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FHF McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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1 FHF McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 FHF Appendix C-2 Appendix B: The Legal and Regulatory Environment Appendix A: Guidelines for the Development of a Business Plan Appendix C: Personal Career Plan Appendix D: Personal Financial Planning

3 FHF The Career Plan  A personalized career plan can help you achieve your goals Tools used in a writing a business plan can help you market yourself  A career plan template, like in your text, can help you get organized Appendix C-3

4 FHF SummarySummary  This goes first, but write this after the entire plan is finished  Overview of your career strategy  State your objectives and the means to accomplish them Appendix C-4

5 FHF Situation Analysis: The External Environment  Competition Who are your competitors and what are their characteristics? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the total pool of potential employees? What are competitors doing to develop skills, network and promote themselves to potential employers? What are current hiring trends in terms of work experience versus getting an advanced degree? Is your competitive set going to change in the future? How? Appendix C-5

6 FHF Situation Analysis: The External Environment  Economic Conditions What are the general economic conditions where you want to work? Are employers optimistic about the economy? What is the outlook for major job categories? What are starting salary trends for job categories? Appendix C-6

7 FHF Situation Analysis: The External Environment  Political Trends Have elections changed the economic landscape to make certain industries more or less attractive?  Legal/Regulatory Factors What changes in laws could affect your career? Have court decisions made it easier/harder to find employment? Have global trade agreements changed in a way to make certain industries more/less attractive? Appendix C-7

8 FHF Situation Analysis: The External Environment  Changes in Technology What impact has technology had on hiring? What technological changes will changer how you: Work Compete for employment Market your skills  Will technological changes make your skills obsolete? Appendix C-8

9 FHF Situation Analysis: The External Environment  Cultural Trends How are demographic shifts changing values and how will this affect your chosen career? What problems/opportunities are created by changing diversity of the labor pool? What is society’s attitude toward your skills, abilities and talents? Appendix C-9

10 FHF Situation Analysis: The External Environment  What do your potential employers look for in new employees? Basic skills and abilities Specific needs they have that your skills can satisfy How are employers’ needs expected to change in the future?  What are potential employers’ recent hiring practices? How many people being hired? Growth/decline in the industry? Major hiring differences between large and small firms? Appendix C-10

11 FHF Situation Analysis: The External Environment  Where/how do potential employers recruit? Where do employers make contact with potential employees? Do potential employers look for experience, or do they hire new graduates?  When do potential employers recruit? Seasonal pattern, or ongoing basis? Appendix C-11

12 FHF Best Careers Many factors go into picking a career  Skills  Industry growth rates  Job availability Some of the best fields right now:  X-Ray Technician  Veterinarian  Computer Software Engineer  Financial Advisor Appendix C-12

13 FHF Situation Analysis: The Employer Environment  Who are your potential employers? Identify key industry characteristics Geographic characteristics Organizational culture  Who is responsible for recruiting and hiring? Appendix C-13

14 FHF Situation Analysis: Personal Assessment  What are your personal goals, objectives and performance expectations? Are these consistent with: o The current labor market? o Recent changes in the external environment? How are your current strategies for success working? How does your performance compare to your peers? o If declining, what is the cause? o If improving, what can you do to ensure continued improvement? Appendix C-14

15 FHF Situation Analysis: Personal Assessment  Personal Skills and Resources What are your marketable skills? o What skills are you lacking to gain a job with your ideal employer? What are other career enhancing resources do you possess? o What resources are you lacking? Appendix C-15

16 FHF SWOT Analysis  Personal Strengths List three key strengths o How do these meet the needs of potential employers? o How do they compare to the competition?  Personal Weaknesses Three key weaknesses o How do these fall short of the needs of potential employers? o How do they put you at a disadvantage compared to your competition? Appendix C-16

17 FHF SWOT Analysis  Career Opportunities Three key opportunities o How are they related to serving the needs of a potential employer? o How can you capitalize on these opportunities in the short-term? In the long-term?  Career Threats Three key threats o How are these threats related to your potential employer and serving its needs? o What steps can be taken to limit their affect on your capabilities? Appendix C-17

18 FHF ResourcesResources  Financial Do you have the financial resources necessary to undertake and complete this plan?  Human Are the industries and companies in which you are interested currently hiring?  Experience and Expertise Do you have experience that will be useful in this plan? Do you have the required experience to qualify for a job in your chosen field? Appendix C-18

19 FHF StrategiesStrategies  Outline different strategies  Compare them to discover which is best and most feasible for you  Do you have a competitive advantage in one of the strategies? Appendix C-19

20 FHF Financial Projections and Budgets  Do you know your budgetary requirements?  Would anticipated compensation from perspective employers meet these requirements? If not, do you have an alternative plan? Appendix C-20

21 FHF Controls and Evaluation  Monitoring Procedures What mechanisms do you have in place to ensure proper implementation of the plan? Have you done your homework on potential employers? Have you done an internship? Have you attended job fairs? Are you committed to your career development? Appendix C-21

22 FHF Controls and Evaluation  Performance Analysis Number/quality/potential of contacts made Number of résumés distributed Number of interviews Number of job offers Appendix C-22

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