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Introducing. 1% Wealthy 54% Dead Broke 4% Well To Do 5% Still Working Source: Hartford Insurance Study, Social Security Administration The Facts are By.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing. 1% Wealthy 54% Dead Broke 4% Well To Do 5% Still Working Source: Hartford Insurance Study, Social Security Administration The Facts are By."— Presentation transcript:

1 introducing

2 1% Wealthy 54% Dead Broke 4% Well To Do 5% Still Working Source: Hartford Insurance Study, Social Security Administration The Facts are By Age 65 Only 1% are wealthy 36% Dead

3 Source: The New Interagency Report: Older Americans 2000: Key indicators of Well-Being, (U.S. Census) How did they do it? 74% Business Owners 10% Top Professionals 10% CEOs of Corporations 5% Super Sales People 1% Athletes Entertainers

4 Do you agree? You can never be wealthy working for someone! You MUST own your own business

5 3 Types Of Business Start or Buy a small business- 90% of business Failed in first 5 years Franchises- 75% success Network Marketing

6 Key Factors Favorable Market Trends Exclusive Products and Technologies Rock Solid Company Leverage for Time and Income Perfect Timing

7 NSE - Financial Strength USD$1.2 Billion Annual Revenue D&B 5A-1 Rating Publicly Traded on NYSE (NUS) Over USD$719 million in Assets Over USD$100 million in Cash Over USD$600 million paid in 2008 Commissions to Distributors Operating in 48 Countries 135 PHD Staff Scientists 24 year Track record

8 Company growth USD$ 19841989-1992 $5,000 $40 Million $500 Million 2009 - 2012 $1 Billion $1.2 Billion $5 Billion

9 Why South Africa ? Population of 47.9 million Direct sales exceeded USD 700 million in 2008. Large population looking for the ideal opportunity right now Source - World Federation of Direct Selling Association

10 Toys Diapers Baby food Fast Food Fast Cars Rock ‘n Roll Mortgage Mini-Van Kids 1950’s Babies 1960’s teenagers 1970’s 20’s 1980’s 30’s Baby Boomers 40’s 1990’s 50’s 2000+ Wellness & Anti-aging Industry Products Trends CompanyTraining Leverage Baby Boomers are looking for a solution to maintain their youth.

11 Exclusive Anti-Aging Technologies! NSE is perfectly positioned to take advantage of the booming Anti-Aging Market!!!

12 What is a Galvanic Treatment? Safe and effective current used for over 50 years. Refreshes and energizes the skin Cumbersome Aesthetician operated Costly Time consuming Visibly Glowing Smoother More Youthful The Results…Unfortunately…

13 Anti-Aging – Skin Care Nu Skin ® Galvanic Spa ™ II System Programmable device with PATENTED self- adjusting galvanic currents and interchangeable heads for FACE, SCALP, and BODY. Works synergistically with specially formulated products to assist in the transport of key ingredients that deliver REVITALIZING, RESTORATIVE, and REJUVENATING benefits.  E ffective - Make ANY skin care regimen 70% more effective  Affordable – Spa quality treatment at a fraction of the cost  Convenient – Easy-to-use in the comfort of your home

14 Immediate Visible Results Around the eyes Nasal Fold Around the mouth Skin Firmness Smoother Texture Reduced Pore Size *individual results will vary

15 Marian in Capetown

16 Galvanic Spa: Body Results UNTREATEDTREATED

17 Galvanic Spa: Body Results Reema had gained 75 pounds while pregnant. She lost the weight with diet and exercise but was left with loose skin in her stomach area. During the time between these pictures. She did not modify her diet or exercise routine. For the first 8 weeks she used the spa with the Body Gel. 3 times per week, 2 times per day for 5 minutes. She followed with Dermatic Effects Lotion. She used the Dermatic Effects between treatments. For the second 8 weeks she used the spa 2 times per week 2 times per day for 5 minutes followed by Dermatic Effects. Also used Dermatic Effects between treatments. Her results are amazing. 16 Weeks 8 Weeks Before

18 Christine in Johanesburg

19 DECEMBER 19 TH FEBRUARY 23RD Galvanic Spa: Body Results


21 An Exclusive Discovery Located in our skin Releases Massive Amounts of Free Radicals arNOX Triggered around age 40 The Cause of Sudden Aging

22 Ageing…it’s inevitable The Beauty and Skin Care industry have known for years there are ways to correct & prevent the signs of ageing. - eg chemical peels to remove aged skin cells, and sunscreen to protect against the ageing effects of the sun. BUT in a breakthrough discovery Nu Skin and Purdue University have discovered the INTERNAL, GENETIC CAUSE OF SKIN AGEING.

23 “Nu Skin Scientists Identify Additional Free Radical Generator Activity of Enzyme on Skin Cells Correlates with Age” Press Release May 14 2008 Reported In CNBC BioMedicine Forbes PR News Wire Money Central Sun Herald Happi and hundreds of more media sources

24 Nu Skin ® Galvanic Spa ™ Face Gels with NEW ageLOC ™ Technology Restores and Protects Skin’s Youthful Radiance A proprietary blend of ingredients that help slow the signs of aging at their source.

25 Why is this discovery so important? - Patents on the discovery, the testing and the ingredient blend - NO COMPETITORS giving us a very unique position in the marketplace

26 Positive Media Response to Nu Skin’s Exclusive Galvanic Spa

27 Can your skin be like that of an 18 to 24 year old?

28 Ethocyn® which improves skin elastin content. Clinical Studies show that after 6 weeks 99.9% of people experienced skin Elasticity levels of an 18 year old! Contains a protective antioxidant network that helps protect skin from free radicals Tru Face Essence Ultra

29 With Ethocyn Karen Philips, decided to test Ethocyn Essence by using the Product on only one half of her face for 120 days. The results of her “half face test” are seen in this picture. Without Ethocyn With Ethocyn Karen Philips, decided to test Ethocyn Essence by using the Product on only one half of her face for 120 days. The results of her “half face test” are seen in this picture.

30 A Younger Future Return the elasticity of your skin to that of an 18-20 year old! Unique, Patented, and Exclusive Anti-Aging Technologies that have HUGE Potential in the Market! Erase the Past Affordable Professional Spa Treatments ($7 per) – no appointment necessary. Galvanic Spa System II® 1 ageLOC tm Galvanic Gels 2 True Face Essence Ultra 3 Perfect the Present Slow visible signs of aging at the source. Repair PreventReverse

31 Diana- age 52 90 Day Clinical Study Galvanic Spa Twice a week Tru Face Essence twice a day Remodelling

32 Product Testimonials

33 Momentum Growth in Spa Sales

34 More Proof As unemployment increases, so do commissionable sales

35 And More Proof Nu Skin sales grow as the U.S. economy

36 Revolutionizing the Health of the World! 1 st Ever Non-Invasive, Real Time Measurement of Human Antioxidant Status Based on Nobel Prize Winning Science Voted Most Innovative company in USA Pharmanex Bio Photonic Scanner

37 100% Money Back Guarantee to Increase your Score MEASURES:18 Carotenoid Antioxidants in Real Time Anti-Aging – Nutrition 10,000 to 20,000 40,000 to 50,000 20,000 to 30,000 30,000 to 40,000 50,000 to 100,000 Less than 10,000 1 st Scan 3 rd Scan 5 th Scan Baseline 8 weeks 16 weeks

38 Product Testimonials

39 The Perfect Partnership Share Business & Products Low Risk/Overheads No Employees or Payroll No Inventory or Deliveries Set Your Own Hours Immediate Leverage No Territorial limits Unlimited Income Potential International Distribution Centers Accounting and Legal Research & Development Global Expansion $200M network operations center Global Tracking System Exclusive Technologies Profit Share With Us What The Company Does What We Do

40 We Create a New USD$ Millionaire every 5 days !!! 600+ USD$ Millionaires 25 USD$20 Millionaires (More than the rest of the Industry combined !) 2 USD$50 Millionaires

41 Published Average Monthly Income R283,070 R76,791 R300,000+ 8 Diamond 8 Diamond 12 Blue Diamond 12 Blue Diamond 15 Team Elite 15 Team Elite R42,170 6 Emerald 6 Emerald R20,400 R9,259 R4,560 1 Gold 1 Gold 2 Lapis 2 Lapis 4 Ruby 4 Ruby USD$6 Billion + Paid in Commissions Since Inception Summary of Distributor Earnings/Bonuses Rand/Monthly Supplementary IncomeReplacement IncomeLifestyle and Freedom

42 Global Business Europe Asia AUSTRALIA USA South America South Africa Japan You can continue to operate this business anywhere in the world

43 Timing is Everything Window of Opportunity 200720092010 $5 Million $50 Million USD$100 Million 2011 Small To Big Momentum Window Stability Critical Mass Pioneering

44 Business Testimonials

45 Training & Support Online Personalised Website Monthly Millionaire Training Presentation & Training Materials Global Support Network Private Mentoring & Coaching Weekly Business Opportunity meetings and New Distributor Training

46 How to Get Started… Setup an Account + Product Package Option A – Qualifying Executive Package Allows you to purchase at wholesale Allows you to sell at Retail Allows you to Sponsor Option B: ageLOC Galvanic II Kit Enjoy Products 5% less than Wholesale 20 % Loyalty Bonus Allows you to purchase 5% less than wholesale (Automatic Delivery Rewards Program)


48 The System

49 49 1)Purchase Business Builder Pack 1000 PV 100 PSV (ADR) Begin Executive Qualification (LOI) 2)Sponsor 4 NEW Dist. ageLOC Business Builder Package 3)Introduce the products to retail customers to earn additional income. MONTH 1 1 1100 PSV (ADR) 234 YOU 1100 PV Leve1 Bonus 1100 pts x 4 People = 4400 4400 pts x 5% x 7.75 =R1,705 Fast Start BonusR387.50 x 8 kits = R3,100 Potential Month 1 CommissionsR4,805 Ruby Plan 1100 PSV (ADR) C C 1100 PSV (ADR) 1100 PSV (ADR)

50 50 1)Maintain Active status with Estimated 100 ADR 1 100 ADR 234 1 1100 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2)Help 4 Qualifying Execs (from Month 1) each sponsor 4 NEW Dist that begin Executive Qualification (LOI) 3)Teach them to market products and make retail sales. Level 1 Bonus400 pts x 5% x 7.75155 Executive Bonus18,100 GSV x 13% x 7.7518,235 Extra Executive Bonus18,100 GSV x 5% x 7.757,014 BONUS POOL20 Points x $150 (est.) x 7.7523,250 Potential Month 2 IncomeR48,654 Ruby Plan MONTH 2 YOU 100 PSV 100 ADR 100 ADR 100 ADR

51 Ruby Plan - First 60 days First 2 Months Gross Entitlements: Month 1 Commissions and Bonuses R4,805 Month 2 Commissions and Bonuses R48,654 R53,459 PLUS Ruby Vision in Motion Leadership Trip to USA resort - all expenses trip for two – est value R90,000

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