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Published byBruce Golden Modified over 9 years ago
AP Discussion Notes Beginning of the semester – 09/05
Goals for Today: 1.Get excited about AP Bio! 2.Get to know each other 3.Understand that we ARE scientists
Key to Being Successful in AP BIO ●Be in Class! ○ Be prepared & Bring your best self ○ Don’t get behind ●Ask Questions ○ What is biology? ●Another suggestion for success on the AP BIO Exam......
PANIC now and avoid the rush!
“Big Ideas” for AP Biology #1 - The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
“Big Ideas” for AP Biology #1 - The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
We’re ALL Scientists!! ● Let’s Practice being scientists! ● OBSERVATION
“Big Ideas” for AP Biology #1 - The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. What does diversity mean here?
Goals for Today: 1.Get excited about AP Bio! 2.Get to know each other 3.Get to know class format & expectations 4.Make & understand classroom expectations/rules
Classroom Rules 1.Have Respect. –For yourself –For your classmates –For the classroom –For the teacher 2. Follow all RHS handbook rules
Questions of the Day Each day in class there will be a class QoD Students will be responsible for writing the question & their best answer. After each student has answered the question on their own we will discuss it as a class QODs will be collected for points!!!
Question of the Day What are the 5 most important things you expect from your classmates? What are the 5 most important things you expect from me?
Species of the Day: :
CicadaCicada: Tibicen pruinosus (Say)
Goals for Today: 1.Get excited about AP Bio! 2.Get to know each other 3.Learn some themes of biology
Question of the Day How do you typically take notes? Summarize the article’s main idea about note-taking. What are your thoughts on the note-taking article?
Note Taking Strategies ● Summarize information! - Do not write word for word! -make your own meaningful abbreviations ● Indicate important information ● Underline vocab words ● Indicate questions or things you want to come back to
AP Update Let’s take care of some details now!
21 0 Please write this email address in your planner now. Contact your teacher or Mrs. Benz when you have questions about registering for May’s AP exam. 0 We will register in March. The cost is around $90 per exam.
Email or speak to Mrs. Benz today if you qualify for free/reduced lunch. She will check that all of your paperwork is complete so that your exams are free.
Mark these test dates in your planner. Date8 a.m.Noon May 4Chemistry, Environmental SciencePsychology May 5Calculus May 6English LiteraturePhysics 1 May 7Computer Science, Spanish Language May 8US History May 11Biology, Music Theory May 12US Government May 13English LanguageStatistics May 14World HistoryMacroeconomics May 15Human Geography
Email Mrs. Benz today if you need accommodations due to a documented disability. When students have documented physical or learning disabilities that impair their ability to demonstrate their true academic aptitude without accommodations, they should contact Mrs. Benz right away. If you are on an IEP or 504, you are included.
Mrs. Benz, RHS AP Program Director A156 Communicate with Mrs. Benz today if 0 you qualify for free/reduced lunch. She will check that all of your paperwork is complete so that your AP exams are free; 0 you need testing accommodations for your AP exams due to a physical or learning impairment and/or if you are on an IEP or 504 Plan.
“Big Ideas” for AP Biology #1 - The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
Themes of Biology a quick guide #1. New properties Emerge at Each Level in the Biological Hierarchy.
Themes of Biology a quick guide #1. New properties Emerge at Each Level in the Biological Hierarchy. TIMEOUT: What is Biological Hierarchy? What is this term referring too?
Organize the Following: CellsPopulations OrganellesOrganisms TissuesEcosystems BiosphereCommunity Organs & Organ Systems Molecules
Themes of Biology a quick guide #1. New properties Emerge at Each Level in the Biological Hierarchy. -> Emergent Properties - there are novel properties at each level of the hierarchy due to the arrangement/organization and interactions of parts as complexity increases Ex. Brain Injuries (Tissues -> Organs )
Themes of Biology a quick guide #2. Organisms Interact with Other Organisms and their Physical Environment -Both the organism and the environment are affected by the interactions between them. Ex. Plants & other photosynthetic organisms have generated oxygen in the air which allows other organisms to survive.
Species of the Day: Cicada Killer!
Species of the Day: CicadaCicada Killer: Sphecius speciosus What do you know about this cicada killer based on the Themes of Biology? -Go through the 2 themes we discussed today and say one things you know about the cicada killer based on each theme. Ex. #7. (Feedback Mechanisms Regulate Biological Systems. ) - The cicada regulates things in its body using feedback mechanisms/feedback loops
Goals for Today: 1.Get excited about AP Bio and continue working on names. :) 2. Be able to list the Themes of Biology and describe what they mean about living things(_________)
A couple invitations… -Art! -Labs!
Question of the Day: List the two themes of biology we talked about yesterday and summarize the meaning of each theme.
Online Book
Seating Chart
Themes of Biology a quick guide #3. Life requires Energy transfer and transformation
Themes of Biology a quick guide #3. Life requires Energy transfer and transformation How do we get our energy? How does this plant get it’s energy?
Themes of Biology a quick guide #4. Structure and Function are correlated at ALL levels of Biological Organization -> Analyzing a biological structure gives us clues about what it does and how it works. (the opposite can also be true) Ex. What do you think the function of this was? Give evidence of why you think so.
Themes of Biology a quick guide #5. The Cell is an Organism’s Basic Unit of Structure and Function The cell is the smallest unit that can perform all activities required for life 2 main types of cells:
Themes of Biology a quick guide #6. The continuity of Life is Based on Heritable Information in the Form of DNA DNA is the basis of inheritance, and responsible for growth and repair in all organisms.
Themes of Biology a quick guide #7. Feedback Mechanisms Regulate Biological Systems. -> Key to self-regulating (____________) Feedback - the output, or product, of a process regulates that very process.
What’s the Big Idea? 1. Use your green syllabus to look at each big idea. As a group discuss and decide where each theme of biology fits (under what big idea) 2. Once you have fit each theme into a Big idea, go back to our species of the day yesterday (or pick any other species you want to think about) and finish relating the themes to a species.
“Big Ideas” for AP Biology #1 - The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
“Big Ideas” for AP Biology #2 - Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.
“Big Ideas” for AP Biology #3 - Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes.
“Big Ideas” for AP Biology #4 - Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.
Species of the Day: American Robin!
Goals for Today: 1.Get excited about AP Bio and continue working on names. :) 2. Be able to describe and apply basic chemistry concepts
Question of the Day: What are the major elements that make up living things? Remember that initially you should try to answer the QoD without using your notes. Its to see what we remember and get us thinking. When we discuss it as a class you can add anything that you missed on your own.
Question of the Day: Find a partner and discuss which are the 4 most common.
Most common elements in living things Our Hypotheses:
Most common elements in living things 96% of living matter : 4% of living matter :
Chromebook Issues ● This will hopefully help with the problem students have been having at home logging in to their network.
Chromebook Issues ● In an effort to eliminate any unnecessary proxy traffic, changes have been implemented to provide additional network security.
Chromebook Issues Upon launching a browser, authentication may be required to access the internet. Depending on the device, users will need to enter their SFSD Domain user ID using one of the following formats, along with their associated password: sfps\459384 OR 459384…for students…replace 459384 with students ID number If you have questions, please contact
Chemistry review assignment DUE Monday 8/25 Review each important chemistry concept on the sheet and write down your best answer. (pg 30) Discussion of ideas is encouraged, but each student will be responsible for turning in a review sheet If you have questions……….
Species of the Day: Mourning Dove: Zenaida macroura
Species of the Day: Mourning Dove: Zenaida macroura What could you say about the chemical makeup of the mourning dove?
Goals for Today: 1. Be able to list and describe the Emergent Properties of water 2. Be able to describe and apply basic chemistry concepts
Question of the Day 8/25: What do you know about water?
What we know about water:
Names Practice
Let’s Draw Water
Polar-Covalent Molecule What is a Covalent bond? What would make it Polar?
Hydrogen Bonding Hydrogen bonds are 1/20 the strength of the covalent bond, but serve to organize water in a particular way. This organization is what give water its emergent properties!
Emergent Properties of Water Cohesive behavior Ability to moderate temperature Expansion upon freezing Versitility as a solvent
Emergent Properties of Water Cohesive behavior Water molecules stay close to each other because of hydrogen bonding
Emergent Properties of Water Adhesive behavior Water molecules stick to the sides of a cell wall for instance helping counter the pull of gravity.
Emergent Properties of Water Surface Tension – the measure of how difficult it is to stretch or break the surface of a liquid.
Emergent Properties of Water Moderation of temperature Heat vs Temperature Heat – Total kinetic energy of a given body of matter Temperature – measure of heat intensity the represents the average kinetic energy (regardless of volume)
Emergent Properties of Water Moderation of temperature Celsius scale: Freezing: Boiling: Human body:
Emergent Properties of Water Moderation of temperature calorie- the amount of heat it takes to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1 ˚C (The amount of heat released when 1 g of water cools 1 ˚C) Calories: 1000 calories (1 kilo calorie)
Emergent Properties of Water Moderation of temperature Specific Heat – the amount of heat that must be absorbed (or lost) for 1g of that substance to change its temperature by 1 ˚C
Emergent Properties of Water Moderation of temperature Specific heat of water is 1 cal/g ˚C Specific heat of Ethyl alcohol.6cal/g ˚C IF we added 100 calories to a given amount of water and 100 calories to the same amount of alcohol which would have a higher temperature change? Water will change its temperature less when it absorbs or loses a given amount of heat.
Emergent Properties of Water Moderation of temperature Large bodies of water aborb heat and moderate costal temperature. Stable temperatures in the water and on land help sustain life.
Emergent Properties of Water Moderation of temperature High Heat of Vaporization – the quantity of heat a liquid must absorb for 1 g of it to be converted from the liquid to the gaseous state. This allows organsism’s bodies to remain at more stable temperatures.
Emergent Properties of Water Why is this possible? (Try to think about the chemical properties that would make this possible, or why the solid of a substance can’t usually float on its liquid form. Solid water (ice) is 10% less dense than liquid water. - Expansion upon freezing
Emergent Properties of Water Expansion upon freezing Allows life in the oceans, lakes, and rivers, to persist despite extremely cold temeratures. Ice serves as an insulating layer and allows liquid water to persist underneath.
Emergent Properties of Water The solvent of life Solution – homogenous mixture of two or more substances Solvent – the dissolving agent in a solution Solute – the substance that is dissolved.
Emergent Properties of Water The solvent of life Hydrophilic - Hydrophobic -
Questions? About properties of water? About your yellow chemistry review?
Species of the Day: Red Milkweed Beetle: Tetraopes tetraophthalumus
Species of the Day: Red Milkweed Beetle: Tetraopes tetraophthalumus
Species of the Day:
Red Milkweed Beetle: Tetraopes tetraophthalumus In what WAYS does water support the life of the red milkweed beetle? From what do these properties arise? (What about water allows it to have these properties?)
What we know about water:
Goals for Today: 1.Demonstrate that you know everyones names. :) 2. Be able to describe and apply basic chemistry concepts 3. Work on asking scientific questions
Question of the Day: What are the parts of the scientific method you are familiar with? What do you think are the characteristics of a good scientific question?
Water Strider Demo
Asking questions… ● Come up with 2 questions about organisms or our effect on organisms. ● Pair with another person and try to help each other make them better scientific questions.
Asking scientific question Broad questions vs Narrow questions Hypothesis Experimental design
Drawing Graphs ● Draw 1 graph that would support your hypothesis ● Draw 1 graph that could prove your hypothesis wrong.
Species of the Day Water Striders Family: Veliidae (small water striders) What emergent property of water were we looking at in this demonstration? What property did the soap destroy?
Goals for Today: 1. Be able to describe and apply basic chemistry concepts 2. Be able to understand and calculate the pH of different solutions
Question of the Day: What gives water its “magic”?
Hydrogen Bonds O HH O HH H2OH2O H2OH2O
O HH O HH H2OH2O H2OH2O H3O+H3O+ OH - Hydroxide Hydronium
Hydrogen Bonds This reaction leads us to pHantastically pHun pH! pH – What does it stand for?
pH – the POWER of Hydrogen (or hydronium) In pure water this odd reaction happens about 1 in every 10,000,000 molecules!
pH – the POWER of Hydrogen (or hydronium) pH is measured on a log scale
The pHantastically, pHun pH Scale
Formula for pH: pH = -log [ H + ] pOH= -log [ OH] pH + pOH = 14
Calculating pH Formula for pH: pH = -log [ H + ] pH = -log[ 1/10,000,000] pH = 7
pH and living things Living things have relatively stable internal pH, that can vary throughout the body. What human body part do you know that is at a lower pH than the rest of your body?
pH and living things Buffer – any substance that minimizes OH - and H + concentrations
pH and living things What problems are you aware of that humans might contribute to in terms of changes in the pH of the natural environment?
Species of the Day 8/27 Northern Cardinal: Cardinalis cardinalis
Species of the Day 8/27 Northern Cardinal: Cardinalis cardinalis
Species of the Day 8/27 Northern Cardinal: Cardinalis cardinalis
Species of the Day 8/27 Northern Cardinal: Cardinalis cardinalis IF the pH in the stomach of this Cardinal had a Hydrogen Ion concentration of [H + ] = 1.78 x 10 -4 what would the pH of it’s stomach be? What formula would we use (write this out too…in other words show your work!)?
Goals for Today: 1. Demonstrate what we know about proteins (pre test) 2. Be able to describe enzyme structure and function.
Question of the Day 8/28: What do you know about enzymes? Are they found in all organisms? What do they do for organisms who have them?
fdMakeup of Life ● The BIG 4 ● Significant others ●
Characteristics of Proteins
Amino Acids - building blocks of proteins Amine Group Carboxyl Group “AMINO” End “ACID” End
Where do we get proteins or the building blocks of proteins?
High Protein Foods
Jobs of Proteins ●Defense ●Storage ●Transport ●Cellular communication ●Movement ●Structural support ●Speeding up chemical reactions
Enzymes -- protein catalysts Catalyst - chemical agent that speeds up chemical reactions without being consumed by the reaction.
Enzymes -- Metabolic Proteins Substrate - what the enzyme acts on. Active Site
Enzymes -- Metabolic Proteins Active Site - place on the enzyme where the reaction takes place. Active Site
Enzymes -- Metabolic Proteins This shows the “induced-fit model” of enzyme activity. Each enzyme is very specific and only works on one or a few chemical reactions. Active Site
How a CATABOLIC Enzyme Works
How an ANABOLIC Enzyme Works R R Produc Enzyme
Species of the Day 8/28 American Goldfinch: Spinus tristis
Species of the Day 8/28 American Goldfinch: Spinus tristis
Species of the Day 8/28 American Goldfinch: Spinus tristis
Species of the Day 8/28 American Goldfinch: Spinus tristis What could you say about the enzymes in the body of this goldfinch?
Goals for Today: 1.Be able to describe enzyme structure and function. 2.Be prepared for our enzyme lab
Question of the Day 8/29: What were the two categories of enzymes that we talked about yesterday and what does each do?
Let’s look at this ….
What Enzymes Actually Do Enzymes lower the “activation energy” of a reaction. The ΔG of the reaction does not change, but the rate of the reaction does. Enzymes lower the “activation energy” of a reaction. The ΔG of the reaction does not change, but the rate of the reaction does.
an OTHER type of enzyme….
Allosteric Enzymes “-ster” = “Allo-” = “Other” site Allosteric site
Allosteric Enzymes Competitive inhibitor – another chemical that competes with the substrate for active site
Allosteric Enzymes Non-Competitive inhibitor – does NOT compete for active site, but changes the shape of active site so substrate can’t bind.
Allosteric Enzymes “Enzymes might be too helpful!? When a chemical reaction doesn’t need to be done the allosteric site can function like an on/off switch
Characteristics of Enzymes Most are PROTEINS They are reusable They have an ACTIVE SITE Two kinds: CATABOLIC and ANABOLIC Some are ALLOSTERIC
Characteristics of Enzymes So much good…. They speed up reactions—sometimes as much as a million times ! They lower the E a of a reaction They are physically flexible, and change shape when contacted
What is this graph showing?
Characteristics of Enzymes …..comes with a price. They are VERY specific to a particular substrate They are VERY picky about pH and temperature They can become “denatured” at pH and temperature extremes
Questions of enzymes?
Chemistry assignment
Enzymes Lab! ● Complete prelab for Tuesday
Goals for Today: 1.Be prepared for our enzyme lab 2.Be able to describe how ______ ______ (the buildling blocks of proteins) come together to form protein structure!!!
Question of the Day 9/2: What “codes” for the proteins we make in our bodies? (Think what provides/stores our characteristics and passes them on to our children)
Enzyme Pre-lab Questions ● What is the Enzyme in our lab? ● What is the Substrate in our lab?
Protein Structure Reading ● Pg 77 (5.4)
Work order for the day ● Finish Enzyme Pre-lab (and hand in) ● Work on Protein Reading ● ASK QUESTIONS!
Species of the Day 9/2 European Starling: Sturnus vulgaris
Species of the Day 9/2 European Starling: Sturnus vulgaris
Species of the Day 9/2 European Starling: Sturnus vulgaris
Species of the Day 9/2 European Starling: Sturnus vulgaris No Question today Lab tomorrow!
Goals for Today: 1.Collect Data for our enzymes lab 2.Be able to work together to collect data, clean up, and think about what happened in our lab!
Question of the Day 9/3: What is an “Independent” and “Dependent” variable?
Catalase 2H 2 O 2 Catalase 2H 2 O + O 2
Enzyme Lab Reminders ● WORK TOGETHER! ● START! SQUIRT! STOPPER! ● Analyze your data and save after each trial. ● Clean reaction flask thoroughly ● USE only designated syringes for boiled catalase ● Have fun and LEARN SOMETHING! ● ASK QUESTIONS! (Did you really think I wasn’t going to say it?)
Assignment 9/3 ● Now that you have actually started your data collection list additional sources potential of error on the back of your yellow sheet
Goals for Today: 1.Finish collecting Data for our enzymes lab 2.Be able to describe and understand what happened in our lab 3.Be able to explain how we could make this experiment better!
Question of the Day 9/4: What are some possible sources of error in our experiment?
Enzyme Lab Reminders ● WORK TOGETHER! ● START! SQUIRT! STOPPER! ● Analyze your data and save after each trial. ● Clean reaction flask thoroughly ● USE only designated syringes for boiled catalase ● Have fun and LEARN SOMETHING! ● ASK QUESTIONS! (Did you really think I wasn’t going to say it?)
Enzyme Lab Reminders ● Re-set collection settings to make sure you are measuring in the correct units, the correct amount of time, and the correct number of samples.
Work order for today Finish Data collection Clean lab station & materials (get another signature) Complete Lab Analysis Make sure that YOU understand the analysis and why each answer is the answer Work on Protein Reading
Looking ahead… Friday (tomorrow) work on Analysis and Protein reading. (both due Monday) Monday Lab analysis and protein reading due. Work on understanding protein structure. Tuesday – Quiz over enzymes lab and enzyme in general
Goals for Today: 1.Be able to describe and understand what happened in our lab 2.Be able to explain how we could make this experiment better!
Question of the Day 9/5: What do you think would have been considered the control or the baseline in this experiment?
Question of the Day 9/5: Place each trial in one of the following: Less Pressure 1mL More Pressure
Work Order for Today ● LAB Analysis ● Protein Reading ● Missing work
Species of the Day 9/5 ● Genus Hydra
Species of the Day 9/5 ● Genus Hydra
Species of the Day 9/5 ● Genus Hydra
Species of the Day 9/5 ● Genus Hydra
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