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First Screen In 1929, we were introduced to the “First Screen” o Still today, Television advertising is a tremendously effective way to market.

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Presentation on theme: "First Screen In 1929, we were introduced to the “First Screen” o Still today, Television advertising is a tremendously effective way to market."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Screen In 1929, we were introduced to the “First Screen” o Still today, Television advertising is a tremendously effective way to market

2 Second Screen In 1992 the world was introduced to the “browser” featuring 26 live web pages. Second Screen was born. This has been the fastest growing and in most cases, most cost effective form of marketing for businesses... until now...

3 Third Screen 2008 saw the evolution of the “Third Screen” Immediately, 87% of American homes had at least one mobile web capable device in them including: o Mobile phones, iPads, iPods, Nintendo DS, Mini Notebooks, etc

4 With a new screen brings new ways to market

5 Mobile Marketing Techniques SMS Text Message Marketing Mobile Applications Mobile Gaming Mobile Web Sites Bluetooth Proximity and Wifi Mobile Video Mobile Search Location Based Services QR/2D Barcodes 3D/Augmented Reality

6 Mobile Marketing is for your 20 percenters (the 20% of your customers that spend 80% of the money) Mobile is an OPT IN ONLY channel o Subscriber based opt in database marketing o Best practices provided by mobile marketing association ( o (Governed by the FCC)

7 SMS is the workhorse of mobile marketing

8 Text Message Marketing Meathods Text to Vote Text to Win Text to Screen Mobile Alerts Reminders URL/Link Delivery Application Download Mobile Coupons Mobile Donation Mobile Business Cards

9 QR Codes Every business has the ability to use a QR Code in some fashion QR Codes can send customer to: Mobile landing page Video Your social media sites Map to your business Exclusive coupons, discounts, or giveaways Customer feedback form or email

10 Is your business mobile friendly? Can your consumers connect with you anytime anywhere? By 2013, more people will access the internet via a mobile device than through a PC (Forrester Research) Today,1 in 7 Google searches originate from a mobile device o Google estimates 1 in 4 searches will originate from a mobile device in 2012 43% of Americans own a smart phone o (82.5 million users)

11 Currently Less than 1% of web sites are mobile friendly If you have a Web site, you’re already in the mobile world — and the chances are you’re making a terrible impression on your audience. Traditional web sites have WAY TOO MUCH content! Smart Phones have different browsers and screen sizes Mobile users need quick answers and bite-sized content in easy-to-digest formats (e.g. video/audio vs. text)

12 First Develop a Mobile Strategy What do your customers or potential customers need from you when mobile? You must strive to make their work related activities BETTER, FASTER & EASIER. B2B Mobile differs from B2C Mobile because it is driven by efficiency rather than entertainment

13 Once you have created a plan to take your web site mobile, decide how: You can opt to create a simple mobile version of your site in HTML or you can get more advanced and create a mobile web app using advanced languages like HTML5 or JQuery

14 Either way, you MUST include browser detection and redirect as part of your mobile web strategy. That means that when a user visits your MAIN WEB SITE with a mobile device, the mobile browser will be detected and automatically redirected to the mobile web experience.

15 Hospitality Ideal for business travelers Location based travelers can receive location- specific offers at their destinations many want to use their mobile devices to find and book hotels/cars/event tickets etc.

16 Number crunch o 72% of business travelers are intered in the ability to view hotels on a map using their mobile devices  an increase of 26% from 2009 47% of business travelers use their Smartphone daily to view or receive advertisements, a 95 percent increase from 2009 66% of respondents reported interest in the ability to add a hotel reservation to an existing itinerary using their mobile devices

17 Campaign: o Hotel Casa del Mar text-to-short code MMS video promotion o 5 week duration Objective: o To build an opted-in list of mobile consumers and engage campaign particpants Case Study

18 Action: o promoted by the hotel through traditional and social advertising methods, including in-hotel brunch posters, email blasts, Facebook, Twitter and the Casa del Mar Web site Tactics: o The hotel’s locally targeted mobile video marketing campaign enticed consumers to join into the hotel’s mobile loyalty club, in return for a special offer (in this case, free unlimited Bloody Mary’s or champagne during Sunday Brunch) Case Study

19 Result: o After 10 days, the campaign generated a substantial opt-in user base, a delivery rate of 100% and an engagement rate of 75% o Campaign resulted in a 27% redemption rate and Hotel Casa del Mar reported generating substantial revenue from the program o ROI was over 450% Case Study

20 “The results of this campaign clearly shows how mobile can be incredibly valuable for advertisers trying to reach local consumers.” In a fraction of the time, the business built a mobile database nearly as big as their Facebook and Twitter presence, which resulted in real revenue.This outreach, combined with the novelty and effectiveness of an [SMS] message, made for a thoroughly successful campaign, at a time when email marketing is dying.”

21 Hilton Hotels o Travelers have the ability to book reservations from their phones o Users can access/change bookings, view hotel images and search amenities o Integration with the Hilton HHonors customer loyalty program for the benefit of club members Case Study

22 Application gives users three ways to search for a hotel: text search, country or city, or by current location showing a list of nearby Hilton hotels Hotel chains including Hyatt, Wyndam and Marriot all use similar technology Case Study

23 Your pitch and pricing here A = $ B = $ C = $ D = $

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