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Presentation on theme: "MANAGEMENT OF OPEN AND DISTANCE LEARNING."— Presentation transcript:


2 Concept of Management in ODL
Use the system approach Management is the primary force within organization which coordinates the activities of the subsystems and relates the environment. The essence of management is coordination Focus of management: planning, organizing, actuating and controlling to meet the objectives. Manager is needed to convert the disorganized resources of men, machines, and money into a useful and effective enterprise.

Access: to provide access to quality education from anywhere at anytime. Equity: provision of quality of education for anybody (education for all) Quality: provision of quality education (standardized) for anybody, anywhere, anytime.

To offer quality open and distance learning for anybody, anywhere, anytime: cost effective, interesting, easy to study independent, and flexible, needs systematic, rigorous, and well planned design, various resources and high investment.

5 Management System Controlling Actuating Organizing Planning
Human Resources Asset and Financial Resources Materials/Learning Resources Structure and Infrastructure Strategic Planning and Operational Planning

6 Planning SWOT analysis and self-evaluation
Formulating a vision and mission, goals, and objectives for the institution or program Balancing aspirations with currently available resources and chosing among options so that the priority goals can be achieved with high quality and with the available resources

7 Planning Assessment of changes in student, business, or societal demands Tracking emerging technological alternatives Projecting future resources and financial needs Cultural consideration

8 Several Ways of Planning
Focus Curriculum Economics Instructional Materials and Copyright issues Quality Assurance Partnership and Networking 6 Factors Model Access Equity Quality ODL Generic Model Institutional Management Pedagogical Badrul Khan Model

9 ODL Generic Model Access: provision of quality education everywhere needed Equity: provision of quality of education to everyone (education for all) Quality: standardized of quality education everywhere, everytime, for everybody

10 Khan Model: Institutional
Administrative Affairs Budgeting and return on investment Information Technology Services Instructional Development and Media Services Marketing, Admissions, Graduation, Certification & Alumni Affairs Organization and Change (Diffusion, Adoption and Implementation of Innovation) Academic Affairs Faculty and Staff Support Instructional Affairs Workload, Compensation & Intellectual Property Rights Student Services Pre-enrollment Services Course and Program information Orientation, Advising, Counseling Financial Aid, Registration and Payment Bookstore, Library Support, Other learning services needed Social Support Network, Tutorial Services Internship and Employment Services,

11 Khan Model: Institutional
Strategic Planning Budgeting and Budget Appropriation Human Resources (core, supporting, administrative, outsource) Structure, Infrastructure, network Commitment and support

12 Khan Model: Pedagogical
instructional approach instructional methods learner assessment instructor evaluation design of learning environment quality assessment

13 6 Factors Model Focus Curriculum Economics
Instructional Materials and Copyright issues Quality Assurance Partnership and Networking

14 6 Factor Model: Focus Increasing rate of potential students at any level, in terms of quantity, quality, and area of skills/study Formal degree granting program vs. continuing education program Pre-Service vs. In-Service? Certification Market segmentation: teachers, technicians, operators, specialists? Once big chunck or incremental development? Social responsibility (non-profit) vs. profit oriented? In Indonesia: HE gross enrollment rate: 14,26% (2004) to be 20% per 2009.

15 6 Factor Model: Curriculum
“…in a world that is shrinking as it is globalizing university, curriculum cannot limit its vision to the university paradigm alone. It has to respond to national as well as global needs” Insan Indonesia Cerdas dan Kompetitif Academic rigor vs. market/custom oriented? Flexible learning vs. subject matter structure? Four Pillars of Learning: Learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to live together. Added value of academic programs?

16 6 Factor Model: Economics
Profit vs non-profit Conditions for cost effective program? Cost variable to be considered (comprehensiveness of ICT-based ODL component for quality learning vs minimal requirement of ICT-based ODL?) Economies of scale vs price for quality? ICT-based ODL vs. traditional multi media ODL?

17 6 Factor Model: Instructional Materials and Copyright issues
What medium is used for instructional materials? What is the function of instructional materials in learning process? Main information of subject matter? Supplement? Drill and Practice? Enhancement? Remedial? Course Team Approach vs. Single writer? Who own the course and the materials? University? Course Team? Individual Writer? Plagiarism issues of internet learning object? Buying or developing on its own?

18 6 Factor Model: Quality Assurance
“… while ICT advances have led to the exponential rise in ODL offerings, many institutions are launching new distance programs often without the necessary experience to guide their success”. Minimal requirement? Is learning taking place? What are the success indicators?

19 ORGANIZATION Three modes of ODL Single Mode? Dual Mode? Consortium?

20 HUMAN RESOURCES: Managerial issues
Administrative staff? Lecturers? Reward and sanction? Workload? Skills? Competencies? Perception and attitude?

21 ACTUATING Implementation Factors: Mass and distributed education
Learning experience Evaluation and assessment Management of ODL Quality Assurance

Who are the students? Where are they? What kind of learning experience? How to increase students’ participation? How to activate students in learning process? Degree of interactivity? What kinds of instructional materials and learning resources? What kinds of media? Assignment and activities?

Global characteristics? Flexible? Answer to autonomy and freedom of consumer? Accessible and contextual to diverse location? Curriculum and Content

Development or purchase of multimedia? Legal & Ethical Issues, Intellectual Property? Rigorous instructional design How to design learning experience scenario? Course Team Approach?

25 LEARNING EXPERIENCE Independent study: How to train students to be independent learner? study skills? independent learning skills?, ICT skills? Guided Learning Mediated Interaction (what media is used and what skills are needed?) Tutorial (How do tutorial is designed? time of tutorial?, evoking proactive learning?, meaningful learning experience from tutorial?) Study group (who, where, when, how) Use of learning resources (what kind)

26 LEARNING RESOURCES: What and how to design its integration?
Non print materials: CD-Audio/Video Colleagues Friends Seminars Instructional kits Observation Experts Computer Assisted Instruction Web-based courses, SMS Printed Materials

27 LEARNING SUPPORT: What kind, for whom, how accessible?
Provision of Learning Support by Institution Online support? Instructional Delivery? Academic counselling/ tutorial? Administrative support? Technical support?

Massive examination: what indicators?, what, how, and when to assess? Managability Manual examination? vs. Computer/internet based? Item Bank? Standardized processing (centralized vs. Decentralized, guidelines)? Final exams/assignment/project?

ODL system Economics of Education Organization & Human Resources Networking

30 ODL SYSTEM How to develop system which accommodate autonomous and independent learning? Education = indutry? Management of educational process based on industrial management principles? economies of scale, BEP, strategic marketing, division of labor, mechanization and automation, networking, dll.) Time and geographical constraints? Interaction and communication across time and space in learning experience? The operational system of ODL requires flexibility toward various market segments with various needs within an outreaching network across time and space, based on accountability and quality assurance system?

31 ECONOMICS OF ODL COST Which technology at what cost?
Initial, delivery, maintenance cost? COST How much is an institution willing to spend for ODL? Who is going to pay for what? How much?

32 NETWORKING Outsourcing Marketing? Sustainability? Risk & Cost Sharing?

33 QUALITY ASSURANCE Bates (1984):
“… ODL is bringing advantages to education, and removing some of the disadvantages previously associated … through promises of lower costs, greater student autonomy, mediated interaction and feedback as well as wider range of teaching functions and a higher quality of learning across time and space” system? process? product?

34 Quality Assurance effectiveness Objectives Minimal requirement Input
Process Output/ outcome efficiency productivity

35 QUALITY ASSURANCE Indicator: System: Process: Product:
Accessiblilty? Distributed evenly? (equity) Enrollment vs in process/active vs completed? Cost effective, cost effiency? Self sufficiency level? Innovation and organizational development? Process: Students completion rate? Persistence rate? Learning system management? Product: Programs of study?, levels of study? Quality of graduates? Instructional materials? Learning support system? Sustainability? STANDARD

36 QA PROCESS IN ODL Methods; Yes Defining standard Audit
Below Standard? Identify action To be done Implement action Integrate with Other SDCA Evaluate Yes No Methods; Internally driven; Institutional research, student learning assessment, staff development Externally Imposed; accreditation, public accountability Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) Sustainable Quality

General Information, example: - Brief description of the course include goal and learning objective - The availability of technical support is stated and link to online technical information are provided Accessibility, example: - How accessible is the course material - Can learners find information quickly - Detailed table of contents (objective, outcome or topic)

Organization, example: - Is the material organized well between part of the course - Units of instruction / topic are divided into subunits/subtopic Language, example: - Is the level of the language used appropriate for the intended audience - The writing style is clear and direct - Terms are used consistently

Layout, example: - The layout is appropriate for the content and intended audience - Navigation icons / cues are used consistenly - Color is used effectively Goals and Objectives, example: - Goals and objectives cover course content and are related to the program of study - Objectives related to competencies, behaviours and attitude

Course Content, example: - Directly related to learning objectives - Accurate and relevant Instructional or Learning Strategies and Opportunities for Practice and Transfer, example: - Instructions or directions are clear and concise - Learners informed about their own responsibilities in Online learning - Activities are linked to resources beyond the course material

Learning Resources, example: - Appropriate for the learners and the subject matter - List of learning resource are devided into required and optional - Multimedia clips are inmcluded and accessible Evaluation, example: - Learners are given clear expectation and critera for credit assignment - Grading procedure are clear and explicit - Learners are able to track and evaluate their own progress

Overall, example: - Is there evidence that the course has been piloted and that learners can achieved objectives of the course - Is the course up-to-date The URL updated - The course are reviewed by expert in content and design - Permission is needed for modification The success of ODL program depend on the quality of instructional design and the academic and technical support provided to learners and instructor (

43 Thank you …


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