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Final (adj/n) PRONUNCIATION: FI-nal DEFINITION: 1)(n) last in a series of actions, events or parts of story 2) (adj) the last and most important game,

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Presentation on theme: "Final (adj/n) PRONUNCIATION: FI-nal DEFINITION: 1)(n) last in a series of actions, events or parts of story 2) (adj) the last and most important game,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Final (adj/n) PRONUNCIATION: FI-nal DEFINITION: 1)(n) last in a series of actions, events or parts of story 2) (adj) the last and most important game, race, or set of games in a competition SYNONYM(S): categorical, determinate, end, last, net ANTONYM(S): start, begin

2 Final (adj/n) WORD FAMILY WORDS: - finalize (v) - finally (adv) - finality (n) - finale (n) - finalist (n) SENTENCES: -The final episode of Vampire Diaries will be shown tonight. -The students are preparing for their final examinations. -The final of the World Cup 2010 was between the teams Spain and Netherlands.

3 Assist(v\n) PRONUNCIATION: a-SSIST DEFINITION: 1)To give help or support to, especially as a subordinate or supplement; aid. 2) To be present, as at a conference. 3)noun: the act of helping; aid; assistance. SYNONYM(S): aid, help, attend, assistance. WORD FAMILY WORDS: -Assistance(n) -Assistant(n)

4 Assist(v\n) SENTENCES: -Please assist her in moving the furniture. -He asked us to assist him in carrying through their plan. -I’m willing to assist whenever there is an opportunity. -All her friends will assist at her wedding ceremony.

5 Construct(v\n) PRONUNCIATION: con-STRUCT DEFINITION: 1)build or make (something, typically a building, road, or machine) 2) an idea or theory containing various conceptual elements, typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence. SYNONYMS: build, create, concept, formulation.

6 Construct(v\n) WORD FAMILY WORDS: -constructive(adj) -construction(n) -constructor(n) SENTENCES: -His company recently constructed an office building in downtown. - The novel is constructed from a series of on- the-spot reports. -He eventually constructed a huge business empire. -the appropriateness of the grammatical construct is illustrated.

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