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Dry Eyes and Blepharitis Mitch Menage Consultant Eye Surgeon Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust Mitch Menage Consultant Eye Surgeon Leeds Teaching Hospitals.

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Presentation on theme: "Dry Eyes and Blepharitis Mitch Menage Consultant Eye Surgeon Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust Mitch Menage Consultant Eye Surgeon Leeds Teaching Hospitals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dry Eyes and Blepharitis Mitch Menage Consultant Eye Surgeon Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust Mitch Menage Consultant Eye Surgeon Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust GP Meeting Sep 2006

2 Dry Eyes and Blepharitis Common chronic conditions in often unhappy patients ‘Heartsink’ Common chronic conditions in often unhappy patients ‘Heartsink’

3 Blepharitis  Chronic inflammation of the lid margins  Common  Remitting  Range of ages  Bilateral  Often misdiagnosed as conjunctivitis  Chronic inflammation of the lid margins  Common  Remitting  Range of ages  Bilateral  Often misdiagnosed as conjunctivitis

4 BlepharitisBlepharitis  Lid anatomy  Types  Associated conditions  Symptoms  Signs  Treatment  Lid anatomy  Types  Associated conditions  Symptoms  Signs  Treatment

5 Lid anatomy Meibomian/tarsal glands Glands of Zeiss and Moll

6 Lid anatomy

7 Blepharitis-Types  Anterior –staphylococcal/dandruff  Yellow flakes on lid margin  Posterior sebborhoeic  Inflamed red oily lid edges  Anterior –staphylococcal/dandruff  Yellow flakes on lid margin  Posterior sebborhoeic  Inflamed red oily lid edges

8 Blepharitis

9 Staphylococcal Blepharitis  More common young patients  Chronic infection of base of lashes  Staph. Aureus  Associated with styes  Secondary  Papillary conjunctivitis  Punctate corneal erosions  Marginal keratitis  More common young patients  Chronic infection of base of lashes  Staph. Aureus  Associated with styes  Secondary  Papillary conjunctivitis  Punctate corneal erosions  Marginal keratitis

10 Seborrhoeic Blepharitis  More common older patients  Excessive lipid secretion meibomian glands  Meibomitis/MGD  Lid commensals break down to free fatty acids  Shiny waxy lids with greasy lashes  Secondary  Papillary conjunctivitis  Punctate corneal erosions  More common older patients  Excessive lipid secretion meibomian glands  Meibomitis/MGD  Lid commensals break down to free fatty acids  Shiny waxy lids with greasy lashes  Secondary  Papillary conjunctivitis  Punctate corneal erosions

11 Acne Rosacea  Strongly associated with seborrhoeic blepharitis  Mild forms not diagnosed  Strongly associated with seborrhoeic blepharitis  Mild forms not diagnosed

12 Blepharitis-SymptomsBlepharitis-Symptoms  Sore burning itching irritation of lids  Grittiness and watering  Mild stickiness particularly on waking  Red lid margins  Dry eyes  Sore burning itching irritation of lids  Grittiness and watering  Mild stickiness particularly on waking  Red lid margins  Dry eyes

13 SignsSigns  Red lid margins  Greasy material along margin of lids  Clogging of meibomian gland openings  Mild conjunctival injection  Punctate corneal staining  Acne Rosacea  Styes/chalazions  Red lid margins  Greasy material along margin of lids  Clogging of meibomian gland openings  Mild conjunctival injection  Punctate corneal staining  Acne Rosacea  Styes/chalazions

14 Chalazion

15 TreatmentTreatment  Patient education!  Lid hygiene  Hot compresses  Warm flannel 10 mins  Eyebag  Lubricants  Antibiotic gel/ointments  Oral antibiotic  Intermittent steroid ointment  Patient education!  Lid hygiene  Hot compresses  Warm flannel 10 mins  Eyebag  Lubricants  Antibiotic gel/ointments  Oral antibiotic  Intermittent steroid ointment

16 Dry Eyes  Lacrimal apparatus  Tear Film  Causes/Associated Conditions  Symptoms  Signs  Treatment  Lacrimal apparatus  Tear Film  Causes/Associated Conditions  Symptoms  Signs  Treatment

17 Lacrimal anatomy

18 Causes of Dry Eye ‘Keratoconjuctivitis Sicca’  Lacrimal gland aging  Strongly associated with blepharitis  Inflammatory conditions  Rheumatoid arthritis  Sarcoidosis  Sjogrens Syndrome  Lacrimal gland aging  Strongly associated with blepharitis  Inflammatory conditions  Rheumatoid arthritis  Sarcoidosis  Sjogrens Syndrome

19 Sjogrens Syndrome  Very severe dry eyes  Middle-aged women  KCS/Xerostomia and vasculitic disease  Rheumatoid Arthritis  SLE  Scleroderma  Polyarteritis  Blood tests  ANA 70%  SSA(RO) 70% SSB (LA) 40%  RhF 60%  Very severe dry eyes  Middle-aged women  KCS/Xerostomia and vasculitic disease  Rheumatoid Arthritis  SLE  Scleroderma  Polyarteritis  Blood tests  ANA 70%  SSA(RO) 70% SSB (LA) 40%  RhF 60%

20 Symptoms  Feel dry (Can be watery!)  No relation to emotional tearing  Gritty burning eyes  Worsening through day peak in evening  Worsened by reading, TV, computer  Worsened by air conditioning, central heating, dry arid conditions  Feel dry (Can be watery!)  No relation to emotional tearing  Gritty burning eyes  Worsening through day peak in evening  Worsened by reading, TV, computer  Worsened by air conditioning, central heating, dry arid conditions

21 Signs  Often none!  Poor tear film on SL with rapid break-up time  Punctate staining of cornea inferiorly  Filament strands of mucus on cornea  Schirmers test  Often none!  Poor tear film on SL with rapid break-up time  Punctate staining of cornea inferiorly  Filament strands of mucus on cornea  Schirmers test

22 Signs Rapid tear break-up time

23 Signs Rose Bengal staining

24 Signs Mucus Filaments

25 Schirmers Test

26 Treatment - Lifestyle  Avoid dry situations  Car  Air conditioners  Irritants cigarette smoke etc.  Drugs BP, antidepressant, antihistamine etc  Increase humidity  Plants, wet towels, radiator trays etc.  Humidity chambers  Wraparound glasses  Swim goggles  Avoid dry situations  Car  Air conditioners  Irritants cigarette smoke etc.  Drugs BP, antidepressant, antihistamine etc  Increase humidity  Plants, wet towels, radiator trays etc.  Humidity chambers  Wraparound glasses  Swim goggles

27 Treatment-LubricantsTreatment-Lubricants  Liquid drops  Frequent application  Gels  More blurring  Ointments  Usually only at night  Nocturnal lagophthalmos  Preservative free?  Liquid drops  Frequent application  Gels  More blurring  Ointments  Usually only at night  Nocturnal lagophthalmos  Preservative free?

28 Liquid Lubricants

29 Gel Lubricants

30 Ointments

31 New Treatments

32 Treatment  Anti-inflammatory  Steroid  Cyclosporin –Restasis  Antimucolytic  acetylcysteine –Ilube  Oral pilocarpine-Salagen  Usually only in Sjogrens  Side effects/limited efficacy  Anti-inflammatory  Steroid  Cyclosporin –Restasis  Antimucolytic  acetylcysteine –Ilube  Oral pilocarpine-Salagen  Usually only in Sjogrens  Side effects/limited efficacy

33 Treatment  Punctal occlusion  Cautery  Plastic Plugs  Smartplugs  Punctal occlusion  Cautery  Plastic Plugs  Smartplugs

34 Punctal Cautery  Simple procedure under L/A  Often preceded by temporary trial occlusion  Cautery inserted into punctum/canaliculus  Sometimes not successful  Permanent and difficult to reverse  More common to use temporary plugs first  Simple procedure under L/A  Often preceded by temporary trial occlusion  Cautery inserted into punctum/canaliculus  Sometimes not successful  Permanent and difficult to reverse  More common to use temporary plugs first

35 Punctal Plugs

36 Smartplugs

37 Dry Eyes and Blepharitis  Very common in older patients  Chronic remitting problem  Not usually serious but constant nuisance  Patient Education  Lifestyle  Regular hygiene/instillation of drops/gels  Realistic expectations of treatment!  Very common in older patients  Chronic remitting problem  Not usually serious but constant nuisance  Patient Education  Lifestyle  Regular hygiene/instillation of drops/gels  Realistic expectations of treatment!

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