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Lesson 15- Reverence and Irreverence
consecrate credo desecrate laudable pious 6. sacrilegious 7. sanctimony 8. sanctity 9. supplicate 10. venerate
1. consecrate (verb) To declare or set aside as holy or sacred.
To dedicate to a worthy goal or service. To confirm officially by religious or civil ceremonies. Related Word: consecrated Ex: The ancient Romans consecrated the Pantheon as a place of worship of all the gods.
2. credo (noun) A system of fundamental beliefs or guiding principles; creed. A formal statement of religious belief. Ex: Honesty with herself and others is a vital part of Monica’s credo.
3. desecrate (verb) To violate or abuse the sacredness of; profane.
To treat irreverently or contemptuously, thereby arousing outrage in others. Related Word: desecration. Ex: Vandals had desecrated the cemetery.
4. laudable (adj) Deserving praise; commendable.
Related Words: laud; laudably; laudatory Ex: Musician’s efforts to help the hungry, poor, and the homeless have been laudable.
5. pious (adj) Having or exhibiting reverence and earnest compliance in the observance of religion; devout. Professing or exhibiting a strict, devoutness; Marked by false devoutness; solemnly hypocritical. Related Words: piety; piously Ex: The Greek worship of the Olympian gods was characterized by such pious practices as making sacrifices and seeking the advice of the oracles.
6. sacrilegious (adj) Disrespectful or irreverent towards something sacred. Related Words: sacrilege; sacrilegiously Ex: In Homer’s Iliad two Greeks are guilty of sacrilegious behavior when they steal an image of Athena from the Trojans.
7. sanctimony (noun) Pretended devoutness or righteousness; a hypocritical show of holiness. Related Words: sanctimonious; sanctimoniously Ex: Harry was surprised to learn that the lives of his noble ancestors had been free of sanctimony and ostentatious display.
8. sanctity (noun) The quality or condition of being considered sacred; inviolability. Holiness of life; saintliness. Example: During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom were reminded of their marriage vows.
9. supplicate (verb) To make a humble entreaty to; beseech.
To ask for humbly or earnestly, as by praying. To make a humble and earnest petition; beg. Related Words: supplicant; supplication. Ex: Caught stealing food, the serfs supplicated the lord of the manor for mercy.
10. venerate (verb) To regard with respect, reverence, or deference.
Related Words: venerable; veneration. Ex: Throughout the world, people venerated Mother Teresa for her work among the needy.
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