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Graphic organisers with rich image libraries can support early years students to record their thinking and ideas even when they have limited text literacy.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphic organisers with rich image libraries can support early years students to record their thinking and ideas even when they have limited text literacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphic organisers with rich image libraries can support early years students to record their thinking and ideas even when they have limited text literacy. Kidspiration is an example of such a tool and will be used as the medium to discuss ways in which we can support students recording their learning, growth and understanding. OverviewOverview 1 Overview Overview 2 A way to record it…

2 Session Overview 1

3 Session Overview 2



6 Food for thought or red rag to a bull!



9 Character Web Patterns Dress-ups

10 Kira at School

11 Who eats who anecdote Using the Paint Symbol Maker

12 Sorting and grouping -Turning a visual image into a text for reading or listening. 123123 Brandon Matthew Matthew - picture - picture

13 Judy Beal

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