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SOMA Membership Drive Instructions 2008-2009. How to Run the Membership Drive Folders have been replaced – the drive is 100% digital! Please contact PJ.

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1 SOMA Membership Drive Instructions 2008-2009

2 How to Run the Membership Drive Folders have been replaced – the drive is 100% digital! Please contact PJ Lusher, Senior Project Specialist at the AOA, with the following information at –Membership drive dates –# of new members expected (so we know how many Netters, t-shirts, etc to send) –Contact information/address to mail the Netters

3 Successful chapter projects have included: –welcome receptions and parties (i.e. Osteoblast) –new membership giveaways (scrub bottoms, t-shirts, etc.) –business card giveaways –power point presentations - you will be provided with an example, or you may create your own –raffles –mailers & flyers Chapters have created large posters depicting the benefits of being a SOMA member Membership Recruitment

4 Other Suggestions Start a photo album, display it digitally on a laptop or paste pictures on a poster board of your chapter ’ s activities Have SOMA present at a special or separate time from other clubs/organizations. Check online for ideas/information about SOMA at - an excellent resource!

5 Create a “ Campus Survival Guide ” Include: –Names & addresses of the most popular restaurants in town –Top movie rental stores –Fun things to do and see in town –A list of “ must have ” items for a first year student –A list of items that professors may recommend, but were not really that beneficial New students appreciate honesty from fellow students who “have been there” before. Membership Recruitment …more ideas

6 Application for Membership The Microsoft Excel sheet is required for application for new membership!!!!! Have the new members type directly into the required fields on a laptop at registration Format MUST BE followed exactly!!! –Names must be the students’ names that are on file with the Registrar of their Med School –Birth dates & Addresses required for every student –No field should be left blank Except possibly the suffix field if the student is not John Doe Jr., John Doe II, John Doe III, etc.

7 New Member Spreadsheet continued… Save the Excel document as: –School_SOMA_Members2008-2009.xls –Example: CCOM_SOMA_Members2008-2009.xls Email the Excel document to the Membership Coordinator: –Kerri Kulovitz – Deadline of November 1, 2007!!! NO EXCEPTIONS Please try to send the completed Excel document ASAP after your drive so that the new members can be added to the national list-serve.

8 New Member Spreadsheet continued… To make registration easier, it is best to have a few laptop computers at your registration table –Download the Excel template onto all of the laptops –Have your new members register their information directly into the spreadsheet –Compile the lists into one spreadsheet at the end of the membership drive –Label your document “School_SOMA_Members2008-2009.xls” –Send the document to

9 Example Excel First Name Middle Name Last Name SuffixGenderDOBGrad Year EmailAddress KimberlyDawnSmithF10/12/812011Kds@w 123 Main Street Miami, FL 11111 Format must be followed exactly! Do not make any changes to the fields.

10 Membership Fees Membership fees are $60 for each new member –Submit $38/person to National SOMA –Retain the remaining $22/person for your chapter Please write one check per chapter to National SOMA –Include your name & phone number on the check Mail Checks to Elizabeth Hodor –142 E. Ontario St., Chicago, IL 60611 Please contact Elizabeth Hodor for invoices for your school

11 Membership is a ROLLING process Should a student wish to join after the November 1 st deadline, simply follow these easy instructions: –Have them complete a paper membership application (found on our website) –Mail the paper application to me/Elizabeth –Have them write a check to your chapter –Have them update their email on list serve –You send in the $38 of National SOMA Dues to Elizabeth & keep the rest for the chapter … its that easy!

12 Emails & the SOMA List Serve SOMA has a new List Serve! Please ask your COM to allow e-mails from –This will prevent them from going to a junk/spam folder

13 Questions??? I’m here to help make your membership drive run as smooth as possible!!! Please don’t hesitate to contact me at You may also contact your Region Trustees, or Elizabeth Hodor, our National SOMA Administrator at

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