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1 No to 70 million – The Implications of Current Immigration Levels November 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 No to 70 million – The Implications of Current Immigration Levels November 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 No to 70 million – The Implications of Current Immigration Levels November 2011

2 2 The UK’s population is 62.3 million today. The Government forecasts it will hit 70 million in 2027. 68 per cent of this growth will be due to immigration.

3 3 This growth assumes net migration of 200,000 a year. Source: Derived from ONS Population Projections

4 4 Migration accounts for over a third of additional household formation - requiring an extra 200 houses to be built every day… Source : 2008 English Housing Survey

5 5 Immigrants on work permits, not asylum seekers, are now the main source Immigrants by category Sources: Control of Immigration Statistics, Home Office

6 6 Such large-scale immigration is a new phenomenon Net Migration to the UK 1975-2010 000s Source: ONS – Long Term International Migration statistics

7 7 … is a matter of public concern… Public concern for Immigration (Percentage)

8 8 …and the recession will have only a temporary effect…

9 9 Balanced migration - in a nutshell Balanced migration would seek to bring the numbers of immigrants into line with the number of emigrants. The main change would be to control the number of non-EU citizens who are given the right to settle permanently in the UK.

10 10 What would NOT change Free movement of people in the European Union The acceptance of genuine asylum seekers The admission of genuine foreign students Genuine marriages Employers ability to recruit key staff

11 11 Benefits Balances the need for a competitive economy and the costs of a rapidly growing population Provides, as the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee recommended, a "reasoned target range for net immigration" to which immigration policies could be adjusted Reduces pressure on the environment, schools, transport and the NHS Encourages British industry and commerce to train British workers Improves the prospects for integrating newcomers to our society Reduces the drain of talented people from third world countries who need their skills more than we do.

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