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Identifying Training Needs Chapter #3. Why is demand for t and d increasing? Globalization Need for leadership Need for more knowledge workers Expanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Identifying Training Needs Chapter #3. Why is demand for t and d increasing? Globalization Need for leadership Need for more knowledge workers Expanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identifying Training Needs Chapter #3

2 Why is demand for t and d increasing? Globalization Need for leadership Need for more knowledge workers Expanding job market Retiring boomers

3 AMA Survey 38% of job applicants lack necessary reading, writing, and math skills Retiring baby boomers Increased diversity

4 Steps involved in program construction and evaluation 1. Training needs analysis Organization level Task level Person level Only 27% programs begin with needs assessment.

5 Training Steps cont. 2 Employee readiness 3. Objectives and outcomes 4. Evaluation plan 5. Select methods, deliver program 6. Monitor, evaluation, followup

6 At organizational level Number ## 1 question Will training help?????? SWOT Analysis –Look at internal and external factors –Long and short term goals –Page #43

7 Do all performance gaps mean training is needed?

8 How many need training? Now? In the future? Employment planning #45 Concept Testing Attain core sample of ee Survey sample of opinions

9 What role does organizational culture play? (Sea gull effect) Look #48 and #49

10 Task Analysis Steps Job Descriptions.>>> Task identification>>> KSA identification>>>> Course objectives >>>> Design program look#51

11 Job Descriptions May not be any May be old May be incomplete if so You will have to observe What tasks? What responsibilities? What KSA are needed?

12 Methods of task analysis # 56.57,58 Stimulus Response Time Sampling Linear Sequencing Critical incident Job inventories Look #60 Future orientation job analysis

13 Next Where are performance gaps? KSA Identification Knowledge, Skills, Ability (Attitude)

14 After discovering performance gaps Then set outcomes and learning objectives.

15 Outcomes /objectives must be Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time limitations (SMART)

16 After goals are set …then set evaluation methods …and design the program ….how will objectives be achieved? Should we outsource? What Methods? Where should we train?

17 Program design must have both Content validity training on KSA’s that are relevant to the job

18 Individual Analysis Who needs training and what on?

19 First Look at Inputs Do they understand job –Do they have needed resources? »Do they external interferences? –Outputs – what standards success will be measured by? Consequences Are they any incentives to perform? Feedback –Is it frequent and specific?????

20 person analysis cont. Look at Motivation to learn Basic skills Cognitive ability Readibility Readibility indexes

21 Other measures of job behavior

22 Be careful of hidden judgmental errors Halo effects Attractiveness Bias – selection bias demonstration

23 Look # 66,67 Behavioral Expectation Scales (BES) Behavioral Observation Scales (BOS

24 Person analysis cont. Economic measures Sales volume,injuries, scrapping, cycle times, absences, sick days etc. Proficiency measures –Work sampling, observation, written job knowledge tests

25 Person analysis cont. Self assessment – 360 degree feedback demonstration.

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