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ew Long ‘oo’ Example: few Note: Make sure you click on the book and not the background.

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2 ew Long ‘oo’

3 Example: few Note: Make sure you click on the book and not the background.

4 A few of the people went to sleep on the trip. Few: a small number

5 Amy had a new dress.

6 She blew bubbles.

7 The dog is chewing a bone. Chew the gum, don’t swallow it.

8 This is the crew who flew the space shuttle.

9 She grew the plants from seeds.

10 Dad had to use screws to put the bookcase together.

11 He threw the ball.

12 This was the view from our hotel room.

13 blowblew1. draw 2. fly 3. grow 4. throw Work it out

14 blowblew1. drawdrew 2. flyflew 3. growgrew 4. throwthrew Work it out

15 In words like ‘blew’, ‘drew’ and ‘chew’, l r + ew ch makes the long ‘u’/long ‘oo’ sound as in ‘food’

16 chew new screw view crew Listen to the words. Find other ‘ew’ words that share the same vowel sound as “blew’. Circle them.

17 7.shtml 7.shtml bin/education/betsie/ es/longvow/poems/flash/fpoem7.shtml long oo bin/education/betsie/ es/longvow/poems/flash/fpoem7.shtml short oo long oo (phase 2) ml 1 - Ou, 2 - oy, 3 - a/ar/al, 4 - oo/u, 5 – air, 6 – or, 7 – aw (au), 8 – er/ir, 9 – ear, 10 – ow, ear ml

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