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“What do I do when I’m done with my 5 Ws and H?”.

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Presentation on theme: "“What do I do when I’m done with my 5 Ws and H?”."— Presentation transcript:

1 “What do I do when I’m done with my 5 Ws and H?”

2 1. Fill out your basic info. at top of sheet 2. Find a source and fill out your source information 3. Answer your basic 6 questions (1-3 main bullets per category) WRITE DOWN PAGE NUMBERS! 5W ’ s and H at a glance… DUE THURSDAY at end of pd.

3 Source 1 Notes Source 2 Notes Source 3 Notes Notes at a glance… Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

4 PEARL HARBOR ATTACK SOURCE: Title: “Attack on Pearl Harbor” Author: (no author) Source Type: Book Destroyed Pearl Harbor ships (4) Bombed by Japanese airplanes (4) Dec. 7, 1941 (2) “…a day that will live in infamy…” President Roosevelt’s speech, speech to Congress and America Destroyed US Pacific Fleet (16) US Aircraft Carriers not damaged (35) US Aircraft Carriers at sea (35) 3 waves of attacks (23) 3 rd wave called off (24) “Battleship Row” named for port (57) PART 2—NOTES Bullet Points Write down the page number for each note! (unnecessary for most internet sources) Don’t plagiarize! Follow the Rule of 5 ! At least 30 total bullet points (among all sources) PART 1 Specify your Source Use a title and/ or author Specify the type of source DUE WEDNESDAY after break Notes Pages Should Look Like This…

5 What is PLAGIARISM?  Reword or summarize the facts that you find in your own words  You may NOT copy any more than 5 words in a row from a source or you have plagiarized!

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