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 Center for Innovative Leadership Development  Leadership Group of the Carolinas  Leadership Conferences  Expanding Graduate Programs  Doctoral Cohorts.

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Presentation on theme: " Center for Innovative Leadership Development  Leadership Group of the Carolinas  Leadership Conferences  Expanding Graduate Programs  Doctoral Cohorts."— Presentation transcript:


2  Center for Innovative Leadership Development  Leadership Group of the Carolinas  Leadership Conferences  Expanding Graduate Programs  Doctoral Cohorts  Publications and Text  Collaboration with UNC Department of Public Policy

3  Confront Poor Teaching  Build Sustainable Cultures  Tailored to Individual Needs

4 Leaders must … … Read the culture. … Assess the culture. … Reinforce or transform the culture

5 Increased student achievement, motivation, teacher productivity, and satisfaction correlate positively with healthy school cultures.

6  How would you define the word CULTURE?  How would you describe the culture of your school/school district?

7 CLIMATE “Feel” of the organization Affective nature of communication, interactions, leader behaviors CULTURE Institutionalized expectations Deep, unwritten “code” Playout of climate over time

8 Larry D. Coble, School Leadership Services 8  Deal with PEOPLE first  The INNOVATION second

9 Larry D. Coble, School Leadership Services 9  Anticipatory  Visioning  Value Congruence  Empowerment  Self-Understanding

10 Larry D. Coble, School Leadership Services 10 How Organizational Norms Can Be Shaped Primary Strategies What leaders pay attention to, measure, and control. How leaders react to critical incidents and organizational crises. The behavior that leaders consciously model, teach, and coach. The criteria that leaders use to allocate rewards and status.

11 Larry D. Coble, School Leadership Services 11 Practical Strategies for Shaping School Culture Learn the existing culture. Establish communication linkages. Meet teacher needs. Create opportunities for renewal. Practice leadership. Hire the right people.

12  Dispositions  Professional Experience  Organizational Structures  Shared Decision-Making Strategies  Reflective Practice

13  Individual Efficacy leads to Collective Efficacy  Cultures are based on Interactions, Routines, and Language  Leadership Behaviors lead to Transformation

14  Growth Plans  Action Research  Empowerment and Efficacy Training

15  Leadership  General Organization  Curriculum and Instruction  Professional Development  General Management  Stakeholder Involvement

16  KEY QUESTION: Does the leadership in the school reflect both a deep understanding of contemporary practices- -including distributed leadership involving faculty and other stakeholders-- as well as a total commitment to success at the highest levels for all students?

17  KEY QUESTION: Is the school organized in such a manner as to assure a rigorous and relevant education for all students, with a curriculum that assures equity for all students?

18  KEY QUESTION: Does the overall curriculum mirror contemporary organization in a way that focuses on high levels of success for all students, and does the instructional program mirror best practices?

19  KEY QUESTION: Is there an effective process of teacher recruitment, successful means of teacher retention, and a comprehensive program of professional development? Are all integrated into the culture of the school? Is work towards a PLC evident?

20  KEY QUESTION: Is the school organized and managed in an effective manner which reflects a total commitment to supporting teachers, serving student needs, and using best practices from both the academic and business sectors? And do all of the policies and procedures of the schools support the goal of a superior middle school where success for all students is the rule?

21  KEY QUESTION: Is the entire educational community aware of practices and procedures needed to support and sustain a systematic effort to assure that every student receives a superior middle school education which will lead to success in high school and beyond?

22  Pre and Post Indexes on Measures of the Domains  Student Perceptions of Classroom Cultures  Teacher Perceptions of Organizational Culture  Growth Indicators in Standardized Assessments with qualitative validation  Longitudinal Measures

23  Does the degree of relationship between cultural measures and student growth in standardized test results provide for continuous growth that is sustainable?

24  What are the true variables of organizational growth that is sustainable?

25  Does the model facilitate a viable method to address and confront poor teaching?

26  Is the model clinical enough to provide a true prescriptive approach to school reform?

27  Are there other domains of the learning culture that need to be a part of the model?

28  How significant are leadership behaviors in the development of an environment that nurtures and sustains student and faculty growth as these behavior relate to the five domains?

29  Meta-Analysis  Yearly Executive Summaries  Yearly Justifications to Adjustments  Full Data Analysis


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