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01 George T. Dougherty 02 Assayer, Chemist Biographical PowerPoint SCI.295 Anna Deripaska.

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Presentation on theme: "01 George T. Dougherty 02 Assayer, Chemist Biographical PowerPoint SCI.295 Anna Deripaska."— Presentation transcript:

1 01 George T. Dougherty 02 Assayer, Chemist Biographical PowerPoint SCI.295 Anna Deripaska

2 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Early Life 01 Born: Missouri [4 January 1860] 02 Raised on farm 03 Typhoid fever [Age 2] 04 Deaf as a result of typhoid fever

3 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Schooling 01 Attended Missouri School for the Deaf [did not graduate] 02 Left school to attend Gallaudet College [graduated, B.S.] 03 Later attended Washington University [St. Louis] 04 Studied applied & analytical chemistry 05 Followed applied & analytical chemistry since 1883 06 Awarded Master’s Degree from Gallaudet College

4 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Work 01 Vulcan Steel Works 02 Deering Harvester Company 03 American Steel Foundries 04 Sargent Company [current as of 1898]

5 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Work Cont’d 04 Sargent Company [current as of 1898] 05 Highly respected/desired 06 Turned away constant job offers [e.g. Costa Rica] 07 Founded National Smelting and Refining Company

6 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Scientific Contributions 01 Devised procedure to determine amt. of nickel and vanadium in steel 02 Arbiter of smelting disputes [by scientific analysis] 03 Devised procedure to determine amt. of salt in petroleum 04 Invented Reflux Air Condenser [convert oil & fat into soap] 05 Lectured in Sign Language on chemistry

7 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Signed Lecture on Chloroform Click Here to View Lecture

8 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Personal Accomplishments 01 First successful deaf scientist 02 Only deaf scientist [as of 1898] 03 Founder: National Association of the Deaf 04 Vice President: National Association of the Deaf

9 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Personal Accomplishments Cont’d 05 President [2x]: Pas-a-Pas Club [Chicago] 06 Presiding Officer: World Congress of the Deaf [@ World’s Fair] 07 Preserver of American Sign Language 08 Gifted writer on technical subjects [published author]

10 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Later Life 01 Married Annie Wicktom - semi-mute 02 She attended Illinois School for the Deaf 03 Had taught at the Missouri School for the Deaf for 5 years 04 As of 1898 - had one child, a girl, who was 6 05 George Dougherty died 1938

11 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Discussion Questions 01 What stood out to you about George Dougherty? 02 What experiences have you had that his story reflects? 03 What do you think it would be like to be deaf? 04 What comes to mind when you think of the word ‘disability?’

12 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Discussion Questions Cont’d 05 Is disability defined the same for everyone? 06 Do you try to help someone with a disability? 07 Do you think it would be harder with a physical or intellectual disability? 08 How might being deaf or hearing impaired affect school/work? 09 Can someone with a disability do everything you can?

13 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Progress Since 01 1933: F. Roosevelt: first person w/ a disability as President 02 1935: Roosevelt signs Social Security Act 03 1948: Harold Russell wins two Academy Awards 04 1960: First Paralympics Games 05 1963: Robert Weitbrecht: Acoustic Coupler

14 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Progress Since Cont’d 06 1971: The Caption Center 07 1975: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 08 1976: The Higher Education Act of 1972 amended 09 1960: First Paralympics Games 10 1982: Telecommunications for the Disabled Act

15 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Progress Since Cont’d 11 1984: Voting for the Elderly and Handicapped Act 12 1987: Marlee Matlin wins an Oscar 13 1994: Heather Whitestone crowned Miss America 14 2000: Mara Runyan, blind, qualifies for Olympics

16 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 “ Who would have dreamed one hundred years ago that this could ever be possible? Then the deaf were uneducated and widely scattered, unknown to each other; their influence, of course, was nil. “ ~George T. Dougherty, at the 1893 World's Congress of the Deaf

17 George T. Dougherty SCI.295 Sources G., Harry, and Bonnie Meath-Lang. Deaf persons in the arts and sciences: a biographical dictionary. Westport, CT: Greenwood Pub Group, 1995. 96-98. Print. Gallaher, James. Representative Deaf Persons of the United States of America: Containing Portraits and Character Sketches. Chicago: James E. Gallaher, 1898. 45-46. Print. "Lecture on the Discovery of Chloroform." Gallaudet University Video Catalog. Web. 20 Mar 2011.. Richards, Penny. "January 4: George T. Dougherty (1860-1938)." Disability Studies, Temple U.. 04 Jan 2011. Web. 21 Mar 2011.. "The DisAbility Project." That UPPITY Theatre Company, 2005. Web. 22 Mar 2011..

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