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Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr. – Director Elyse Golob – Executive Director Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border Thursday, February 26, 2009 Meydenbauer.

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Presentation on theme: "Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr. – Director Elyse Golob – Executive Director Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border Thursday, February 26, 2009 Meydenbauer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr. – Director Elyse Golob – Executive Director Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border Thursday, February 26, 2009 Meydenbauer Center (Bellevue, WA) National Center for Border Security and Immigration Research Lead: University of Arizona

2 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 2

3 What is BSI?  DHS Center of Excellence – Bring together leading experts to conduct critical research in border security and immigration  Consortium of 14 universities – Develop innovative technologies and effective policies to protect the northern and southern borders  Scientific mission – Provide sponsor with scientific knowledge to meet the changing demands at the borders – Enhance long-term understanding of immigration dynamics and determinants 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 3

4 Objectives  Visionary, user-inspired research – Explore novel solutions with rapid transition path to testing, evaluation and implementation  Systems integration (TECH/MGMT/POLICY) – Use multiple disciplines to help define approaches and speed acceptance  Collaborative infrastructure and network-centric model – “Wiki-like” Internet portal  Leverage existing activities – Infrastructure and grants (~$200 million) 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 4

5 Overview of Research Areas 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 5 RA1 – DetectionRA2 – NetworksRA3 – Fusion RA4 – RiskRA5 – Population RA6 – ImmigrationRA7 – GovernanceRA8 – Law

6 Research Area 1 – Detection Humans, Vehicles and Decision Support  Mission – Expedite identification of suspicious activity in rapid screening environments  Objectives – Rapidly detect deception and hostile intent – Convey real-time alerts to screening agents – Formulate profiles of activity and identity – Extend biometric measures – Identify high-risk vehicles 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 6

7 Research Area 1 – Detection Humans, Vehicles and Decision Support Equipment provided by the Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment (DACA ) 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 7

8 Research Area 2 – Networks Interoperability, Reliability and C 3  Mission – More effective and vigilant monitoring of northern and southern borders using networked sensors  Objectives – How do we monitor and communicate along the border?  Build self-sustaining sensor networks for ground, water, and subsurface deployment  Improve lifetime, robustness, and fault tolerance of sensor nets  Utilize renewable energy to power sensors  Develop advanced imaging of objects obscured by rough terrain  Develop interoperability of C 3 activities 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 8

9 Research Area 2 – Networks Interoperability, Reliability and C 3 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 9

10 Research Area 3 – Fusion Tools and Approaches  Mission – Identify immediate border security concerns through information fusion and data mining  Objectives – Fuse cross-jurisdictional security data – Identify patterns in dynamic data generated by sensors – Create a “Common Operating Picture” from human and non-human sensors – Dynamically link users with sensors for improved situational analysis – Reduce sensor false alarms 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 10

11 Research Area 3 – Fusion Tools and Approaches 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 11

12 Research Area 4 – Risk Mitigation, Assessment and Alignment  Mission – Quantify, assess, and mitigate border security risks  Objectives – Measure threats and security levels – Simulate and model countermeasures – Inventory and evaluate current technologies – Identify, test and evaluate easily-deployed and commercially available technologies – Identify technology gaps requiring further development 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 12

13 Research Area 4 – Risk Mitigation, Assessment and Alignment 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 13

14 Research Area 5 – Population Methods, Metrics and Estimates  Mission – Accurately determine the size and characteristics of the unauthorized population  Objective – Attempt to find answers to the following questions:  How do we improve estimates of the unauthorized population?  What factors influence immigrant migration patterns?  How do we improve estimates of visa overstays? 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 14

15 Research Area 5 – Population Methods, Metrics and Estimates  Unauthorized Population  Compare current methods & estimates  Develop new approaches for more accurate estimation  Estimate sub-populations (e.g., skilled vs. non-skilled workers)  Immigrant Migration  Use new data to assess immigrant population flows  Perform microeconomic analysis of labor market assimilation  Visa Overstays  Find data to improve current estimates  Calculate average visa overstay rates  Determine demographics of overstays 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 15

16 Research Area 6 – Immigration Economics, Policies and Alternatives  Mission – Enhance the understanding of the long- and short-term economic effects of immigration  Objectives – Better explain and predict the effects of current and future immigration policies, with particular respect to:  Workforce demands  Economic and social impacts  Public institutions 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 16

17 Research Area 6 – Immigration Economics, Policies and Alternatives  Workforce  Discover the consequences of employer verification programs  Determine the consequences of eliminating unauthorized immigrants from the workforce  Economic and Social Impacts  Investigate the costs and benefits of immigration in terms of taxes, spending, health care, etc.  Public Institutions  Determine the fiscal impacts of illegal immigration on the criminal justice, education and health care systems  Learn how interior enforcement can effectively supplement border enforcement 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 17

18 Research Area 7 – Governance Law Enforcement & International Cooperation  Mission – Balance trade and security for cooperative border management and improve crime control mechanisms  Objectives – Optimize inter-agency coordination – Central American gangs as a proxy for crime & terrorism – Assess local law enforcement collaborations to identify, investigate and prosecute criminal aliens – Balance international trade and border security 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 18

19 Research Area 8 – Law Civil Liberties and Rights  Mission – Provide timely and sound guidance to prevent the integration of practices and policies that could be subject to successful challenges in the courts  Objectives – Ensure all tasks and projects will conform to:  Civil rights  Civil liberties  Human rights protections  Laws and treaties of the United States 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 19

20 Research Area 8 – Law Civil Liberties and Rights  Topics of Interest  International trade  Cross-border transportation  Laws of other countries  Customs  Family law  Impacted Research Areas  Border surveillance & screening technology  Exchanges of biometric information  Detention  Immigration law  Customary and conventional international law  Law enforcement 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 20

21 Summary  Provide a balanced research portfolio  Engage top researchers  Test technology on northern and southern borders  Disseminate research results  Interact with end-users and stakeholders  Educate next-generation HS experts  Encourage minority group participation  Serve as a national resource in border security and immigration policy 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 21

22 Contact Information  Website –  Fact Sheet –  Directors – Jay – Elyse 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 22

23 Credibility Assessment Devices 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 23 LDVTHERMALBLINK PUPILLOMETRYEYE-TRACKING

24 Embodied Avatar Kiosk Rapid Deception Assessment Screening  Mission – Rapid, automated deception assessments using kiosk- based embodied avatars and intelligent agents  Objectives – Identify deception cues in rapid standing assessments – Intelligent agent-based real-time cue processing & analysis – Temporal cue pattern identification – Embodied avatar effectiveness optimization – Repeated assessment analysis and baseline profiling – Effective threat index and deception index development 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 24

25 Embodied Avatar Kiosk Rapid Deception Assessment Screening 26 FEB 2009 National Center for Border Security and Immigration – RESEARCH LEAD: University of Arizona “Challenges and Solutions at the Northern Border“ – Bellevue, WA 25

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