or national origin. Finally, discrimination no longer just feels wrong - it is wrong.

8 Canadian Bill of Rights, 1960;
An Act for the Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Preamble The Parliament of Canada, affirming that the Canadian Nation is founded upon principles that acknowledge the supremacy of God, the dignity and worth of the human person and the position of the family in a society of free men and free institutions; Affirming also that men and institutions remain free only when freedom is founded upon respect for moral and spiritual values and the rule of law; And being desirous of enshrining these principles and the human rights and fundamental freedoms derived from them, in a Bill of Rights which shall reflect the respect of Parliament for its constitutional authority and which shall ensure the protection of these rights and freedoms in Canada: Canada gets own bill of rights - Digital Archives - CBC Player

9 Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada, 1982).
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is one part of the Canadian Constitution. The Constitution is a set of laws containing the basic rules about how our country operates. For example, it contains the powers of the federal government and those of the provincial governments in Canada. The Charter sets out those rights and freedoms that Canadians believe are necessary in a free and democratic society. Some of the rights and freedoms contained in the Charter are: freedom of expression the right to a democratic government the right to live and to seek employment anywhere in Canada legal rights of persons accused of crimes Aboriginal peoples' rights the right to equality, including the equality of men and women the right to use either of Canada's official languages the right of French and English linguistic minorities to an education in their language the protection of Canada's multicultural heritage. The way the Charter protects these rights and freedoms is explained in Part II of this Guide. Before the Charter came into effect, other Canadian laws protected many of the rights and freedoms that are now brought together in it. One example is the Canadian Bill of Rights, which Parliament enacted in The Charter differs from these laws by being part of the Constitution of Canada.

10 Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms

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