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Science AHSGE Standard VII

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1 Science AHSGE Standard VII
Objective 1- Energy Transformations

2 Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy
Energy/matter can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form to the other. Two forms: Kinetic- Energy in motion/action Potential- Stored energy/ not in motion Greater with height; books on shelves Ex: Batteries have stored chemical energy

3 7 Sources of Energy: Chemical- Anything that can be burned/a substance used for energy; Ex: Wood, gasoline, battery acid, fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) Fossil fuels release carbon dioxide/monoxide into the air when burned All food is chemical energy 2. Heat- Some always lost in transformations; Ex: Friction Temperature- Average kinetic energy of particles in a substance SI- Kelvins; Metric- Celcius Fusion- Heat required to cause melting Vaporization- Heat required to cause evaporation Specific heat- Temperature required to cause an object’s temperature to increase by x degrees Celcius (1g by 1 degree)

4 7 Sources of Energy: 3. Sound- Vibration; Needs matter- can’t travel through a vacuum; Ex: Thunder Sonic boom- Loud booming noise created when an aircraft surpasses the speed of sound 4. Radiant/light- Solar; ROY G. BIV 5. Electrical- Wiring; lightning 6. Mechanical- Movement of parts; engines; turbines 7. Nuclear- Radioactivity

5 Food Chains Transfer energy in the form of food (chemical) from one trophic level to the next Starts with plants (producers) who convert sunlight (radiant) into glucose (chemical) Producer⃗Primary consumer⃗Secondary consumer ⃗Tertiary consumer⃗Quarternary consumer⃗Decomposer The beginning of a food chain has the most energy, while the top consumer has the least Some energy is lost between levels due to everyday life use

6 Examples of Transformations:
Lamp- Electrical to heat to radiant Door bell- Electrical to sound Generator- Chemical/mechanical to electrical Nuclear powerplant- Nuclear to heat to mechanical to electrical Microwave- Electrical to heat Gas stove- Chemical to heat Solar battery- Radiant to electrical Microphone- Electrical to sound Photosynthesis- Light to chemical

7 3 Ways to Transfer Energy
Conduction- Transfer of energy through solids Ex: burn your hand on a curling iron Convection- Transfer of energy through liquids/gases (fluids) Ex: Steam heating the top of a pot; steamed food; boiling an egg Radiation- Transfer of energy through waves Ex: Heat traveling across a room from a fireplace

8 What is THIS?

9 Energy Passage IN ANY ENERGY TRANSFORMATION, SOME ENERGY IS ALWAYS LOST IN THE FORM OF HEAT!! Conductor- Any substance that allows the passage of energy Ex: Metals Insulator- Any substance that does not allow the passage of energy Ex: Wood or rubber

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