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Presentation on theme: " About LifeSharers > If you or a loved one ever need an organ for a transplant, you’ll probably die before you get one. > You can improve."— Presentation transcript:


2 About LifeSharers > If you or a loved one ever need an organ for a transplant, you’ll probably die before you get one. > You can improve your odds by joining LifeSharers. Membership is free. > LifeSharers is a non-profit voluntary network of organ donors. Members agree to donate their organs when they die.

3 About LifeSharers > Members give fellow members first access to their organs. Non-members can have them if no member who is a suitable match wants them. > As a member, you will have access to organs that otherwise may not be available to you. > Every time somebody joins LifeSharers, the chance you will die waiting for an organ goes down.

4 Why You Should Join LifeSharers > Over 6,300 people died in 2013 while on the waiting list for an organ – one every 80 minutes. > Over 123,000 people are on the waiting list. Over 50,000 more will join the list this year – one every 10 minutes. The list is growing 5 times as fast as the rate of organ donation. > Over 50% of the people on the transplant waiting list will die before they get a transplant. > LifeSharers can improve your odds.

5 How LifeSharers Works > LifeSharers members give fellow members preferred access to their organs. > If an organ from a recently deceased LifeSharers member becomes available, it must be offered to LifeSharers members first. > If no LifeSharers member needs the organ, or if no LifeSharers member is a suitable match for it, then the organ can be offered to non-members.

6 How LifeSharers Works > LifeSharers does not match organs and recipients. The United Network for Organ Sharing does this. > LifeSharers does not interfere with the rules UNOS uses to rank organ recipients. Our members only ask that their donation be directed to the highest-ranking member on the UNOS waiting list.

7 How LifeSharers Works > Members notify LifeSharers when they join the UNOS waiting list, and LifeSharers maintains a list of these members. > Relatives of deceased members call LifeSharers for names of members eligible to receive their loved one’s organs, and they give these names to transplant personnel. > Members’ wishes to donate to fellow members are also shown on their LifeSharers donor card and durable power of attorney for health care.

8 What You Get When You Join > Donor card > Letter to send to doctors > Letter to send to family members > Language to insert into your durable power of attorney for health care

9 > Preferred access to the organs of other LifeSharers members What You Get When You Join

10 Frequently Asked Questions Q – Why should organ donors get preferred access? A – Because if donors get preferred access, more people will become donors. This will save lives. A – Because it corrects an inequity in the distribution system – people who haven’t agreed to donate their own organs get about 50% of the organs that become available.

11 Frequently Asked Questions Q – If I’m already an organ donor, can I join LifeSharers? A – Yes. You won’t get preferred access unless you do.

12 Frequently Asked Questions Q – Will joining LifeSharers prevent me from getting an organ from a non-member? A – No.

13 Frequently Asked Questions Q – Can children join LifeSharers? A – Children under age 18 can be enrolled by their parent or legal guardian.

14 Frequently Asked Questions Q – Do pre-existing medical conditions bar anyone from joining LifeSharers? A – No. Everybody who is willing to donate is welcome to join LifeSharers.

15 Frequently Asked Questions Q – How do you stop people from joining only after they know they need an organ? A – There is a 180-day waiting period before a member gets preferred access. This encourages people to join LifeSharers while they’re still healthy.

16 Frequently Asked Questions Q – Is LifeSharers legal? A – Yes. Directed donation is legal in all 50 states and under federal law.

17 Frequently Asked Questions Q – How many members does LifeSharers have? A – 15,695 as of August 31, 2015. Our network was launched on May 22, 2002.

18 Frequently Asked Questions Q – If I join LifeSharers, can I still donate my organs to a family member? A – Yes. LifeSharers members specifically reserve this right.

19 Frequently Asked Questions Q – How much does it cost to join LifeSharers? A – Nothing. Membership is free.

20 Frequently Asked Questions Q – Are contributions to LifeSharers tax- deductible? A – LifeSharers is a qualified 501(c)(3) non- profit organization. Contributions to LifeSharers are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

21 Frequently Asked Questions Q – How do I sign up? A – Go to or fill out the member enrollment form on our brochure and mail it to us.

22 LifeSharers > Our mission – to end the shortage of donated human organs for transplant operations > Our plan – we provide an incentive to donate, by directing the donation of our organs to others who have promised to donate theirs > Our promise – the next life you save may be your own, or someone dear to you

23 For More Information > Internet – > Email – > Phone – 1-888-ORGAN88



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