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O VERVIEW OF P AYROLL P ROCESS I MPORTANT T- CODES IN SAP P AYROLL PC00 - Run Payroll PC00_M XX _CALC – Payroll Driver program PUOC_ XX – Off cycle Payroll.

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Presentation on theme: "O VERVIEW OF P AYROLL P ROCESS I MPORTANT T- CODES IN SAP P AYROLL PC00 - Run Payroll PC00_M XX _CALC – Payroll Driver program PUOC_ XX – Off cycle Payroll."— Presentation transcript:



3 I MPORTANT T- CODES IN SAP P AYROLL PC00 - Run Payroll PC00_M XX _CALC – Payroll Driver program PUOC_ XX – Off cycle Payroll PC00_M XX _CEDT – Remuneration Statements PC00_M10_CEDT – Display Remuneration Statement PE01 – Schemas PE02 - Calculation Rules PE03 – Features PE04 - Create functions and Operations PE51 - HR form editor PRD1 - Create DME

4 H OW TO E XECUTE P AYROLL Before you proceed ahead executing payroll, make sure that control record is set to released status in your SAP system ( Use T-code PA03) Execute the transaction PC00_M XX _CALC, where XX = Molga of the country for which you want to execute payroll. Select the Payroll schema and check the box Display log.. Then Execute.

5 H OW TO RUN O FF CYCLE P AYROLL - I Run the transaction PUOC_XX.. where XX = Molga of the country for which you want to execute payroll. Enter the Personnel number Select the Off cycle Payroll Reason and Payment Date. Continued …

6 H OW TO RUN O FF CYCLE P AYROLL - II Then the below screen will appear where you can enter the Off cycle payment details. Enter the payments and click on Start Payroll and save the payroll

7 P AYROLL R ESULTS D ISPLAY Execute the Transaction PC_PAYRESULT to see the payroll results

8 D ISPLAY R EMUNERATION S TATEMENT Execute the transaction PC00_MXX_CEDT.. where XX = Molga of the country for which you want to execute payroll.


10 P AYROLL S UBSEQUENT A CTIVITIES RFFOUS_C - Program to Print payroll checks RFFOUS_T – ACH Bank Transfer program (USA) RFFOCA_T – EFT Bank Transfer program (Canada)

11 A CCESSING C LUSTER T ABLES IN SAP Cluster tables combine the data from several tables with identical (or almost identical) keys into one physical record on the database. Data is written to a database in compressed form. Retrieval of data is very fast if the primary key is known. Cluster tables are defined in the data dictionary as transparent tables. External programs can NOT interpret the data in a cluster table. Special language elements EXPORT TO DATABASE, IMPORT TO DATABASE and DELETE FROM DATABASE are used to process data in the cluster tables.

12 P AYROLL C LUSTER TABLES PCL1 - Database for HR work area;(long text, etc)long text PCL2 - Accounting Results (time, travel expense and payroll); ( payroll results ) PCL3 - Applicant tracking data; PCL4 - Documents, Payroll year-end Tax data ( change logs, etc)

13 D ATABASE T ABLE PCL1 The database table PCL1 contains the following data areas: B1 time events/PDC G1 group incentive wages L1 individual incentive wages PC personal calendar TE travel expenses/payroll results TS travel expenses/master data TX infotype texts ZI PDC interface -> cost account SRTFD (PSKEY) = pernr (8) info type (4) subtype (4) obj id (2) lock (1) endda (8) begda (8) seqnr (3 )

14 D ATABASE T ABLE PCL2 The database table PCL2 contains the following data areas: B2 time accounting results CD cluster directory of the CD manager PS generated schemas PT texts for generated schemas RX payroll accounting results/international Rn payroll accounting results/country-specific ( n = HR country indicator RU for US payroll result) ZL personal work schedule

15 D ATABASE T ABLE PCL3 The database table PCL3 contains the following data areas: AP action log / time schedule TY texts for applicant data infotypes

16 The database table PCL4 contains the following data areas: LA change logs (long term documents) SA Short-Term Documents for HR Master Data SB Short-Term Documents for Applicant Master D ATABASE T ABLE PCL4

17 Import payroll record from cluster IMPORT TABLE1 FROM DATABASE PCL n ( xx ) ID xx -KEY. IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0. * Display data object ENDIF. n = 1, 2, 3 or 4 (for PCL1, PCL2, PCL3, PCL4) xx = cluster ID eg: RX payroll accounting results/international H OW T O R EAD P AYROLL R ESULTS - I

18 H OW T O R EAD P AYROLL R ESULTS - II IMPORT ALL CLUSTER RESULTS ( PCL2) cd-key-pernr = pernr-pernr. RP-IMP-C 2 - CD. “CD – Cluster Directory DATA : v_fpper(6) TYPE c. IF rp-imp-cd-subrc IS INITIAL. SORT rgdir BY fpper. LOOP AT rgdir. RP-IMP-C2-RU. “ RU – Payroll Results USA Add the program logic here. Endloop.

19 H OW T O R EAD P AYROLL R ESULTS - III Read cluster directory from CD_READ_RGDIR by passing CD-key (PERNR). Call the function module CD_EVALUATION_PERIODS to transfer the payroll results to payroll run by passing in-period and RGDIR internal table. CD_EVALUATION_PERIODS After importing the payroll directory, which record to read is up to the programmer. Each payroll result has a status. 'P' - previous result 'A' - current (actual) result 'O' - old result Function module CD_EVALUATION_PERIODS will restore the payroll result status for a period when that payroll is initially run. It also will select all the relevant periods to be evaluated. Loop new RGDIR internal table and read cluster Rx (x country indicator) from PYXX_READ_PAYROLL_RESULT by passing Rx-key (structure contains PERNR, SEQNO) and Cluster id (RELID from RGDIR table). We will get the results into deep structure I_PAYROLL_RESULT type PAY99_RESULT. Now data is available in RT, CRT, and BT and in many more tables.

20 P AYROLL -I TALY Infotype 0154 (Social Security and Contribution Data): Use this infotype to manage the social security and contribution data for each employee. The data entered in this infotype informs the system about the terms which can be applied to the employee concerning social security and contribution issues. Social Security Data- This field group includes the various indicators of the social security institutions and of the region to which the employee belongs, as well as other data related to these institutions (for example, the employee work place required for the form DM10). Contributions - The field group “contributions” contains the employee’s tax base specification. The wage types included in the cumulations are defined in the table T512W.

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