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Sarah Ahmed Savannah Todd Amanda Hughes ED 301 Section 4 Lesson 1

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1 Sarah Ahmed Savannah Todd Amanda Hughes ED 301 Section 4 Lesson 1
GENDER DIVERSTIY Sarah Ahmed Savannah Todd Amanda Hughes ED 301 Section 4 Lesson 1

2 Gender Diversity Unit Grade 9 Lesson 1 Understanding
Gender Differences

3 Objectives To familiarize students with gender diversities and stereotypes To increase awareness of gender issues in the workplace and schools To understand how culture can influence the views of gender diversity How to understand the opposite sex and to use critical thinking when solving gender issues

4 Materials Needed Male and female students Paper, Glue, Scissors
Magazines Clothes (Typical attire of males and females) Writing utensil Journal

5 “Top Ten question to ask the opposite sex?”
Activity 1 “Top Ten question to ask the opposite sex?” Students are split into boys and girls Girls write down top ten questions they want to know of boys and the boys write the top ten questions they want to know of girls Papers are exchanged and answered by respective groups The genders receive their questions back and discuss the answers Helps the opposite sex know where the other is coming from. Learn how the opposite sex thinks.

6 Activity 2 “Know and Experience” Male and female pair up as partners
Each partner experiences a stereotype that their partners have felt against themselves A role reversal activity, teaching how it feels to be stereotyped against with each gender. Helps students appreciate and understand the opposite gender.

7 Activity 3 “Gender Collage”
Have students look through magazines and find ads with gender bias Make a collage of the images Ex. Power tools, dish soap. Who appears in these types of ads? Lets students realize the stereotypes our society has placed on merchandise.

8 Activity 4 “Occupations”
Teacher provides a list of common jobs in the world Students write next to that job what gender they associate with that occupation Compare answers with the rest of the class Bring awareness of stereotypes in the workplace. Helps students accept being the minority in a “gender” occupation.

9 “Is that a Male or a Female”
Activity 5 “Is that a Male or a Female” Have students dress up as the opposite gender and appear in a public setting that was unfamiliar to them Have students make a journal on how they felt and how different their perspective was. What stereotypes or discriminations did they feel? Did they dislike the experience?

10 Gender Diversity websites
Tells the realities of gender discriminations in the workplace and how gender can affect the position one works and gets paid for. A view from a different perspective and how the Christian society views gender differences. Shows how culture can change one’s views and stereotypes. A list of factual differences in men and women. Has studies showing that some stereotypes are not true of the opposite sex.

11 Websites Continued A project completed on the study of gender differences in academics and achievement. Shows studies of how the opposite gender can conflict in educational settings and affect performances. Shares information on gender differences in communication. Tells interesting facts on how the two genders differ and what their natural tendencies are. Ex. Who talks the most? Who interrupts more often? Helps to understand the opposite sex and how they respond and feel in certain situations.

12 Websites for educators
States what gender equity is and how women can be discriminated against in certain areas. For ex. Mathematics. Gives many examples and lesson plans on how to overcome gender bias. A great source for a future educator. A list of resources that study the issues of gender equity. A good source of study for girls and women in education.

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