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ORIENTATION AND TRAINING Week 3 ______________________ Dr

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1 ORIENTATION AND TRAINING Week 3 ______________________ Dr
ORIENTATION AND TRAINING Week 3 ______________________ Dr. Teal McAteer-Early

2 “Entry” Issues leading up to Socialization
The Realistic Job Preview (RJP) The Psychological Contract Organizational Commitment Organizational Culture Socialization

3 What is Socialization? Process by which an employee begins to adapt to the values, norms, and beliefs of the organization and its members Involves learning the organization’s climate and “learning to fit in” Climate “members’ shared perceptions of the contingencies between behaviours that occur in the work environment and their consequences” Learning what behaviours are expected, acceptable, unacceptable

4 Strategic Importance of Socialization
Sets the tone of employment relationship Clarifies expectations / how things are done Reduces anxiety for new employees Will I fit in? Will I enjoy the job/coworkers/etc? Effects employee attitudes and behaviour Job satisfaction, commitment Job performance

5 Socialization vs Orientation
Process of employees adapting to organization Long-term process, often informal Orientation Program that informs new employees about their job and company Short-term, often formal

6 Stages of Socialization
Anticipatory (Pre-Arrival) Employees begin with certain expectations about organization and job May be unrealistic – if unmet, result in dissatisfaction, turnover, etc. Realistic Job Preview (RJP) may be helpful Info about job demands and working conditions – both positive and negative aspects

7 Stages of Socialization
Encounter Employee has started new job Inconsistencies between expectations and reality emerge Needs info re: policies, procedures, etc. E.g., via Orientation program Organizational issues, policies, etc. Benefits Introductions Job Duties

8 Stages of Socialization
Encounter (cont’d) Benefits of a good orientation program Shows organization values to employee Reduces employee anxiety and turnover Reduces start-up costs Clarifies job and organizational expectations Improves job performance

9 Stages of Socialization
Change (Settling in) Inconsistencies start to get worked out Employee begins to identify with organization Transition from being an “outsider” to feeling like an “insider” Often involves taking on new attitudes, values, and behaviours to align with organization’s Misalignment = dissatisfaction and turnover

10 Comments / Questions ??

11 Training Training vs Development Training Development
Both refer to the learning of job-related behaviour Training Focuses on job performance Emphasis is on acquisition of specific KSAs needed for present job Development Focuses on personal growth, longer-term development Emphasis is on acquiring KSAs needed for future job or organizational need

12 Trends Affecting Training
Training and development activities have been increasing Low unemployment = tight labour market Organizations compete to attract & retain employees, by offering better T&D opportunities New and changing technology – new KSAs Globalization – training for employees with international assignments Mergers, acquisitions, restructuring Jobs change, employees need new KSAs

13 Training Process Model
Needs assessment Design training objectives Develop program content Implement training program Evaluate effectiveness of training program

14 Step 1: Needs Assessment
Needs Analysis Diagnosis of problems and future challenges that can be met through training & development Organizational analysis Culture, values, mission, goals, strategy Job / task analysis KSA requirements Person analysis Gaps between employee KSAs and KSAs required by jobs E.g., performance evaluations, self- or supervisor identification

15 Step 2: Develop Training Objectives
Must include: The desired behaviour The conditions under which it is to occur Performance criteria E.g., “By the end of this week, you will be able to list and define the 5 main steps involved in the development of a training program, without referring to your notes”

16 Step 3: Develop Program Content and Learning Principles
Issues to consider Needs assessment Training objectives Audience Class size Time availability Cost Training format Learning principles

17 Learning Principles How do people learn most effectively?
Participation Participants are actively involved Repetition Repeated review of material Relevance Material is meaningful Transference Application of training to actual job situations Feedback Information given to learners re: their progress

18 Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
High self-efficacy Belief one can achieve a behaviour High outcome expectancy Belief that behaviour will lead to an outcome of value Higher level of learning

19 Organizational Influences on Transfer of Training
Relates to trainee’s outcome expectancies Will the behaviour lead to desired outcomes? Rewards, pay, & promotion Are there rewards for demonstrating the new behaviour? Environmental constraints / obstacles Lack of equipment, information, time, etc. Supervisory and peer support Reinforce training: provide opportunities, reward Train coworkers together – reinforce each other Organization’s learning climate Learning is encouraged, supported, rewarded, etc.

20 Step 4: Deliver Training
Numerous methods to choose from: On-the-job techniques E.g., job rotation, apprenticeship, etc. Off-the-job techniques Lectures Role playing Case studies Simulations Computer-based training Virtual reality

21 Strengths and Weaknesses of various Methods
Knowledge Skills Attitudes Transfer Lecture Yes No Low Video Med Role play High Simulation Case study

22 Step 5: Evaluating Training Effectiveness
5 Criteria - Kirkpatrick’s 4 levels plus 1 Reaction Are participants satisfied with training? Learning How much has been learned? Attitude Change (not 1 of Kirkpatrick’s 4 criteria) Did training result in attitude change? Behaviour change Did the learning transfer to the job? Results criteria Was the training worth the cost to the company?

23 Evaluating Training If possible, use an evaluation method that will allow you to draw accurate conclusions about the program’s effectiveness Reaction measures Important, but don’t refer to effectiveness Measure behaviour post-training Can’t determine whether change occurred

24 Pre-test Post-test Design
Measure → Training → Measure Allows you to see if change has occurred E.g., # of items produced before training = 10/minute # produced after training = 16/minute But, what if other employees who did not receive training average 15 items/minute? Is training effective? Should also use a control group Employees who did not receive training

25 Example of Evaluating Training Effectiveness
Allied Signal Corp. - Garrett Engine Division Manufactures jet engines 2-day training program Team building, communication, problem-solving, etc. For maintenance teams (that repair the manufacturing machines) From Pine & Tingley (1993). Training, 30,

26 Evaluation Design Evaluated 4 levels (Kirkpatrick’s levels) using pre-test post-test design with a control group Reaction to training Participants’ learning of training content Paper-and-pencil test pre- and post-training for both trainee and control group Participants’ on-the-job use of the new skills Trainee and control groups rated team members’ behaviours before and after training Relevant organizational outcomes Equipment downtime; job response time; job completion time

27 Results Reaction – high ratings of program Learning Behaviour change
Post-test scores higher than pre-test scores and control group Behaviour change Better communication, problem-solving, etc. after training and compared to control group Response time Completion time Down time Cost / job Training pre- 4.8 hrs 13.6 hrs 18.4 hrs $1,341 Training post- 4.1 hrs 11.7 hrs 15.8 hrs $1,156 Control pre- 4.4 hrs 11.6 hrs 16.0 hrs $1,165 Control post- 16.1 hrs $1,211 The organization had pre-existing estimates of costs for machine downtime The costs indicated refer to cost per job

28 Cost-benefit Analysis
ROI estimate (for 1 month time period) Based on training vs control group post-tests $1156 vs $1211 (difference of $55 / job savings) Avg of 55 jobs / wk (x 4 weeks) = $12,100 benefit Cost of training = $5,355 Net benefit = $6,745 $6,745 (Net benefit) / $5,355 (Cost) = 1.25 125% ROI

29 Does training increase turnover?
Debate: Do employers see a return on investment in tuition reimbursement? 2 sides of the debate: Employee development leads to positive employee attitudes and motivates them to stay Employee development increases employees’ employment options outside the organization and results in increased voluntary turnover Which do you think is true?

30 Does training increase turnover?
Study: Benson et al. (2004) AMJ, 47(3), In this study, 9543 workers whose company provided full tuition reimbursement were studied Results Turnover is very low while participants are taking classes or pursuing a degree When participants complete advanced/graduate degrees, turnover increases dramatically However…

31 Does training increase turnover?
When these participants (who completed advanced degrees) were promoted, turnover was less: 56% less than participants who earned degrees but were not promoted 55% less than participants who were promoted but did not take part in tuition reimbursement Conclusion – tuition reimbursement can be an effective retention strategy, provided attention is paid to job-skill match after someone has received an advanced degree

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